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Just wanted to say I usually enjoy PvP


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> @"Shooka.9712" said:

> I'm clueless about why some stuff aren't being changed.

> but overall i'm having a pretty good time in PvP while playing ele and just wanted to let you guys know.

> we need a tiny bit more positivity around here.


i love pvp but they could add a giant turtle and siege battle lol

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> just wanted to let you guys know. we need a tiny bit more positivity around here.


Positivity can only be accomplished if you know how to play your profession and you know what to do in certain situations. A lot of competitive players expect a lot from other players and if it doesn't go their way, it's gonna go downhill from there. What I mean by that they don't get mad from players who are new to the game, but rather trolls that throw matches on purpose. I had many games where the enemy team was complaining that one of their teammates is being AFK, or is not leaving the spawn area or is camping the trebuchet on Battle of Kyhlo and so on. I had those types of players at least once or twice throughout seasons and believe me, it can be quite infuriating.


If you are at the very least average, meaning you know the maps, you know how to fight certain professions, helping out teammates, when to leave fights and generally staying alive for the majority of the time, you should be good and your teammates shouldn't have any problems with you. Toxicity only begins not from simple mistakes, but by obviously throwing matches. Nobody wants to lose their rating because of one prick who decided to be a prick and cost everyone their hard earned rating. It's one of the reasons I think that there should be harsher punishments for people who throw matches on purpose.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> I'll be positive when 2 minutes into a ranked game i don't want to kill myself because of balance and match quality :)


I think that's more of an attitude problem is anything. You win some you lose some but 2 mins in and you think things are terrible? Maybe you shoulf focus on your own play instead of complaining about everything when balance itself is not even that bad atm.

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> @"czerwoni.9563" said:

> > @"Shooka.9712" said:

> > I'm clueless about why some stuff aren't being changed.

> > but overall i'm having a pretty good time in PvP while playing ele and just wanted to let you guys know.

> > we need a tiny bit more positivity around here.


> i love pvp but they could add a giant turtle and siege battle lol



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> @"Les.4872" said:

> balance itself is not even that bad atm.


This, but the areas where it is bad could have been easily avoided with a second pass of playtesting, and are insultingly overpowered.


Its like a glass of water with just a little poison in it. Proportionally it isnt that bad but itll still make you wanna die.



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I honestly don't understand how somethings just go unchecked to be honest.


I don't understand why they care about people playing blatantly broken stuff just to wait til the end of the Pvp Split where they might not even get things right


Mesmer is lol i mean there is a 43 page post on them.


Warrior is the only damage Plate that feels like plate.


Scourge is powerful at what it does but is need since warriors biggest weakness is condi everyone else suffers because of this.



There is either right Now live lord or getblown up in a few seconds. The reason the pvp community is small is due to people don't like getting one shot, people don't like seeing their abilities hit for 0 for almost a minute, people don't like clipping a red circle and losing half of their health.


If they want people to actively play in pvp they need to roll out hotfixes when something is found to be too strong. Im not saying they can get everything right but waiting 3 months and still not getting it right won't help.


People love watching and playing pvp, heck if you look at twitch the top 20 view games are some type of Player vs Player.


The only reason i see things the way they are is possibly they have like 4-5 people working on pvp wvw ect.


I for one enjoy pvp and wvw just not currently at all and have no interest playing that hot mess.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Les.4872" said:

> > balance itself is not even that bad atm.


> This, but the areas where it is bad could have been easily avoided with a second pass of playtesting, and are insultingly overpowered.


> Its like a glass of water with just a little poison in it. Proportionally it isnt that bad but itll still make you wanna die.




Not gonna argue with you on that. I feel the same way sometimes but overall enjoyable.

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> @"Les.4872" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > I'll be positive when 2 minutes into a ranked game i don't want to kill myself because of balance and match quality :)


> I think that's more of an attitude problem is anything. You win some you lose some but 2 mins in and you think things are terrible? Maybe you shoulf focus on your own play instead of complaining about everything when balance itself is not even that bad atm.


I don't give a shit about winning or losing if the game is good. If in 2 mins my team lost a 2v1, let the enemy freecap a node while I whispered them 10 times to turn around and still nothing, and our PP deadeye already wiped 3 times then yeah, I'm not having fun..

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PUG - pick up group


Accept the nature of PUG and be less agitated, angry, or mad.

SoloQ is PUG; you have no control over what you will get. In a 15-min game, you simply cannot teach a player how to play as a team if he does not have that knowledge already. Sometimes a small reminder will make a positive impact on the teammate who hesitates what his next step should be. But trying to "teach" a pretty clueless person about the strategy is utterly futile - too short of time and too fast the pace in such setting.


Often time, people started calling name and throw out insult to others. Yes sure, noob needs to learn to play (he is, isn't he?). The so-called "vets" also need to L2P. He should already know the nature of this PUG system. Yelling, insulting, shaming, all of these do not work. Actually, make everything worse, and often make you lose the game.


Accept the fact that some matches are not meant to win because of the comp of the team and the experience of the team members.

The worse thing to do is to insult team-mate. Even if he is a noob, so what? Aren't you a noob at some point?


Once a person started to be negative, it almost always leads to losing the game.

Sometimes, if the group stay positive, come back can occur and you know how satisfied it was.


Agreed with OP. Positivity is good.

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