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Test in EotM and vote for implementation to WvW


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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Eotm needs to be deleted is all that needs to be done


lol I never thought I'd see myself agreeing with someone from Mag.. cause you know we love to disagree with you all.... But YES Totally EOTM should just be removed. I've popped into it a few times over the last week just to see if it was still alive... and nope. Even right at this moment it's almost totally green, no tag anywhere of course... some small things like sentries flipping here and there... ah the eotm glory days have long since gone!

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@"Knighthonor.4061" Being able to experiment and test things in eotm, before being introduced into wvw, would also be a great benefit for players! The devs can try out different changes, gather data and get community feedback first! Would really be a great boon for communication between the devs and players!


> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Hey Swag you say this about the resources for WvW, please make a thread detailing where and what in WvW you want the resources to go to. I want to read that.



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> There are a lot of crazy and cool ideas we could test in EotM to see if they will work out well, and would be fun, for WvW. I suggest running monthly sets of changes (for an entire month) and then have a community vote on said changes for WvW.


id support it. eotm is a great map.

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