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Bring cannons and mines to Istan GH and Akili

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  • 5 months later...

This has been going on for too long, and merely removing the excessive champion spawns hasn't done anything to stop this issue.


They are literally hogging all the drops and loot because turrets target and kill enemies way before the visuals appear for everyone. When confronted about it, they gloat and berate players complaining about the issue.


This is a shameful behavior that should not be allowed in this game.


This would be solved with two changes:


1. Change turrets to not target enemies automatically anymore. They would only target enemies if the engineer targets and attacks an enemy (not when hitting with a cleave attack like a sword or tool kit, but actually targeting)

2. Make all enemies from events across the game spawn with an effect that makes them completely unaffected by skills for a few seconds. Not Determined or Invulnerable, but completely untargetable and unaffected by skills like a neutral NPC, so players can actually load their visuals before they get killed.

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I like the first suggestion better. Turrents only attack when the engineer attacks a target. The other suggestion my lead to bugs or unintended behaviour (like invul mobs) and require more testing. Halloween doors spawn with invuln mobs so that players can tag them before they die though, so its a possible solution. Personally, I have never encountered a situation where engineer turrets killed off champs before I could tag them but I havent been in Instan for the past few weeks. I found the outrageous dmg of necro epidemic and double stacking groups more of a problem in champs dying too fast to tag.


Edit: well having a little bit more of a think about it what if the engineer was using a melee weapon and wanted to turrent to attack at ranged. Maybe the best soln is simply only attack enemies that are targetable/visible by other players.

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> @"belognom.3685" said:

> This is getting insane. 80% engies each with 3 turrets +1 healing turret. Turret engie denying farm to others, game is lagging due to turrets.

> Juts bring cannons and mines to Istan already like you did to Lake Doric to stop this please.


The main istan farm commanders all use engineers and for good reason. Money. I suggest you do the same with your farming toon or try thief shortbow.

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