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[Guide] Mirage and close combat


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Mirage has drastically changed the way we play Mesmer. I've seen a few people say the new dodging feature make it hard to get away from AoEs and other certain attacks, so I decided to make this guide to help point people in the right direction. By no means am I an expert on mirage, as it's only been out for a day, but I have played mesmer for 10,000 hours and am familiar enough to offer help to understand the changes.


Here is a build that I developed during the betas and tweaked yesterday HoT went live. It uses main hand sword and is majority mele.

Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAsc8anELDFMjlLDWLDMMjlTDrsE8cCH+NwI4FkMAsBCKA-jByHQBeR/geU/BAPBAWdCAi3BBgZ7PMQlfZUJIpAqSoF-e


The concept of this build is to have maximum dodging ability and thus maximum ambush attacks (sword) to daze & stun.


Weapons: Sword/Sword + Pistol

- Alternate: Sword/focus + Pistol

- Notes: Sword ambush will be the primary attack. pistol#4 is a heavy bleeder especially when stacked with crits from clones. Focus is mainly for stacking mobs together and giving yourself swiftness.


Stats: Zerker + Vipers

- Notes: this stat combo maintains precision+power+ferocity while also giving some bite to the bleeding done by the crits.



- Rune of evasion

- Alternate: Rune of the mirage

- Alternate: Rune of the adventurer

- Notes: Rune of evasion is good for crowd control and swiftness to help flee from fights if needed.



- Sigil of Energy

- Sigil of Draining

- Alternate:Sigil of Impact

- Alternate:Sigil of Stamina

- Notes: Sigil of energy will allow you to instantly recover endurance to give more dodges and thus sword ambush which when pared with sigil of draining and rune of the mirage (successful evasion + interrupts) will heal you a fair amount. Sigil of draining has no internal cooldown!




- Heal: False Oasis

- U1: Illusionary Ambush

- U2: Mirage Advance

- U3: Sand through Glass

- Elite: Jaunt


Utility is a highly undervalued aspect of the Mirage and the way you face combat should be focused around what utility skills you are using. Here are a few tips on using them efficiently


Tips and tricks::


1) AoE fields & charged attacks at mele range!

- Use Sand through Glass to dodge back to safety. Since the skill spawns a mirage cloak, it might be useful to get it.

- if you're damaged and need health, use false oasis, then use mirage advance to step to the target and get the mirage cloak, then use the sword ambush.

- since the heal also dropped a cloak (and the aoe might still be going on) use the mirage retreat skill to jump back to the place where you dropped false oasis. now you can use sword ambush again.


- Jaunt can also be used to jump behind the target and out of the way of charged attacks and AoEs


2) Illusionary Ambush!

- Target swapping is another MAJOR addition to the mesemer class. My advice is use it whenever your current target is close to dead. This skill can also be used to escape big attacks and AoE but it isnt always a good thing because the skill is random placement.


3) Shatters:

Yes, shattering can still be done with a mirage, though you shouldn't shatter every chance you get!

- Try to shatter with F1 or F2 before you begin second rotations of dodge+ambush; otherwise you're summoning new clones and wasting old ones.

- Save your F4 as a get out of "jail free card". Distortion with 3 clones gives you 4 seconds of distortion + each clone spawns a mirage cloak due to desert distortion for an additional 3 seconds. If your clones were in mele range, you can use jaunt to collect the cloaks and perform ambushes as needed.

- Save F3 to break bars and stun charged attacks in case you cant sword ambush.


[i will add to the tips as more are developed]



- Focus 4 > Focus 5 > (close) Focus 4 as Focus 5 is charging. [this will pull mobs together and immobilize 3 of them]

- Dodge + sword ambush [this will summon 2 clones and make sure you are at mele range now]

- Swap weapons to sword/pistol [Will charge endurance to full]

- shatter F1 or F2 (or a different if needed)

- sword 3 > sword 3 [Will immobilize the mobs further]

- dodge + sword ambush [3 clones should be up]

- shatter again

- dodge + sword ambush [summons 2 clones]

- pistol 4 > pistol 5

- (repeat)


Rotations WILL vary based on what happens during the encounter, it is up to the player to determine the best alternative. Keep in mind positioning and your current skills.

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As someone who's been playing power Mirage recently (no GS), Mirage definitely feels different than Mesmer in that you're flying all over the place. Even pro players will sometimes get confused for a split second as it's impossible to distinguish clones attacking w/ Axe 3.


