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ArenaNet Forum Chat -- April 2018

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> The forum chat is live, guys. Just so you know....


I know and I was hoping my topic/questions would be answered but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. :\


Really disappointed, to be honest. I would have taken something as simple as "can't answer" to any of them but silence? That honestly hurts.

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Guys... I know it's disappointing to have something go unanswered, but the April forum already has about twice as many threads as the March forum did when it _finished_. Simply scanning over everything takes a significant chunk of time (I know, I did so in order to try and avoid asking something that had already been asked before putting my own questions up). I'm sure they'll answer where they can, but honestly, I'd rather they spent whatever time they allocate to the forum chat giving good answers to what they can answer over making dozens of "sorry we can't answer this at this time" posts.

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I went through the March one before I posted. 22% of them got a substantive response- and like drax said, that was much smaller. In light of that, I was pleasantly surprised by how many answers we've gotten. I'm sorry for anyone who hasn't been addressed, but to be honest, it was never realistic to expect that all of us would get a response.


As far as Abernathy and Stein go, there's still about 18 hours left before the chat closes. There's still plenty of time for them to get involved.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> They did pretty concretely debunk the "The dragons and gods are connected!" thing that keeps coming up, though.


They definitely aren't related, but that doesn't mean that any similarities between them aren't meaningful. The Six may have played a similar role in [the Antikytheria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_All) of the humans' homeworld as the Elder Dragons do in their current one.

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