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Why can't we have horse mounts?


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I don't think they'd provide any advantage that the other mounts don't, even as far as flavor goes, so I'm not sure what their unique ability could be. I could see a pegasus-like skin being released for the griffon, perhaps, but horses' lack of existence has become something of an in-joke at this point.


Editing to clarify: I'm not against the idea, if they decide it could fill a niche.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon!


"Boring"? :o There is no prouder rider than him/her who dashes across the beautiful landscape on the back of a gracile steed or sturdy war horse. <3


> @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> so I'm not sure what their unique ability could be.


The raptor already sounds a lot like a horse, so it could be a simple Gem Store skin for it, no? Horses are fast and can make long jumps, so... I would be cool with it. ;)

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I still do not know whether I like or dislike the fact that GW2 references horses, yes has none. It's certainly gimmicky and crazy in an amusing way, somewhat meta (in the sense of a game acknowledging being a game (with flaws)), somewhat glitchy. I wouldn't want one as a mount, though, I don't think so. They just pale next to what other mounts we could have, and I do not see any appropriate mastery line for them. And I sort of like that we are this "weird" fantasy game that did /not/ start out with standard horse mounts....

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon! Still, YMMV! :)


> Let this please decide everbody else for themself what they find "boring"


> Thank you!


Certainly! I expressed my opinion, and you may do the same. I do not "decide" by doing so, and ask that you allow everyone to share their thoughts in this conversation.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon!


> "Boring"? :o There is no prouder rider than him/her who dashes across the beautiful landscape on the back of a gracile steed or sturdy war horse.


Well now, that's a great image! I have to admit, I find it quite satisfyingly fanciful. Thanks of sharing it!

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> @"Ruadan.9301" said:

> [...] and I do not see any appropriate mastery line for them.


See my previous comment. No need to make it a separate mount per se, if that's too much of a hassle. ;) The Primeval Jackal, for instance, also has a different howl than the usual Jackal mount. So simply providing the skin along with a few sound tweaks, et voilà! :)


> And I sort of like that we are this "weird" fantasy game that did /not/ start out with standard horse mounts....


I miss them dearly in the game. :(


> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Well now, that's a great image! I have to admit, I find it quite satisfyingly fanciful. Thanks of sharing it!


Heh heh, you provided just the right term: fanciful. I'd like a fancy horse mount! =)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ruadan.9301" said:

> > [...] and I do not see any appropriate mastery line for them.


> See my previous comment. No need to make it a separate mount per se, if that's too much of a hassle. ;) The Primeval Jackal, for instance, also has a different howl than the usual Jackal mount. So just providing the skin along with a few sound tweaks, et voilà! :)


> > And I sort of like that we are this "weird" fantasy game that did /not/ start out with standard horse mounts....


> I miss them dearly in the game. :(


I really love their willingness to heavily re-skin mounts to look very different (see Springer Mountain Goat skin, which I just adore) and certainly do see where you're coming from, though... maybe we have to wait some more, until we HAVE a mount that really does move like a horse would, and then...? *ponders*.

Also yeah, I get that some miss them. :) Maybe next April Fool's will bring horses to Tyria...!

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> > @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > so I'm not sure what their unique ability could be.


> The raptor already sounds a lot like a horse, so it could be a simple Gem Store skin for it, no? Horses are fast and can make long jumps, so... I would be cool with it. ;)


Actually, you're right, a horse could equate to a raptor well. I think the one questionable aspect there would be a dismount skill. I don't think any of the gem store skins change animations, do they? And a horse spinning around to pull enemies in wouldn't really be feasible. But if they did a slightly different special animation for it, like rearing up and stomping into a dismount, it could work.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon! Still, YMMV! :)


> Let this please decide everbody else for themself what they find "boring"


> Thank you!