Condi Mirage is simply not a great choice in PvP/WvW right now, since you'd need to take two specs to deal condi. With power you just need Domination and you're good to go. Because you only need Dom you can also fit Inspiration in there which coupled with Mirage Cloak and retargets, ramps up your sustain.


Sword ambush is an extremely powerful tool in the right hands. With Domination the ambush stuns your opponent, closes the gap, and is also used to greatly aid in mobility.


Axe generates clones for shattering, retargets frequently (which during this time you can sneak in a few attacks or tricks) and has homing attacks which are fairly strong when specced for power.


Best part is, even when running power, there are enough condis that people will think you're running condi.


I run Rune of Hoelbrak, so coupled w/ Renewing Oasis I get 40% condi duration reduction for damaging conditions. I also slot Mantra of Resolve to burst condi cleanse in case I need it. Since I run Paladin, my toughness helps against Power builds.


I always feel safe attacking in melee since there's just so much evasion, and you deal enough damage to force people to play defensively.

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> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> As someone who's been playing power Mirage recently (no GS), Mirage definitely feels different than Mesmer in that you're flying all over the place. Even pro players will sometimes get confused for a split second as it's impossible to distinguish clones attacking w/ Axe 3.


> Condi Mirage is simply not a great choice in PvP/WvW right now, since you'd need to take two specs to deal condi. With power you just need Domination and you're good to go. Because you only need Dom you can also fit Inspiration in there which coupled with Mirage Cloak and retargets, ramps up your sustain.


> Sword ambush is an extremely powerful tool in the right hands. With Domination the ambush stuns your opponent, closes the gap, and is also used to greatly aid in mobility.


> Axe generates clones for shattering, retargets frequently (which during this time you can sneak in a few attacks or tricks) and has homing attacks which are fairly strong when specced for power.


> Best part is, even when running power, there are enough condis that people will think you're running condi.


> I run Rune of Hoelbrak, so coupled w/ Renewing Oasis I get 40% condi duration reduction for damaging conditions. I also slot Mantra of Resolve to burst condi cleanse in case I need it. Since I run Paladin, my toughness helps against Power builds.


> I always feel safe attacking in melee since there's just so much evasion, and you deal enough damage to force people to play defensively.


True, but I find it sad that only a little part of mirage can be played effectively. So many useless ambushes, traits and weapons. Axe is very fun weapon but soooo underwhelming, you are really literally forced to play sustain clone and shatter build if you take axe/scepter and go condi. Foook that, I will stay with my power sword interrupt build :P

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> @Weerus.3701 said:

> > @Abelisk.4527 said:

> > As someone who's been playing power Mirage recently (no GS), Mirage definitely feels different than Mesmer in that you're flying all over the place. Even pro players will sometimes get confused for a split second as it's impossible to distinguish clones attacking w/ Axe 3.

> >

> > Condi Mirage is simply not a great choice in PvP/WvW right now, since you'd need to take two specs to deal condi. With power you just need Domination and you're good to go. Because you only need Dom you can also fit Inspiration in there which coupled with Mirage Cloak and retargets, ramps up your sustain.

> >

> > Sword ambush is an extremely powerful tool in the right hands. With Domination the ambush stuns your opponent, closes the gap, and is also used to greatly aid in mobility.

> >

> > Axe generates clones for shattering, retargets frequently (which during this time you can sneak in a few attacks or tricks) and has homing attacks which are fairly strong when specced for power.

> >

> > Best part is, even when running power, there are enough condis that people will think you're running condi.

> >

> > I run Rune of Hoelbrak, so coupled w/ Renewing Oasis I get 40% condi duration reduction for damaging conditions. I also slot Mantra of Resolve to burst condi cleanse in case I need it. Since I run Paladin, my toughness helps against Power builds.

> >

> > I always feel safe attacking in melee since there's just so much evasion, and you deal enough damage to force people to play defensively.


> True, but I find it sad that only a little part of mirage can be played effectively. So many useless ambushes, traits and weapons. Axe is very fun weapon but soooo underwhelming, you are really literally forced to play sustain clone and shatter build if you take axe/scepter and go condi. Foook that, I will stay with my power sword interrupt build :P


Yeah, I think it's a bit of a lost opportunity on Arenanets side not to have done a bit more hybrid scaling, or at least more Power scalings. Right now the ONLY possibility of running a full Power spec with as little 'wasted' stats as possible, is Sword/Sword + GS, if you run any other weapons they'll be utility or condition-oriented, always.

