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Eye of the North

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I’ve been working on my hall of monuments in gw1 and porting into the eye of the north space in gw2 every now and then. I’m wondering if Anet has plans to develop the eye any further in future living story or expansions. Do you guys think it would be interesting for the story to head up that way?

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I'd love to see the Eye of North and Hall of Monuments finally officially returnign completely as part of some kind of living story patch with its story letting us return for once to that map region which is still unexplorable and so far only reachable by usign the Portal Stones ...

If the Eotn would become finalyl really explorable and reachable through normal exploration, then woudl become finalyl these stupid Portal Stones unneccessary and obsolete, so that Anet could finalyl remove these items from the game, cause we woiuldt have then any need for them anymore, getting back a slot of our inventory cleaned then finally that could be used for somethign better and more useful, than the portal stones, just so that we are able to have currently access to EotN for the account link rewards


Jormag has been but pack too sleep and the next expansiion will be hopefully the long overdue Underwater Expansion that clears up thigns of the Deep Sea Dragon and from what we have seen within the last LW patchs is, that withi nthe last patches Anet massively increased the mworld map size to the point, that there is now suddenly a huge field of the Unending Ocean shown to us of the size of easily an expansion worth of like 5-6 underwater/ sea maps that could be placed there for a large enough territory for the deap sea dragon to be located there...

I guess we will be finishign off Kralkatorrik until the finale of Livign World season 4 or at least stop it so miuch, that Kralk will be in a distant near future no threat to tyria anymore, cause it would be a massive waste of development tiem to put kralkatorrik even into the focus with the next expansion, when all the focus lies on this dragon already withi nthe current LW seasonm and lied also already on the end of the last season on it too.


Anet has to speed up things and they have done it already massively with Primordus and Jormag, by puttign them both at the same time again into basically eternal sleep by neutralizign them out each other with their own powers. So it has become basically extremely unlikely ,that we wil lever get to see a Jormag or primordus expansion..


Its alot more realistical, that the EotN maps become one day part hopefuly free to explore as part of the living world story, like for example within Season 5, cause currently therefore is way too much the focus set already on Elona and its surroundings, than it would be realistical so jump so suddenly now from Elonian maps and surroundings to the far far northern shiver peaks and EotN areas that have absolutely nothign to do with Kralkatorrik, nor Palawa Joko.


The speed up of getting rid quickly with elder dragons is good, even if it was extremely boring and a cheap way out to send directly 2 of them back to sleep so easily, it just speeds up the chances of us ever getting to see us returning to Cantha as long GW2 still exists and is played actively by alot of people, that it is worth is for ANet to make an expansion that will bring is finally back to Cantha one day... makign extra for every elder dragon an own expansion is no option, this would take way too much time... when you need to consider, that making an expansion takes Anet like 2-3 years everytime

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:



Primordus and Jormag didn't go back into complete hibernation though, only partial hibernation so they'll probably still wake up again at some point. Cantha is off the table and has been since ArenaNet decided to release the game in China, unless they don't plan on letting the Chinese players have access to such a region(which I don't see happening). If anything the 3rd expansion will have us dealing with Kralkatorrik in some manner, we can't kill him so we have to figure out how to either put him back to sleep or, the more likely scenario, turn Aurene into the balancing Elder Dragon that she needs to be in order to bring balance back to the world.



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at this point I'd just like to either not have to type in the name to delete the eye of the north portal stone, or make eye of the north useful somehow again (You don't need it for anything once you get the account bound wardrobe stuff from the vendor.. I mean I guess ranger pets .. but that's really niche) like making the xunlai chests access your bank at least. But chances are nothing so it's just a piece of junk to throw away and have to type the name in to do it.

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I doubt it will be developed further as its purely a link from GW1 to GW2 and apart from getting pets for a new ranger it serves no real purpose now.


At least the portal stones are account bound so you only "need" one ever, in fact you can get another one from Lion's Arch if you need it so you can safely delete it.

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Id love to see it, if the GW1 reward/stuff woudl become finayl fully doable in GW2 as well ..


if you do the task now in GW1, or if you do the exact same task now in GW2, makes no difference.. if you play now gw1 or 2 for the account bindign rewards should be by now fulyl optional to the players choice. If you like to play rather gw1 for the rewards, or if you prefer rather to play GW2 for the same rewards, should make no different, the rewards need to become earnable from both sides, andn ot be that one way only mthod.


All it needs is to convert certain things from GW1 over to GW2.


Weapon Skins

Armor Sets

Hero Armor Sets (in case of GW2 the Living World Charas become heroes whom you can give those armors, so Rytlock, Caithe, Braham ect.) givign this way the player a way to make them optionally look different


So what exactly would Anet need to add so that we coudl do the rewards in GW2 the same way:


- Earnable Vaabi, Kurzick, Luxon, Obsian Armor Sets and those from EotN like Monument, Norn, Asura (could become craftable partwise, partwise findable as loot) and the others that count to that podest too which i havent listed up now

- Torment Weapons, Suppressor Weapons, Destroyer Weapons already exist

- Titles not needed, we have already over 40 titles to be earnable, that we could put into the GW2 version of HoM

- Minipets not needed, we have more than enough to put into HoM, GW2 has already way much more minipets, than GW1 has and they are alot easier to obtain here, so it woudl be only fair if wed need here in GW2 to add more to that püodest, thanit was neccessary for GW1 with their pets that existed in GW1, but for fun ANet should add via gemstore and for nostalgia the old GW1 pets that GW2 so far hasnt - i want my Kuunavang back :D.

