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Scourge boon conversion.


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Okay so the Scourge hate is not lessening. Honestly ANet did us no favors with the enormous pulsing red circles, as they really catch the eye. People see those and assume all the damage they are taking is due to Scourge. It is quite obvious that eventually ANet will bow to the pressure, and so some kind of alternative to a full on gutting needs to happen.


What I think could work, if it's not already too late, is to make Scourge convert boons into only one or two different kind of condition. Like either torment, bleed, or poison. They won't give us burning imo. Also I think that they probably need to take resistance off the conversion table.


Taking resistance off the table alone should be enough to give us a reply to the Scourge hate. At that point we just tell them to run more cleanse AND resist.

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So what you're asking for is basically that _unending corruption_ work the same way than punishment skill.

Outside of that it's all core necromancer stuff so it doesn't touch only the scourge but the profession as a whole.


However, personnally i'd agree with changes on the necromancer's boon corruption. The necromancer used to have as much boon rip effect than boon corruption effect, leaving boon corruption as a more tactical effect. I'd rather see anet reduce boon corruptions in favor of boon ripping effect to add some balance down there.


I'd like to see weapon's boon corruption effects replaced by boon ripping effect, _path of corruption_ effect changed to make boon ripping effect into corrupting effects and shroud skill#2 have in built boon ripping effect based on which spec you use. This way we could legitimately get rid of the boon corruption effect on scourge F2 (or even give _unending corruption_ effect to F2 only) which would soothe things quite a bit.


I'd also like to get rid of the fact that each and every F skill proc _manifest sand shade_ which is and have always been the main offender that infuriate other professions. They just don't understand that it's the issue, pointing out everything else without realising that the condi bombs are due to this and only this. The radius of the shades isn't even a real issue but it's so easy to think it is that every one point it.


NB.: good thing that I have a sliver of internet feed today, I like it.

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I mean, you could make Scourge (or just Sand Savant) convert standard boon conversion into the punishment Torment/Cripple instead. We know they can change traits based on spec, or just make it a specific kind of trait for scourge to take that alters the functionality of their boon corrupts. A trade off so to speak. It would affect even well of corruption, corrupt boon any of them (not focus 5 cause that's a boon rip!)

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I'd rather they just cut condi damage, remove resistance as a boon in general (because as a boon it's fundamentally broken with concentration if it can't be stripped/corrupted or too weak if it can be and is just generally anti-fun to play against), and fix revenant to not depend on resistance as its primary means of condition management, but I can get behind a lot of the aforementioned.


A big part of the overarching problem is that a lot of the issues are coming from core necro traits but it's scourge's mechanics that interact with them which just totally break them. You can't nerf core necro because it ends up weak, and there's not much on scourge to really nerf; most of the issues are conceptual/design-level in nature, especially because the scourge does too many things in one package (sustain/direct support/corrupts/AoE damage). Had this profession been in a public beta, it should/would have just been scrapped altogether and rebuilt into some other concept entirely.


Of things on scourge, Sand Savant is probably the biggest issue. It really just shouldn't exist as a whole.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:


> Taking resistance off the table alone should be enough to give us a reply to the Scourge hate. At that point we just tell them to run more cleanse AND resist.


This is a very concerning idea that would likely cause a condi meta please dont. Ideally this would be making the end of socurge as you would not be able to do damage, deal with people on your face, or have not the slightest chance of killing anything that can self apply resistance.

Not only that you screw every condi build in the game that does not have built in resistants.


There was a reason zerker stance was changed from condi immunity to resistance and that was so condi builds had some counter play to it.


Do not suggest removing resistance from the conversion table like ever. As far as the rest of what you say i dont particularly care as i do not play scourge but the resistance part effects every necro build regardless of power or condi. Your main defense on any necro build is your conditions even the ones that dont do damage, chill, blind, cripple, fear, etc.


The last bit of your ideal screws all necro builds.

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Again, you can't balance scourge, corrupts (and thus boons) or conditions while resistance exists as a boon alongside concentration.


All of them need toning down collectively and resistance just shouldn't exist. The effect of condi immunity is fine as a buff like pre-rework Berserker stance, because nothing aside from a trait will extend the duration, so the class can be balanced around it and the effect can't be shared.


Like Dire/TB gear (and now even Apothecary with scourge) with condi, however, ANet's designed themselves into a hole with Concentration and Resistance making the former and boons/corruptions impossible to balance.

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At wvw scourges in numbers are totally overpowered. In a 1 vs 1 its not such a problem. Just was fighting at wvw for a keep. enemy has same numbers but 75% is scourge....End game and bye bye you simply die cause with a lot of Scourges you cant get out of the ring. The thing that should be taken out is the slowling down your actions....cause with cripple you never gone be able to flee. If you simple come all as scourge in a blob you could win any fight. I find anet Respectless to the gamer..Not just high damage that makes melee useless, but also slowing down actions and corrupting boons..a kind of tripple attack. Sort godmode. I really hope the Alliances are balanced better or wvw is end game.

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> @"Chimppossible.1829" said:

> At wvw scourges in numbers are totally overpowered. In a 1 vs 1 its not such a problem. Just was fighting at wvw for a keep. enemy has same numbers but 75% is scourge....End game and bye bye you simply die cause with a lot of Scourges you cant get out of the ring. The thing that should be taken out is the slowling down your actions....cause with cripple you never gone be able to flee. If you simple come all as scourge in a blob you could win any fight. I find anet Respectless to the gamer..Not just high damage that makes melee useless, but also slowing down actions and corrupting boons..a kind of tripple attack. Sort godmode. I really hope the Alliances are balanced better or wvw is end game.


Did u ever play necro yourself?


God mode? Sounds more like warrior to me.

Making melee useless? Sure u cannot facetank scourges shade. But that's the same with 100blades of warrior or guards whirl.

Slowing down action. Well there is almost zero defense on scourge and it's already almost impossible to hit a thief with your abilities. So why is cripple not allowed as a defensive condition? And btw. Almost all classes have a leap or teleports on weapons skills and they aren't affected by movement impairing conditions. Necro doesn't.


Let a guard group fight Vs a scourge group. I guess guards win.

They offer way too much healing and to much boon output. Nerf that and you nerf scourge. Without actually nerfing scourge.

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