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I cannot understand how SAB is a festival!

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Seriously, I can't believe SAB or Super Adventure Box is a festival! What exactly are we celebrating? How is it a "Festival"? This is a minigame or Virtual game created by Moto who had a long time to finish this game. At least let us buy a Portable Super Adventure Box for our Home instance so we can play it whenever we want. I can understand Winters Day being a festival, or Halloween being a festival, but THIS?! Calling SAB a festival makes no sense.


Anyways I would really like to buy and play this content with friends whenever I want. I don't care if there is no World 3 or World 4... I just want to play the current worlds we have whenever I want. =(

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> @"DreamyAbaddon.3265" said:

> Seriously, I can't believe SAB or Super Adventure Box is a festival! What exactly are we celebrating? How is it a "Festival"?

As already mentioned, it was originally introduced as an April's Fools event, people liked, so it stayed as an annual event. It's called Festival due to its annual nature.

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