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Remove the Evade from Death Blossom


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Evade on offensive skills have always been broken.


You might hear ignorant players say wards and retaliation counter them. HAH! Both are useless. What needs to happen is evade on offensive skills needs to be changed to block. So unblockable skills can counter them, but it will never ever happen.


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Defenseless d/d thieves.


What would you replace the evade with? The attack hit is very weak and applies bleeding, useful only if condi. The evade is a survival tool for d/d power thieves at best.


Thieves are supposed to be hard to hit and spam their attacks. That is how they were designed from inception. Says so on the official page, not even the wiki.

[https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/")

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Defenseless d/d thieves.


> What would you replace the evade with? The attack hit is very weak and applies bleeding, useful only if condi. The evade is a survival tool for d/d power thieves at best.


> Thieves are supposed to be hard to hit and spam their attacks. That is how they were designed from inception. Says so on the official page, not even the wiki.

> [https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/")



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There seems to be a very select group of people who think spamming a single skill repeatedly is a fun and balanced mechanic.


Obviously, there are many things that are unhealthy in the current meta. Judging by the amount of complaints about the "slow rate of balance" and "ridiculously overpowered builds that are left untouched for months at a time," I'm not the only one who thinks so.


Would you people also like it if a ranger could spam Rapid Fires 6 times in a row, each doing 10k damage? What about a ranger spamming Serpent's Strike and dodge repeatedly?


If these seems like engaging forms of gameplay, please feel free to enlighten us as to why you think so.

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d/d condi thief is easily counterable, if you don't have condi cleanse you deserve to die. Death blossom has a frame where you can hit before he starts another death blossom, it's on the end of the animation.


Imobilize and stuns works wonders against it, anyways, if you condi cleanse they have no damage.



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I would redesign the thief like this:

* Get rid of the initiative system

* melee weapon skill 2 -5 get cooldowns

* introduce a secondary effect on melee weapons called chain attack . for example a successful hit on 1 would unlock chain 2, and successful hit on 2 would unlock chain 3, and so forth. same cooldown as the regular skill, but a limited time to use the chain attack

* possibly add a effect called momentum for bigger chains like 1-5 for bigger dmage and not rewarding chains of 3-5, or 4-5 as much

* shortbow 2-4 get an arrow (ammo kit, maybe max 2 arrows for each skill with icd for each) (some skill effects would need to change to compensate)

* rifle similiar to shortbow with ammo

* increase base cooldown of steal to 35 secs

* add a third profession skill called borrow that allows the thief to target allies instead


because the skills would not be spammable their effects would need to change. a little more defense or offense built into them.


if a player does not use the chain skill, the normal skill does not go on cooldown (the chain skill cooldown at this point would be waiting for the starting skill to recharge)


Skills would be useable in any order and the skills have a normal attack, they can be upgraded to chain attack effect by chaining skill use in order. So not chaining would not prevent you from attacking or using weapon skills


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anything that allowed to be "spam" and gives you both offensive and defensive at the same damn time should be weak weak weak. That build has always been pure cancer and the amount of idiots that defense these skills are among some of the worse players in the game.



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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> There seems to be a very select group of people who think spamming a single skill repeatedly is a fun and balanced mechanic.


> Obviously, there are many things that are unhealthy in the current meta. Judging by the amount of complaints about the "slow rate of balance" and "ridiculously overpowered builds that are left untouched for months at a time," I'm not the only one who thinks so.


> Would you people also like it if a ranger could spam Rapid Fires 6 times in a row, each doing 10k damage? What about a ranger spamming Serpent's Strike and dodge repeatedly?


> If these seems like engaging forms of gameplay, please feel free to enlighten us as to why you think so.


It would be extremely easy for me to destroy a ranger that tries to cast rapid fire 6 times in a row. Like seriously, what is your problem with these builds? They ARE TRASH TIER

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d/d condi thief is not a threat to anyone. They are absolutely useless in teamfights because they deal no pressure to moving target. As for 1v1ing.... well, there are already other builds with vastly superior 1v1 potential, making d/d thief irrelevant at best.


It is a stupid build that rewards spamming endlessly, it's annoying to fight and ultimately unhealthy for the game, but given how weak it currently is, it doesn't deserve nerfs and i'd rather have the balance team focus on other more alarming matter.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > There seems to be a very select group of people who think spamming a single skill repeatedly is a fun and balanced mechanic.

> >

> > Obviously, there are many things that are unhealthy in the current meta. Judging by the amount of complaints about the "slow rate of balance" and "ridiculously overpowered builds that are left untouched for months at a time," I'm not the only one who thinks so.

> >

> > Would you people also like it if a ranger could spam Rapid Fires 6 times in a row, each doing 10k damage? What about a ranger spamming Serpent's Strike and dodge repeatedly?

> >

> > If these seems like engaging forms of gameplay, please feel free to enlighten us as to why you think so.


> It would be extremely easy for me to destroy a ranger that tries to cast rapid fire 6 times in a row. Like seriously, what is your problem with these builds? They ARE TRASH TIER


Most skills have a hard time hitting through the evade spam, because they have a cast time. And don't say YOU HAVE TO TIME your hit, because it doesn't work like that. The only skills that might consistently work are fast pulsing aoes. But even though could be evaded. That is the problem, not the damage itself.

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Lol that moment when a skill with a decent precast long after casts and baked in Punish frames is considered Op, it’s very revealing on certain things, lol. Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs. It’s so easy to see where the problem lies.


But regardless of that I think they need to change the skill completely from what it is, change the functionality over all of the skill, to provide that weaponset with something worth while instead of that bad skill.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.


This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.



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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > Also quite a bit of counterplay already exists namely wards and similar skills and what’s called skillful timing of attacks etcs.


> This again. I find it comical that players think these are actual counters. They aren't. Both thief and mesmer will just teleport out of a ward, leaving it on a hefty cooldown. Wards have been useless since the beginning of the game, thats when most good players figured you could stability or teleport to get out of it. Careful timing is idiotic, the latency, evade uptime and skill cast time prevents this.




I find it very telling when players die to brain dead easy to counter builds that don’t do anything outside of pubstomping in bronze, The skills have so many counters to them it’s funny but I know scuffle plays hard for people so there’s that

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