- Ranger pets like the Rainbow Phoenix/Empyreal Phoenix or how that other one was called...

The old heroes, which are dead by now could be solved for GW1 by having to search their spirits up and do something to become literalyl friends with those old deceived herioes, so earn them this way in GW1 -.. we all have seen for example the deceived Dunkuro.. Livia is naturalyl stil lalive, Gwen could we basically find at her Grave in Destinies Reach and so on ...


Where theses a will ,theres a way, the only thign that woudl need to be looked at, is that either by doing it in GW1 or GW2, both ways should require very similar efforts, so that neither doing these rewards in GW1 nor GW2 should be doable alot faster, than in the other game. Both sides would need to require basically the same tiem efforts.

Like for example obtaining a complete set of Destroyer Weapons shoudl require the same time effort in GW2, as like in GW1.

if obtainign them in GW2 would be for exampel now faster, than in GW1, the obtain in GW1 should be made easier to the same way it costs time in GW2 to obtain a ful lset. Or the other way around, if gettign them in GW1 is faster, than in GW2, obtaining them in GW2 shoudl be made a bit easier, so that they are in both games equally difficult to obtain


Rewards that you obtain for linkign two games with each other shoudl be earnable from both sides, not only from one side .


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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Eye of the North: "Talk to a Xunlai Agent to activate your storage account today!"

> My GW1 goodies are in there. ;-)


> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Eye of the North: "Talk to a Xunlai Agent to activate your storage account today!"

> My GW1 goodies are in there. ;-)


> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Eye of the North: "Talk to a Xunlai Agent to activate your storage account today!"

> My GW1 goodies are in there. ;-)


and if i could reach mine i would have so many awesome weapon skins ^_^

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> Id love to see it, if the GW1 reward/stuff woudl become finayl fully doable in GW2 as well ..


> if you do the task now in GW1, or if you do the exact same task now in GW2, makes no difference.. if you play now gw1 or 2 for the account bindign rewards should be by now fulyl optional to the players choice. If you like to play rather gw1 for the rewards, or if you prefer rather to play GW2 for the same rewards, should make no different, the rewards need to become earnable from both sides, andn ot be that one way only mthod.


> All it needs is to convert certain things from GW1 over to GW2.


> Weapon Skins

> Armor Sets

> Hero Armor Sets (in case of GW2 the Living World Charas become heroes whom you can give those armors, so Rytlock, Caithe, Braham ect.) givign this way the player a way to make them optionally look different


> So what exactly would Anet need to add so that we coudl do the rewards in GW2 the same way:


> - Earnable Vaabi, Kurzick, Luxon, Obsian Armor Sets and those from EotN like Monument, Norn, Asura (could become craftable partwise, partwise findable as loot) and the others that count to that podest too which i havent listed up now

> - Torment Weapons, Suppressor Weapons, Destroyer Weapons already exist

> - Titles not needed, we have already over 40 titles to be earnable, that we could put into the GW2 version of HoM

> - Minipets not needed, we have more than enough to put into HoM, GW2 has already way much more minipets, than GW1 has and they are alot easier to obtain here, so it woudl be only fair if wed need here in GW2 to add more to that püodest, thanit was neccessary for GW1 with their pets that existed in GW1, but for fun ANet should add via gemstore and for nostalgia the old GW1 pets that GW2 so far hasnt - i want my Kuunavang back :D.

> - Ranger pets like the Rainbow Phoenix/Empyreal Phoenix or how that other one was called...

> The old heroes, which are dead by now could be solved for GW1 by having to search their spirits up and do something to become literalyl friends with those old deceived herioes, so earn them this way in GW1 -.. we all have seen for example the deceived Dunkuro.. Livia is naturalyl stil lalive, Gwen could we basically find at her Grave in Destinies Reach and so on ...


> Where theses a will ,theres a way, the only thign that woudl need to be looked at, is that either by doing it in GW1 or GW2, both ways should require very similar efforts, so that neither doing these rewards in GW1 nor GW2 should be doable alot faster, than in the other game. Both sides would need to require basically the same tiem efforts.

> Like for example obtaining a complete set of Destroyer Weapons shoudl require the same time effort in GW2, as like in GW1.

> if obtainign them in GW2 would be for exampel now faster, than in GW1, the obtain in GW1 should be made easier to the same way it costs time in GW2 to obtain a ful lset. Or the other way around, if gettign them in GW1 is faster, than in GW2, obtaining them in GW2 shoudl be made a bit easier, so that they are in both games equally difficult to obtain


> Rewards that you obtain for linkign two games with each other shoudl be earnable from both sides, not only from one side .




HoM is meant to be a reward for GW1 players that shouldn't change.