Well she did. That's what the letters YMMV at the end of the post were. Your mileage may vary. It means you may feel differently. Not sure why you think she's talking for anyone but herself.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon! Still, YMMV! :)


1000x this. In any other game the default mounts we have would be premium mounts to replace the bland boring horses. The hell with horses. :cookie:

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Long ago at the end of one of the many Centaur Wars it was deemed in a peace treaty never again should Humans ride Horses as it was a great insult to Centaur Culture, they then gathered all the Horses and transplanted them deep within Centaur territory free from the shackles of Animal Husbandry Slavery.


Sounds plausible, just go with it.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Well she did. That's what the letters YMMV at the end of the post were. Your mileage may vary.


I have to admit, as a non-native to the English language, I had to look that up on Urban Dictionary, too. ;)


> @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > > @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > > so I'm not sure what their unique ability could be.

> >

> > The raptor already sounds a lot like a horse, so it could be a simple Gem Store skin for it, no? Horses are fast and can make long jumps, so... I would be cool with it. ;)


> Actually, you're right, a horse could equate to a raptor well.


Right? :) I was mistaken, though. It's the Ceylon Cut that has the different howl, I think. Anyways, point is: there are different sound effects for some skins, so it's possible.


> I think the one questionable aspect there would be a dismount skill. I don't think any of the gem store skins change animations, do they? And a horse spinning around to pull enemies in wouldn't really be feasible. But if they did a slightly different special animation for it, like rearing up and stomping into a dismount, it could work.



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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> 1000x this. In any other game the default mounts we have would be premium mounts to replace the bland boring horses. The hell with horses. :cookie:


I don't really play any other MMO, so why am I forced to live without a horse mount in the one MMO I play? It's not like it would hurt anyone if they made an extra skin available for those who would like to have it. :'(

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > 1000x this. In any other game the default mounts we have would be premium mounts to replace the bland boring horses. The hell with horses. :cookie:


> I don't really play any other MMO, so why am I forced to live without a horse mount in the one MMO I play? It's not like it would hurt anyone if they made an extra skin available for those who would like to have it. :'(


You're absolutely right. If they add a horse mount for you I wouldn't lose any sleep (or gems probably unless it's a REALLY impressive cool-looking horse).


My opinion is that horses would be pretty bland and boring in a world of mounts consisting of raptors, magical sand jackals, griffons, giant bunnies, and massive sea rays you can ride across the water like speed boats.


If I had to pick a timeline between horses and the mounts we have now, I'm very grateful to be living in the one where raptors are the de facto mount. JMHO.


Of course if they open that can of worms for you in offering a horse mount, they'll have to add non-mount horses in the world somewhere to complete your request that they exist in the world naturally.


Maybe in Tyria horses aren't a thing. Or they used to be but they're centaurs now. And no one wants to ride a centaur. They're sentient. It'd be weird and most of them hate everyone anyway.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> Of course if they open that can of worms for you in offering a horse mount, they'll have to add non-mount horses in the world somewhere to complete your request that they exist in the world naturally.


It's not "my request", it's a fact. They are being mentioned in NPC dialogue. Just stand by the entry gate in DR and listen to the two NPCs. You will know what I mean when you hear it.


> Maybe in Tyria horses aren't a thing.


They certainly are. My theory is that they did not add any visible to us, because back then mounts did not exist in the game and everyone would have been begging for them to make those horses available as such. That would have resulted in a lot of pressure. That's why we don't see any in the open world.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > Of course if they open that can of worms for you in offering a horse mount, they'll have to add non-mount horses in the world somewhere to complete your request that they exist in the world naturally.


> It's not "my request", it's a fact. They are being mentioned in NPC dialogue. Just stand by the entry gate in DR and listen to the two NPCs. You will know what I mean when you hear it.


> > Maybe in Tyria horses aren't a thing.


> They certainly are. My theory is that they did not add any visible to us, because back then mounts did not exist in the game and everyone would have been begging for them to make those horses available as such. That would have resulted in a lot of pressure. That's why we don't see any in the open world.


Fair enough.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon! Still, YMMV! :)


And let's not forget: **Charr ate all the horses**.


There *may* be horses, but we'll never see them anywhere in a playable map where a charr can enter, since charr around horses are like [decapodian around anchovies](

"decapodian around anchovies"). Everyone knows that.
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