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Why can't we have horse mounts?


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon! Still, YMMV! :)


seeing as a horse so far is rarer than the elder dragons, i would think a horse in gw2 context would be pretty exciting

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As much as I love the GW2 mounts, I have a soft spot for horses and am still holding out that they might be introduced back to Guild Wars one day. Perhaps a village/tribe somewhere noticed that they were dying off and decided to save the species. Then we stumble upon them in one of the next expansions? Our current mounts are amazing and were implemented really well (arguably some of the best mounts I've had in any MMO), which only makes me more excited to see what they could come up with in regards to other possible mounts/horses.

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> @"Avador.8934" said:

> My two cents:


> 1, Horses have no super abilities I know of, so they would be pretty useless compared to other mounts we have


I don't care. As I stated before, they could introduce them as a skin for raptors (read previous comments for details), **or** they could make them an additional core Tyrian mastery track with the horse only making you move faster and nothing else. I want them for aesthetic reasons. All the current mounts are totally overkill and partially childish in design (sometimes less is more).


> 2, Imagine a Charr riding a horse... it's like riding your dinner.


Like it doesn't already look ridiculous when a muscular Charr is sitting on a Jackal, for instance. Just the other week, someone looked at my Charr warrior on his Jackal and commented in amusement, "Shouldn't the Jackal be riding the Charr, and not the other way round?"

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I would really like the short, stocky, six-legged ponies ridden by the Deftmenes in the Carpet people. They should have stability (because six legs), loads of hair, and a grumpy sod-you attitude. Or if you want to go elegant, something like a traditional unicorn i.e. with the lion's tail, cloven hooves and billy-goat's beard. It should probably have some sort of war cry/scream followed by a charge. Or a drum horse, i.e. a huge heavy horse carrying two huge drums- traditionally used for keeping the army marching in time, but could be some sort of sonic attack?


Horses boring? Pffft. Just badly (or blandly) done in other games! :)

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The closest thing to horses in GW1 were the [https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_Horseman](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_Horseman "https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_Horseman") , but they were undead. My theory then was that all the real horses were long dead, leaving behind the monsters and the stories of horses in the same vein as the dodo and moa bird today; they existed but are extinct.

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> @"Random Object.1298" said:

> The closest thing to horses in GW1 were the [https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_Horseman](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_Horseman "https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necrid_Horseman") , but they were undead. My theory then was that all the real horses were long dead, leaving behind the monsters and the stories of horses in the same vein as the dodo and moa bird today; they existed but are extinct.


I bet that's why Charr went all the way to Orr instead sticking to Ascalon minding their own business. They wanted to eat those horses too.


Oh, and there's also [Kirin](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kirin "Kirin"). They are horse-like, but if one looks closely they appear to be reptilian or draconic creatures with scales and fins.


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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I don't know about you, but a horse seems rather bland and boring, when compared to a flippin' jackal, raptor, or griffon! Still, YMMV! :)


> And let's not forget: **Charr ate all the horses**.


> There *may* be horses, but we'll never see them anywhere in a playable map where a charr can enter, since charr around horses are like [decapodian around anchovies](

"decapodian around anchovies"). Everyone knows that.


There’s a girl in Beetltun that wants a pony for her birthday

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I'd much prefer a moa mount as they are present in Tyria--especially the Green Moa. The added bonus is that rangers can have many moas as pets and mounting/dismounting is less jarring.


I agree with @"Oldirtbeard.9834" and @"Random Object.1298". Horses have been extinct for centuries and riding them would be like riding centaurs. I'm sure none of the war-mongering or peaceful tribes would much appreciate it. Humans have enough things catered towards them (ex. armour, hairtyles) for them to get racial mounts, too. :sweat:

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> @"RMD.2957" said:

> Weren't horses extinct in Tyria? To the point they're considered mythological?


> Might have been a conversation I had somewhere else then.


Horses are not extinct. The book _Edge of Destiny_ (which takes place six years before the game's personal story begins) has a scene where several characters notice wild horses running across a grassy plain - and nobody is surprised, meaning they all know what horses are and it's not an unusual sight.

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