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This guide has been super helpful. I'm getting used to blinking all over the place, without really being able to control the randomness of it all (it reminds me a lot of downed #2, actually...).


I switched to use Signet of the Ether as my healing spell. I find that I enjoy the added healing over time (coupled with Renewing Oasis), and that it's great for when I need an extra phantasm for that burst + shatter window. I haven't playtested excessively yet, but do you find that False Oasis is superior to the signet? Could you perhaps elaborate on it?


Also, I've run out of currency and haven't decided if I want to farm WvW or TD for the Draining sigil quite yet. It's interesting that it has no internal cooldown! Could you tell us about how useful it has been for you? What numbers are you seeing, and how impactful is it?

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> @Malice.8439 said:

> This guide has been super helpful. I'm getting used to blinking all over the place, without really being able to control the randomness of it all (it reminds me a lot of downed #2, actually...).


> I switched to use Signet of the Ether as my healing spell. I find that I enjoy the added healing over time (coupled with Renewing Oasis), and that it's great for when I need an extra phantasm for that burst + shatter window. I haven't playtested excessively yet, but do you find that False Oasis is superior to the signet? Could you perhaps elaborate on it?


> Also, I've run out of currency and haven't decided if I want to farm WvW or TD for the Draining sigil quite yet. It's interesting that it has no internal cooldown! Could you tell us about how useful it has been for you? What numbers are you seeing, and how impactful is it?


Yeah, and if a clone interrupts a target, will it heal you?

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> @Malice.8439 said:

> This guide has been super helpful. I'm getting used to blinking all over the place, without really being able to control the randomness of it all (it reminds me a lot of downed #2, actually...).


> I switched to use Signet of the Ether as my healing spell. I find that I enjoy the added healing over time (coupled with Renewing Oasis), and that it's great for when I need an extra phantasm for that burst + shatter window. I haven't playtested excessively yet, but do you find that False Oasis is superior to the signet? Could you perhaps elaborate on it?


> Also, I've run out of currency and haven't decided if I want to farm WvW or TD for the Draining sigil quite yet. It's interesting that it has no internal cooldown! Could you tell us about how useful it has been for you? What numbers are you seeing, and how impactful is it?


I've considered running SoE in place of Oasis, just haven't done it yet. It might actually be better. If you pair it with Blurred Inscriptions on domination line, so when you pop it you get distortion and an ambush attack. You could also swap out a utility for Signet of Midnight as a stun break, and target break. not to mention the signets will give a little more condi cleanse.


Ive just been running False Oasis because its new and is "cool" at the moment. I do like it for the vigor and mirage mirror, but the activation time is a bit... iffy. theres been a few times where it hasnt activated for me, and personally I feel like the cool down should be a little shorted, it just doesnt heal a lot, which is why Ive been using Sigil of Draining as an additional heal and also want to try runes of mirage.


As for Sigil of Draining. According to the wiki, it should heal about 965 hp per interrupt. the sigil has no cool down so there is great potential for health gain when fighting groups. And I have observed more health recovery since using it.

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> Yeah, I think it's a bit of a lost opportunity on Arenanets side not to have done a bit more hybrid scaling, or at least more Power scalings. Right now the ONLY possibility of running a full Power spec with as little 'wasted' stats as possible, is Sword/Sword + GS, if you run any other weapons they'll be utility or condition-oriented, always.


I'm running sword/sword + pistol, pistol has a nice interrupt too :)


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> @Weerus.3701 said:

> > Yeah, I think it's a bit of a lost opportunity on Arenanets side not to have done a bit more hybrid scaling, or at least more Power scalings. Right now the ONLY possibility of running a full Power spec with as little 'wasted' stats as possible, is Sword/Sword + GS, if you run any other weapons they'll be utility or condition-oriented, always.


> I'm running sword/sword + pistol, pistol has a nice interrupt too :)



True, but I'm really liking my Greatsword with Energy Sigil. In a long-range AoE situation just swap to the GS, 4 > 2 > 3 > V or F4 Distortion and 1 for epic burst :)


Might give 2nd set Sword + Pistol/Shield a go at some point though.

