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Cells instead of pods or beakers?


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Why not make all Inquest containment cells, containment cells instead of Research pods and beaker?

(Respectively Blootide coast, Funhouse and outer complex of inquest both in metrica province)

Aatxe isn't it Ataxe?

Sandswept ley line lab, inquest dialogue: Overlord why not superiors? It works in english but not in french for exemple same for beaker.

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I would guess that English is not your first language but the various names of the Inquest equipment make sense and are all fine.


Aatxe is the correct spelling: it's a Basque spirit, it means "young bull".


The Inquest scientists speak about their "overlords" not caring. The term overlord is commonly used in English to refer to despotic or uncaring rulers or superiors, it's not a reference to feudal lords.


If you have issues with the French translation of these then that'd be better put in the French forums.

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hmmm guess this thread have to be deleted then, the thing is the repercussion in other languages, I agree with you, but in the french version, overlord is translated by "seigneur" so, the feudal lords. Same things about beaker for example translated by "bécher" so chemistry utensil, have you ever seen a beaker (in sense of a small glass cup) containing a human as example? Also you teach me one thing with the Aatxe. You are surely right since some words means various things, but in some languages, one word = one thing. PS: I just spoke about english no others languages


I don't know why, I was sure that someone would come and say "this thread is kitten".

So If a moderator is passing here, delete this thread.

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No one said "this thread is kitten" or that you can't say anything. _One person_ disagreed that there are problems with the examples you posted. That's just a conversation. It doesn't even necessarily mean that you are wrong - they could be wrong, or it could simply be a difference of opinion with no clear right answer. (Although if you are so sensitive that any disagreement is going to convince you to completely abandon your topic then maybe an internet forum is not the best place to be having discussions.)


If you encounter any problems with the dialogue or other text in the game you can report them using the bug report feature (typing /bug in chat). That's probably the best way to do it because it gives Anet a bunch of information like where you are and if you're in a story instance and which one it is so you don't need to remember the exact name of the event/NPC/whatever or exactly what was said - just what's wrong with it.


I think you did misunderstand the Inquest comment though, at least the English version. Like Pifil said they're using an inappropriate title to emphasis the fact that the question was sarcastic and rhetorical. "Do you think the Lab Manager doesn't care about us?" could be a serious question. "Do you think our feudal overlord doesn't care about us?" - if they're not actually a feudal overlord implies that they're acting like one and therefore almost certainly don't care about you.


But that's exactly the kind of thing that may not work when translated into another language. You need not only words that match up but the cultural basis to understand it. Using sarcasm to make a point is something that doesn't always translate well between the UK and America and we (mostly) speak the same language and have a lot of shared history. Then you need to know that the feudal system is generally regarded as a bad idea where the people at the top generally did not care about the people below them, or you need to find an equivalent which works. And you need to fit it all into a short sentence. That's exactly why translation is not an easy job.


So even if the English version is fine if you think there's a problem with the French (or German or Spanish) version you should let Anet know.

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I accept disagreement and that's why i'm still here on this forum after 5 years, the point is; the manner to express that we doesn't agree, like the first comment, he don't wanted to be rude but he is. And you see, danikat you push the nail further: By insulting me of beeing sensitive. Yeah you are right defenitely forum aren't a place I enjoy since I don't understand peoples attitudes. That why I wanted for moderator to delete this thread, make it disappear before someone else respond. I have better to share ideas/suggestions/bugs through in-game then. Sincerely to Moderators, to Anet, Allow us to delete our own thread. By the way Danikat your comment was helpful for me. Ammm Why can't I even delete my comments.... But One thing, I have enough of forums etc for a specific reason, I don't want to be bullied or harassed, we are all humans, I still don't understand that in our world we can't act pacifically and collaborate...


PS: It's just about this thread, I made a ton others ones about various subjetcs, and others players were great and bring new ideas and infos into the subject, here it's a dead end.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I accept disagreement and that's why i'm still here on this forum after 5 years, the point is; the manner to express that we doesn't agree, like the first comment, he don't wanted to be rude but he is. And you see, danikat you push the nail further: By insulting me of beeing sensitive. Yeah you are right defenitely forum aren't a place I enjoy since I don't understand peoples attitudes. That why I wanted for moderator to delete this thread, make it disappear before someone else respond. I have better to share ideas/suggestions/bugs through in-game then. Sincerely to Moderators, to Anet, Allow us to delete our own thread. By the way Danikat your comment was helpful for me. Ammm Why can't I even delete my comments.... But One thing, I have enough of forums etc for a specific reason, I don't want to be bullied or harassed, we are all humans, I still don't understand that in our world we can't act pacifically and collaborate...


When someone tells you you are sensitive, it is not an insult unless you choose to take it that way.


How you feel is your own responsibility. Not anyone else's.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > I don't know why, I was sure that someone would come and say "this thread is kitten".


> I'd like to hope that this forum is better than that. ;)



From personal experience, it's really not. However, I really hope this thread is not deleted. I've found it to be educational so far.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Of course, It's mine, I'm not rejecting it on anyone else, each person with her own interpretations, feelings and so on.

> Again, don't worry that's my problem but since the creation of this thread I feel like anyone is against me.


Again, you are making the choice to feel that way. You aren't being forced to feel that way.


You opened a thread for discussion.


Relax. Have a cocktail. Smoke a bowl.

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Yup you are right of course, and I'm generaly relaxed when creating a post, but it's very easy to rise my heat since I have almost no second degree and would take any special sentence into a micro-agression. The fact is when I make a post, I'm waiting for an answer related to the topic/detailed not only

"they are nothing wrong, you are useless, bye" <- don't comment this please, again, my interpretation

So anyway, I will pass, it's a personal issue so a dead end.


The real issue was: Why containment cell are called beaker, I don't understand, it's small! you can't store 3 skritts in it!

Overlord is surely working, but in Fr... Oh forgot it.


I will submit a bug ticket and ask Anet thmselves.

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Speaking for myself I would find a question like “Why not make all Inquest containment cells, containment cells instead of Research pods and beaker?” easier to try to answer if I knew the context, such as which inquest place and the names of the events/hearts. I can’t figure out why a cell might be named a beaker without the background information.


As for Research pod versus containment cell: a containment cell only holds something/someone inside. A Reseach pod is doing research so the different names show a difference in what they are being used for.

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I have put the context, initially I wrote: Beaker in Metrica province, outer complex of Inquest. Research pods in the funhouse.

Containment cells in bloodtide coast. Basically they look the same, with fluid to preserve the subject inside. But it's tricky, because a research pod can be a containment cell. But not at all a beaker or I miss something? A second sense?


-> Also thanks to the modo/ admin who changed the title.

Indeed I chosen a wrong title, it's not a question about translations but name of objects.


PS: I Reverted the first comment./ Not gonna argue if english is my mother tongue or not, I've broke enough nerves for today.

And I taken french as I could taken german or anything else. This is my final comment on this <"thread">

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The problem is mainly with the localization, IMHO. It is very similar with the Spanish localization: the words they use to translate some english concepts are, to be kind, simply stupid, or sound truly bad in some spanish speaking countries. I've talked sometimes with the localization people and they seems to be very kind and caring, but frankly, I'm not sure if they have the proper dictionaries or translation policy for the harder words.

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