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why is this a thing.


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this is in the daily tourny few minutes ago......having more then 1 class SPECIALLY NECRO AND MESMER just brakes the game and ends all fun and fairness that can happen. this is a 5 man team manipulating the match by stacking classes. when will they limit 1 per class specially in a tournament.



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Since this is team que, you can expect to see _any_ team comp at all. A group can choose to play 5 druids or 4 thieves and a mesmer. Whilst not optimal for a pug group, pre-made teams may find they have great synergy/ using odd combinations.

It's unlikely that class stacking will be banned in the near future since it might start to narrow choices and we may end up with jut 2-3 "META comp" setups with fewer teams deviating from that.

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I still feel this needs to be a thing....playing 2+ condi necros or 2+ mesmers that do nothing but blinkn clone production clutter up. And creat visual imparing skills and countless clone ruins the quality and fun of every game where theres stacked classes. The mechanics of scourge and mesmer brakes the game game when there are more then 1 of each...having each mesmer make 4+ clones or have 2x scourges put down there shades continuously destroys any counterplay and fun this game may have in it left.

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