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An idea to make things less frustrating


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How about if the losing team reaches 400 points or 450 they only lose half the rating points they would normally do. This would give the incentive people to not afk and actually try a bit more and maybe make things less psychologically damaging since those close games are the most rage inducing


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This is great. I see 2 benefits from this.


1) people will be less inclined to give up or throw games if they have a bad start. I've had plenty of comebacks even when things looked impossible, and THOSE games are actually the most intense and fun.


2) will mitigate the randomness of peoples ranks. Your wins wont always reflect ur skills, and more forgiving losses when you do well is more likley to reward players who have better performances. Plus its not individual and its not stat based (as in most dmg, most kills etc) so it cannot really be exploited.

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I can't even begin to describe how many times I've been in a game where the score is 490 - 480 for our team, equal side caps, I say in teamchat "dont die", and 3 of my team proceed to insta-suicide in mid. It's frustrating, and some compensation for a "gg team" would be nice.

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Nice suggestion. Thresholds to mitigate ranking loss sound wonderful.

If this gets implemented though, it needs to keep the threshold at 400 specifically and not below. We don't want to place it below that, where the game could still flip, and have people stop trying once they hit that threshold.


Agreed though. When you have two points and its a close game, having your squishy die off point is the worst feeling in the world.

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People who throw matches are the worst. I'd like to not lose my rating due to people being AFK during the match. Not just being AFK, but sitting in base so they don't automatically get kicked from the match. Many times these kind of players have made me lose my rating and it's infuriating.


Also, I'd like to see harsher punishments be put in place for those players that throw matches. Instead of giving them a time out, I suggest to have them lose 50% more of their rating in the match they were sitting in base, being AFK, feeding, rage quitting etc. If someone rage quits on your team, none of you lose your rating (thank God). But I'd like to see the people that do these things be punished more.


And before anyone objects to this and says that this will reduce the PvP population, understand that if a student leaves the classroom with barely any work put into their test, 90-95% of the questions remain unanswered, you don't punish them by allowing a few points to be in the test and giving them a D-. You punish them by giving them an F. Maybe not the best analogy, but you get my point.

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the matchmaking is a not a ladder u are supposed to climb endlessly it is supposed to praise u eventually at your max rating.


A-net should simply have dealt with wintraders, cheaters and afk'ers,

Shouldn't have listened to selfish solo que only players

Should actually have gotten with an vote after the trial period

Ought to balance the game at a quicker rate

should have started implementing game modes before

this is all the cause of why we have such an shitty community.


I'd rather have A-net really double down on shitty behaviour.

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