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Eater of Souls fight is too difficult.


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This fight was miserable as a greatsword guardian, as it massively penalizes melee builds, limits respeccing by blocking inventory, and is at the end of a long mission so you can't easily start over. The inhale/heal is really hard to escape when you have to be in close to do any damage, and it essentially resets the fight.


I ended up exploiting the fact that it gets stuck on terrain as long as you stay at least 600 away... And the only skill I had that would reach it was staff 3, which took about 25mins to kill it ????

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Say what you will, but I'm new to the game, and I've been doing fine with most things so far. I'm working on my Dragonhunter guardian, so she doesn't have full specs. I cant beat this boss for the life of me. I sat there trying different builds, different specs, dropped the bow, for more specs, tried everything. Just don't have reliable enough stuns


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I explained in another thread, if you cleans the cc that he keeps stacking on you just before he starts vacuuming, you can just faceroll him. Almost stayed in place with sc/d weaver.

Maybe I did something else that I didn't realise, but I believe this is what causes him to take hp, the stacks of tourment (or w/e he uses for cc).

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If something seems OP, there's usually a mechanic that you need to do.


I sincerely hope to see more of that. A game that let you go through everything by just playing piano with your skills should be called an interactive movie, not a game.

It's normal to fail a boss several time, most boss in pre CoD games were like that, that's what made them more satisfying when you beat them.

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> @"Kori Jenkins.9017" said:

> Everyone is talking about having to switch builds and change talents and use different weapons.


> You should **NOT** have to do that to experience story content that you **PAID** for.


Completely and utterly disagree with this. You should not be able to play start to finish without modifying a build, a skill or weapon choice on occasions dependent on the task/enemy you are faced with



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Was a nightmare for me too. I did manage to kill him on my first time in the instance though, but I did get defeated A LOT.

I was playing a staff tempest. The boss must have been bugged or something, 'cause I couldn't dodge or block the drain life skill at all. Did try, all the time, using basic well timed dodging and Arcane Shield, but he managed to target and drain me every time, nevertheless. The problem was, he drained his health full way faster than I could damage him in between of healing myself, running and dodging.

In the end I too was able to get him stuck behind the cage, and then rain some meteor showers, fire storms and lava fonts on him.

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I managed to do this on the first try with a power DH build, greatsword + traps. I noticed mid-fight it was healing, but I was dealing more damage to it than it healed on average so it eventually went down. I would say go with a DPS and CC build of some sort, but more on DPS than the CC if I had to choose. (I wasn't actively going out the way to break his bar, was just DPSing with my normal rotation which just happens to include some CC).

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This isn't the only thread, but I chose to post here as it was on top.


I think there's a lot of baddies here as I killed it earlier on my first try in about 45 seconds. Maybe it was my build and I was lucky. That could be. I was running condi necro as reaper with about 2500 armor, rest in condi, precision with a little in power/expertise.


Now, that being said, I can totally understand how this is a frustrating boss. Not because it's difficult, it really isn't, but because one can not access their inventory to swap gear, respec. Also, as other's have said, if someone needs to go to the bank for something, or whatever, cause they're just glass, then it is a long replay to get back to the point.

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I was finding it pretty silly. Then I noticed that its life drain attack was always preceeded by the small red circle attack, giving me plenty of time to get out of range. It suddenly became trivial in the wake of sword dagger melee air/water weaver.


It's not hard, just punishing and poorly explained.

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I had a lot of trouble with it, but eventually I figured out a really easy way.


Make sure you have some kind of regen, and save your stamina. When you see him telegraph the *small* circle, just dodge away from him as soon as possible. His tether will barely heal him this way, and he'll do an AoE next to himself for a few seconds giving you time to recharge/heal.


I was stuck with a very melee centric Weaver build and felt it was impossible, but after figuring this out it was pretty easy.

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I solo'd it with deadeye. Later I went back to help my friend, a herald rev, and while it was difficult we found some cheese you could do with the spirit guardians. He was using hammer so he could keep ranged, and I was a spirit guardian with my cheesy and mostly useless abilities. I think this would work with any builds as long as the revenant has at least some healing power. You could probably do it with any class that has some way of healing other players, if only a little bit.


