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Is power Rev a welcome addition to WvW?


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Revs have replaced older ele builds for back line, since Scourges can lay down more AOEs and barriers stack in ways ele skills can't. Staff Weaver is still an option for damage, but its group utility got pretty much replaced entirely by Firebrands. However, there is an auramancer build that can do really good in team comps...... I just haven't seen it in action.


Revs tend have to 3 primary uses.

1. Hammer 2 for heavy damage, Hammer 3 for setting off marks/traps, and Hammer 5 for Pinning..... this is the core of your Backline play.

2. Targeted damage pressure to compliment the untargeted pressure from the other AOE bombs (ie range focusing targets)

3. Hybrid utility as a Mid-liner if your Front line is good with its sustain.


For 3, the meta build description is grossly understating the build's potential flexibility. While the class does mediocre in 1v1, paired with any other combat capable class your skills are extremely good at applying CC pressure to small fights, enough to pin down anything that isn't theif/mesmer so the DPS can lay into them. Shiro to chase down stragglers or defend against flankers; Mallyx for extra boon strip (good at helping knock out SB and spear head charges) and Pain Absorption/Resistance to get people stalled in a counter bomb moving again. These aren't critical to the current meta- but does a good job of mopping up minor mishaps, or keeping momentum going if people fall behind the firebrands.


I've come back after a few months break, and I'm finding the Rev to be the one build in the current wvw meta that easily swap between multiple tasks midfight.

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