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> @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > It's deep in former Norn lands, so i'd guess Jormag-based expac. But then, Jormag's kind of removed from the game now...


> Ah, but Drakkar is not.



He can bring Jormag back into the main story

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> /thump

> HoM is meant to be a reward for GW1 players that shouldn't change.


HoM items are **GW2 rewards** for GW1 Veteran players which should be also earnable as GW2 vererans, if you fulfill the same requirements basically for those rewards.


If you put now 25 GW1 Minpets into a GW1 HoM Minipet Podest, or if you put in now like 50 Minipets from GW2 into a GW2 HoM to earn this way the same amount of HoM points for the account linked GW2 rewards, plays imo absolutely no role.

Same as much, as if you put in now 11 Destroyer Weapons in GW1 into your HoM's Weapon Podest, of if you pit in in GW2 11 Destroyer Weapons into that podest of GW2's HoM.. woudl be fulfilling exactly the same task which can essentially even require the same effort of the player, when done and rebalanced good that you have neither in GW1 nor GW2 any advantage of doing that tasks on one specific side.


If you give now Hero Armors to 5 Heroes like Dunkoro, Koss, Melonni, Anton and Gwen, or if you give them to basically GW2s equivalent form of Heroes like Rytlock, Logan, Caithe, Taimi and Braham, plays no role, it is literalyl doing exactly the same thing for that Hom podest...


If you add now xx gw1 titles to the HoM podest, or like tripple as much GW2 titles that we have compared to GW1, is also no big deal, its essentially doign the same task.

The extra reward gw1 players receive, which GW2 players shoud'nt receive is the extra bonus in AP and the titles..


But the skins and ranger pets should be also earnable by gw2 veterans doing the GW2 HoM, so that you aren#t forced as a GW2 players to play GW1 just to get access to all skins and ranger pets. I'm an old GW1 veteran, despite me beign annoying by the grind to get the 50 points - am at 39 and the last missing 11 points comes only from havign to grind for weapons/armor sets and gettign 1 title more...so I have already all skins and ranger pets from HoM earned, and I#d absolutely have as a GW1 veteran npo problems with it, if GW2 veterans coudl earn them by now too by justz playing GW2 by havign to do here the same to very similar tasks to earn them ...


We have had 6 years long the privilege to be the only players having acces to those skins, pets and titles. That has been long enough as a privilege and it is absolutely nothing worth it to be entitled about to forbid GW2 players to have a right to earn GW2 rewards actually by playing also GW2 and not the outdated stone old by now GW1, which is barely even played as much anymore, than how the game was like over 6 years ago, when GW2 didnt exist.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > /thump

> > HoM is meant to be a reward for GW1 players that shouldn't change.


> HoM items are **GW2 rewards** for GW1 Veteran players which should be also earnable as GW2 vererans, if you fulfill the same requirements basically for those rewards.


> If you put now 25 GW1 Minpets into a GW1 HoM Minipet Podest, or if you put in now like 50 Minipets from GW2 into a GW2 HoM to earn this way the same amount of HoM points for the account linked GW2 rewards, plays imo absolutely no role.

> Same as much, as if you put in now 11 Destroyer Weapons in GW1 into your HoM's Weapon Podest, of if you pit in in GW2 11 Destroyer Weapons into that podest of GW2's HoM.. woudl be fulfilling exactly the same task which can essentially even require the same effort of the player, when done and rebalanced good that you have neither in GW1 nor GW2 any advantage of doing that tasks on one specific side.


> If you give now Hero Armors to 5 Heroes like Dunkoro, Koss, Melonni, Anton and Gwen, or if you give them to basically GW2s equivalent form of Heroes like Rytlock, Logan, Caithe, Taimi and Braham, plays no role, it is literalyl doing exactly the same thing for that Hom podest...


> If you add now xx gw1 titles to the HoM podest, or like tripple as much GW2 titles that we have compared to GW1, is also no big deal, its essentially doign the same task.

> The extra reward gw1 players receive, which GW2 players shoud'nt receive is the extra bonus in AP and the titles..


> But the skins and ranger pets should be also earnable by gw2 veterans doing the GW2 HoM, so that you aren#t forced as a GW2 players to play GW1 just to get access to all skins and ranger pets. I'm an old GW1 veteran, despite me beign annoying by the grind to get the 50 points - am at 39 and the last missing 11 points comes only from havign to grind for weapons/armor sets and gettign 1 title more...so I have already all skins and ranger pets from HoM earned, and I#d absolutely have as a GW1 veteran npo problems with it, if GW2 veterans coudl earn them by now too by justz playing GW2 by havign to do here the same to very similar tasks to earn them ...


> We have had 6 years long the privilege to be the only players having acces to those skins, pets and titles. That has been long enough as a privilege and it is absolutely nothing worth it to be entitled about to forbid GW2 players to have a right to earn GW2 rewards actually by playing also GW2 and not the outdated stone old by now GW1, which is barely even played as much anymore, than how the game was like over 6 years ago, when GW2 didnt exist.


No, absolutely not, you want HoM rewards you can get GW1 and play through it like everyone else who did it. To do anything else would be a betrayal of everyone who played through GW1.

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