The boss has one attack to watch out for, a dash with an overhead slam marked on the ground by a circle, after which point he drains health and steals boons, (and then he does an AoE attack around him, which if you are at range which you should be, then it is just free hits). So first off there are some things to note. As a spirit guardian, your 1 and 2 abilities will heal you for the longer you channel, (it was only like a 130 heal per tick or whatever, but it adds up). I am not sure if that was because I was using signet of malice as thief, but it probably wasn't. Your 2 can also pull aggro on the boss, which is the big ticket. I'm gonna separate this up into two sections, one for the other class and one for the spirit guardian. Mind you, me and my friend were in voice chat, so we were very coordinated as a result, and I would highly recommend doing similar.


Spirit guardian:

1. You are here to tank the boss, your job is to kite it around within range of your other player, and keep giving out might and vulnerability.

2. You can cancel the channels on your 1 and 2 to receive the might or vulnerability without having to stay still for 4 3/4 seconds, you just won't get the heal per tick.

3. Stay out of range of his punches, and watch for the dash + Smash combo. You have to save your dodge rolls for that.

4. When he does the health drain attack immediately after the Dash and Smash, you have about a quarter of a second after the tendril connects to you to dodge and avoid the attack altogether. Get this timing down, it is important.

5. After the health drain attack, heal if you need it. He won't strip boons from you outside of that one attack, so your regen is safe. At times I would have my herald buddy pulse regeneration and I would run past him.

6. Keep your distance from the boss but stay closer than your partner.

7. It doesn't matter too much if the boss strips your 1 stack of might from your buddy, oh well, it will disappear in a second or two, whoop de doo.

8. As a last resort, you can run from the battle to fully heal. Only do this if you are confident in your partner's ability to stay alive.


Other class:

1. You are the damage of this operation. You are going to want to do as much damage as possible, your spirit guardian can only tank so many hits.

2. Stay further from the boss than your spirit guardian.

3. Learn the timing for dodging his health drain attack, save your dodge rolls for that. If you are thief, you should probably swap to daredevil for the extra dodge roll and the dodge roll modifiers.

4. Heal your spirit guardian, I cannot stress how important this is.

5. Save any and all boons for after the drain attack, and make sure they will be gone before the next one.

6. As a last resort, you can run from the battle to fully heal. Make sure your spirit guardian is at about 8k health before doing so.

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Adapt and overcome. It really is a l2p issue. I did die twice before the "oh, that's how this works" moment. It is ok to die in video games as long as you try to learn and adapt. Not every fight should be 1111111. A good habit to get into is to actually watch what bosses do, figure out which attacks need to be avoided and what the tells are. Figuring out a counter strategy is usually not very difficult after that. For example, there was a video a week or so ago where someone completely explained the champ chak HP in Auric basin, what the attacks are and basically how to solo it.


How many of the folks who came here to complain could completely explain how the drain attack works? My bet is not many. How many swapped a utility or trait?

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I got frustrated abit, but the pattern is pretty easy to figure out after a few deaths, lol. When he about to initiate the special, run and stay awayyyy from him. If you attack him during this time window, it's pretty much asking to get killed. reengage only after you finish resisting his pull move. He'll die in no time. No cc needed for me.

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This fight did throw me off a bit, as I'd not been having any trouble until this boss. But after dying a couple of times I adjusted and found it pretty easy to just kite him around dropping aoes for him to follow me into, dodging a lot and using burning retreat if he got too close, then dashing back in with overloads when he was stunned, also had an elemental out to slow him down a bit. That was with staff tempest, I'm not sure how all other classes play, but if there's a way to setup them up to use similar tactics that might help.

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I was worried about this fight given the description from these posts, but easily defeated it on my Mesmer: no fancy tricks, just full Berserker Domination/Dueling/Illusions (2/2/1; 1/X/1; 1/2/1) with iBerserkers, Mantra of Distraction, and Signet of Domination. I was surprised by how little HP the thing had compared to other PoF story bosses.

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