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> @tnhalbertsma.7682 said:

> > @Weerus.3701 said:

> > > Yeah, I think it's a bit of a lost opportunity on Arenanets side not to have done a bit more hybrid scaling, or at least more Power scalings. Right now the ONLY possibility of running a full Power spec with as little 'wasted' stats as possible, is Sword/Sword + GS, if you run any other weapons they'll be utility or condition-oriented, always.

> >

> > I'm running sword/sword + pistol, pistol has a nice interrupt too :)

> >


> True, but I'm really liking my Greatsword with Energy Sigil. In a long-range AoE situation just swap to the GS, 4 > 2 > 3 > V or F4 Distortion and 1 for epic burst :)


> Might give 2nd set Sword + Pistol/Shield a go at some point though.


Shield can't be used on mirage tho

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> @Weerus.3701 said:

> > @tnhalbertsma.7682 said:

> > > @Weerus.3701 said:

> > > > Yeah, I think it's a bit of a lost opportunity on Arenanets side not to have done a bit more hybrid scaling, or at least more Power scalings. Right now the ONLY possibility of running a full Power spec with as little 'wasted' stats as possible, is Sword/Sword + GS, if you run any other weapons they'll be utility or condition-oriented, always.

> > >

> > > I'm running sword/sword + pistol, pistol has a nice interrupt too :)

> > >

> >

> > True, but I'm really liking my Greatsword with Energy Sigil. In a long-range AoE situation just swap to the GS, 4 > 2 > 3 > V or F4 Distortion and 1 for epic burst :)

> >

> > Might give 2nd set Sword + Pistol/Shield a go at some point though.


> Shield can't be used on mirage tho


Oh ha, didn't know it was the chrono weapon. Basically rocked Swords since day one.


EDIT: Although actually I don't see that happening in a long time. Really started enjoying GS today. Always felt stale up till now, the Ambush really helps filling in the gaps between cooldowns. Jaunt/teleport everywhere, lasering people all over the place. Pretty cool stuff.

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I've played around a bit, and I'm loving the Mirage so far. I did tweak my build slightly, picking up the signet trait and sticking to Signet of the Ether. I find it more reliable. It's quicker, burstier, provides passive healing when I'm soloing champions, and grants me an extra phantasm for when I need to burst.


I had a few ascended weapons over, so I switched to using Sword / Sword (Energy Signet + Stamina Signet) + Scepter/Pistol (Energy signet). Berserker armour, swords and pistol. Viper scepter. I find that being in melee most of the times is preferable, but it does make me squishy. The scepter allows for ranged play, and the weapon itself is perfect for the zerker/viper hybrid we're doing. Evasion runes is a must, so far.


I really want to try out the Draining Sigil. Does it work on all interupts, or just pistol #5? Do you heal whenever you dodge or vanish away from an attack?


Oh, and as for utilities, I did Signet of the Ether - Shadowstep - Flipback - Signet of Midnight - Moa. That gives me three signets, which means 3 extra distortions with Blurred Inscriptions.


One thing I'd be curious to try would be to opt for assassins over berserker. I'm thinking it could give more sustain for boss fights, with stacking 3 x duelists, but I'm not sure if it'd be detrimental to us in all other instances. I'll leave the math to the professionals for that one.

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  • 10 months later...

> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > @"wilem.9635" said:

> > How do you play it with no toughness? One hit from something like a HP champion will instantly down you. How do you avoid that?


> By not getting hit.


I doubt that's realistic for someone not in 0.5% top players.


Also from playing a similar version of this for the past few days - interrupts are such a rare thing. Killing a group of mobs I trigger on average 1-2 interrupts, which means just 2k hp from the draining sigil. Am I, like, interrupting it wrong?

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > @"wilem.9635" said:

> > > How do you play it with no toughness? One hit from something like a HP champion will instantly down you. How do you avoid that?

> >

> > By not getting hit.


> I doubt that's realistic for someone not in 0.5% top players.


> Also from playing a similar version of this for the past few days - interrupts are such a rare thing. Killing a group of mobs I trigger on average 1-2 interrupts, which means just 2k hp from the draining sigil. Am I, like, interrupting it wrong?


most mobs only attack every few seconds. Learn animations and time ur interrupts well. Positioning helps with not getting hit. Dont spam dodges.

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