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PvP was a failure, should support continue?


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Watching pvp is like watching a teen with self destruction tendencies. Its just, sad. I cannot believe any company can be this reluctant to change when they know they are approaching dead end fast. I honestly believe its office politics or something else.


Take mesmer for example, havent there been enough complains about being able to do action while dodging and doing more than enough damage while being untouchable is problem? And they hit us with "it will never change". I mean when you have a single mechanic destroying so many people's experience then why not take all that feedback and change the mechanic even though it is core to a spec. Give mesmer something else super cool mechanic which is not game breaking and spare them from the hate from community too.


The problem is Anet is not courageous enough to remove mechanics once introduced because there are some people who love it. But Anet do not consider that just because of fear of some customers being upset they are ruining others experience knowing well that the mechanic itself is a problem.


Believe in your skills to make good mechanics that will satisfy those upset customers. People complain for a week and forget about it because they have this new exciting thing they got instead of what they lost. And if its amazing, nobody complains and everyone is satisfied.


This same thing translates to pvp and wvw too.

Having node based gameplay is good but the problem comes when the map complexity is not there, thus severely punishing non mobile class. This is one example of many inherent problems in pvp.


Implementing a challenge system in open world or say in wvw where people have duel is a excellent idea which was rejected because of some soy reason but they forget that people already have duels in wvw and that this is a game for some people not a place to only hang out. People want to compare their skills and want to feel better than others when they have spent time and learnt something new or made a better new build.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Watching pvp is like watching a teen with self destruction tendencies. Its just, sad. I cannot believe any company can be this reluctant to change when they know they are approaching dead end fast. I honestly believe its office politics or something else.


> **Take mesmer for example, havent there been enough complains about being able to do action while dodging and doing more than enough damage while being untouchable is problem? And they hit us with "it will never change". I mean when you have a single mechanic destroying so many people's experience then why not take all that feedback and change the mechanic even though it is core to a spec. Give mesmer something else super cool mechanic which is not game breaking and spare them from the hate from community too.**


> The problem is Anet is not courageous enough to remove mechanics once introduced because there are some people who love it. But Anet do not consider that just because of fear of some customers being upset they are ruining others experience knowing well that the mechanic itself is a problem.


> Believe in your skills to make good mechanics that will satisfy those upset customers. People complain for a week and forget about it because they have this new exciting thing they got instead of what they lost. And if its amazing, nobody complains and everyone is satisfied.


> This same thing translates to pvp and wvw too.

> Having node based gameplay is good but the problem comes when the map complexity is not there, thus severely punishing non mobile class. This is one example of many inherent problems in pvp.


> Implementing a challenge system in open world or say in wvw where people have duel is a excellent idea which was rejected because of some soy reason but they forget that people already have duels in wvw and that this is a game for some people not a place to only hang out. People want to compare their skills and want to feel better than others when they have spent time and learnt something new or made a better new build.


*Rolls Eyes*


And people have and still complain about thieves running away from fights since 2012. Just because the community whines about it a lot doesn't make them right. The community will whine about everything and anything that kills them. Always.


Besides, I live off salt from the players I kill.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> I kinda want a complete overhaul. Better balance / splits. More gamemodes. Team-q for ranked conquest with the best rewards, etc.


> I'd even pay for it. Right now, as mainly a PvP player, I have no incentive to buy gems because that money goes into supporting PvE while PvP languishes. And then their data will show PvPers don't buy gems, so they don't support PvP as much. It's vicious cycle!


This is one of my concerns. I'm a pvp player mostly, nearly 6k games already, playing since beta, although I do spend gems, I do it mostly when I'm happy, and I'm happy when there are balance patches, not sure if they can see that correlation, but I sure hope they do. I want to support PvP, but don't know of any other way.





I posted this on another thread but I will make it shorter:


esports for gw2 came at a bad time, but the game has the potential and is very close to ready, only needs a few things;


- Get people involved in PvP.

- Smaller, more frequent patches once the population increases.

- Support player-organized PvP events.

- Make it spectator friendly (OverWatch struggled until they worked on a fix for this, now they can be watched)


When the esports was launched, barely anyone in my guild knew it was happening, seriously Anet, promote the game mode, make "promotional events" that reward something things other than minis and tittles. Make it about playing in general, not just winning or "skills", playing will make people better, and losing is already making you feel bad, no need to cut rewards too. I'm thinking big; auras, **CUTE** minis (not a bland human looking stuff, Im talking about something thematically cool with particles, trust me, that works, see liadri and many wintersday minis).


I know what many "hardcore" PvPers will say "but that would bring the PvE and WvW crowds yaba daba boo" ....well, YES, exactly! It has worked for me and many other people in other games; got me into HoTS for blizzard when skins were released there, the WvW tournaments got me in WvW, the Liadri mini got me (and I wanted to beat it so badly too), the auras got me into HoT metas and now I do them for fun, etc.


I wanted to make it short but by now I have probably lost most people. Look, my point is, GW2's is special, in terms of MMOs and even other types of games, we have a very fun, interactive fight system. **PROMOTE IT**, entice people, sure some will leave, but just like the WvW tournaments kept quite a few of us, little by little you raise population and increase aware that the mode even exists, the rest will follow naturally.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Big problem in gw2 pvp is that is still made for pve players :D


> Anet's twisted sense of taking feedback.. I remember when everyone was complaining that PvE had all the shiny things and PvP rewards sucked, that PvP didn't feel like it was part of the game. So Anet listened!


> Their first step in making PvP be on par with PvE was to take away the whole PvP skin system, basically killing the reward structure lol. What took 400 hours of PvP before now took 2 dungeon runs.


> Anet took away any prestige over the years and turned PvP into a farming ground for PvE players who hate the gamemode, and then we wonder why it's a toxic environment.



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Conquest, and especially Ranked Conquest is the rough equivalent of Random Arenas (combined with some competitive mission) from Guild Wars 1. Random Arenas was never the main PVP mode. If you wanted glory is O GW you played in HA or GVG, RA was filler and full of players trying to "sync".


Honestly there are more conceptual similarities between Conquest and GvG than RA. Maybe it is where the game never fitted players' expectations.

There are so many players who take Conquest as a death match and have no clue about how to rotate point. They go to mid, die then log on the forum to explain that pvp is bad because of XXX build that killed them too fast.


Conquest is very close to GvG from Original GW in the sense that there are three hot spots on the map. The main contested spot is mid (flag stand) and while you try to secure your own base, you also try to split on the opposite team's one to get advantage (like you tried to kill pnj and defend yours). But rather than a slow paced game where you try to secure every single centimetre, here the gameplay is faster and advantage can shift very suddenly (or snowball very quick).

The other big difference is the entry barrier : GvG asked for a coordinated team to queue while Conquest can be solo queued which means 5 people running in different directions doing solo action like they would in a MOBA. However this system does not work well here.

I honestly never believed that Conquest was a solo friendly game mode. Stronghold could have maybe been more adapted to this if it received more support from the beginning on but as long as the casual rewards are left behind a game mode that is not solo friendly there will be no real community to push the game forward.


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