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Side Stories are horrible if you do not get them when they are new

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If you play side story stuff when it is still new it is ok but once some time is over it becomes a horrible chore.

I for example did not play at the time when Conservation of Magic hit and was since PoF release happy if I managed to do the new stuff.

Now that I have some time I wanted to get rid of all the old side story achievements (for Conservation of Magic it is mostly since a mastery point is bound to it).

I tried to do Thwart the Inquest a few times and it is absolutely impossible. You need either a few good geared people you have made a tactic with to do this or a huge zerg.

But what you get is either not a single person to help while flagging commander tag talking in mapchat and flagging it in LFG or you get a few leveling people who practically only scale it up since they do not do enough damage to make up for the insane scaling rates ignore cc and are in general more of a menace than help.


It can't be that there are old event bound achievements with even mastery points bound to them that are nowadays almost impossible to do since it has requirements like "you can only do this event with a raid geared squad of 10 people or a huge zerg since it has insane scaling and super fast mini robots that can get aegis about 20 times in a row outrun everything and where a single one can ruin the whole situation"


(For the ones not remembering what i am talking about it is a event where a big coalescence spawns and you have to stop the robots from picking up the droppings and bringing them back to their own circle.)


P.S. I already made a post in Players Helping Players asking for help but that is the exact thing I am talking about you should not be forced to look for others in the forum to a simple event achievement


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My experience was very different.


I waited for a long time to touch these, long after they were "still new" and other content had appeared in the game. I got to the map early, popped a mentor tag and announced the plan in /map (posting the nearest WP). When numbers were low, I'd also post in LFG. There were a couple of failures (people weren't paying attention to mechanics, e.g. too many running crystals instead of clearing mobs... or less, often, vice versa). A couple of times, I could see another mentor had a different goal, so I'd swap maps, swap to their plan, or give up and try again later.


Generally I found that the events were easiest with fewer than 9 or more than 15. A core of 3-4 people who had builds with enough cleave DPS is enough to carry 5-6 others; with 16+, the scaling starts to work in favor of the mini-zerg.


The thing is: no matter how old the event/collection/achievement is, there are always new players, procrastinating casuals, and returning veterans who still want them. Of course the numbers are going to drop, especially from the original release, so it won't be trivial to find groups. But that's not the same as it being almost impossible or even a horrible chore.


I'm not against the principle of changing old events. But I'd rather see ANet put those same resources into newer content. I think we can more easily figure out how to make the older content work than they. And sure, ideally, they'll find some way to set up future events so that they scale better over time (not just with different amounts of players at them).

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There is no doubt that many parts of this game are impossible, or at least, very difficult to play solo. Meta events in HoT / PoF of course jump to mind.


As frustrating as that is though, remember that GW2 is an MMO, and (more and more it seems) content is being created with the expectation that you will group up with either friends or a guild mate. If you at missing the achievement, I can promise you there are many others that do as well.


I played for almost 2 months before I started looking for a guild, and luckily, I found a golden one my first try. I know if I need any help for anything, someone will step up and lend a hand, and I do the same.


GW2 does sometimes feel like a single player game, but we have to remember it's not.

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I did a few of those achievements quite a bit late myself. A strategy that worked for me was to wait for a day the map I needed was the daily events map. There were plenty of people available to help with the event then, and even if the event was ultimately unsuccessful they come up again frequently so you can try again.

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Well I can only talk about what i experienced.

I flag a group that tells I am looking for other people to do these events with in LFG for half an hour and no one ever joins.

I do the events with a few people who are there not a single person that does actual damage or cc and scales it up and I simply can't kill it all myself.

No one ever answer to any form of whisper or acknowledges in any form my plea to please focus down Golems.


This has nothing to do with single player or whatever. There is simply no one that gives a damn about helping at these events nowadays is the only thing I can say about it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Alaya.8765" said:

> > This has nothing to do with single player or whatever. There is simply no one that gives a kitten about helping at these events nowadays is the only thing I can say about it.


> I'm curious as to why we have had such different experiences.


I'll be honest I have the same question my friend ^^

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