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Cheating Accusations


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> @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.


> Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.


I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.


**Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.


You are 100% the problem described in this thread,


You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.

> >

> > Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.


> I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.


> **Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.


> You are 100% the problem described in this thread,


> You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"


So to me, everyone is a hacker!

![](https://i.imgur.com/H5AmsWK.jpg "")



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They're just super salty. I'm sure even they know they're being ridiculous when they make those claims.


Either that or they follow the logic that there were top 10 win traders in the past and therefore they must all be win traders. Because logic. ?

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> Playing PvP in recent eras (have played a lot in the past), I've been noticing a strange phenomenon lately.


> Team, whispers, and map chat are more increasingly used for exposing cheaters. Now obviously on the very overt speed hackers/air-swimmers, this is expected, but it's going further.


> This is now common:


> - Their Mesmer is scripting! He one shot me from stealth using multiple abilities at once.

> - Their Thief is hacking for infinite initiative look closely he uses Shortbow #5 a lot in a row.

> - (And the most common) When somebody disconnects on either side, if there is a top10 player in that game, he'll instantly be 'confirmed' as a win-trader. It's happened to me, the worst when harassment will spill out into the mists map chat after game: "Wow, Chaith pays people to throw games, it just happened, very disappointing."


> So just a public service announcement, you may not always have the perfect game knowledge to understand how a player can use their profession to do certain things.

> Everything except overtly air-swimming, speedhacking, it's all possible (and far more likely) the player in question is not using programs to consistently do things within the confines of the game, like strong awareness, dodging your attacks, or hitting you with their classes big bursts.


> In about 22k PvP games I've never once felt like anyone could pull off flawless bursts/random dodges with machine like consistency for an entire match. No player can play their class to their full awareness & mechanical potential on a regular basis. As a former pro player I ask you to trust me, you'd get your talent noticed very fast if you consistently dodged every key ability on autopilot.


> To reiterate, **sorry, but the person who just killed you is 99% likely not cheating, and you wouldn't know even if they were. Save the finger pointing, it's toxic**.


> As for the alt-throwing to gain wins/shield losses, aka wintrading, you really can't know either unless they're morons laughing in map chat about it. Remember that a huge percent of the playerbase has potato connections, awful skills in PvP, or will throw for a dumb or no reason.


> That's it, maybe lower toxicity toward each other by being very conservative about throwing out accusations of cheating


I agree with you, and we just need to keep in mind most of today players are so young. I'm 26 and playing games with kids from the age of 14-17 lol i seen a lot of raging and salt tossed around in Rank. I usually let them vent it out in rage or report them for verbal abuse. This game has so much toxicity it's so sad because the game is so unique and amazing..... I just wish a majority of the players were mature enough to understand when they are simply out played. Either way , thanks for the post.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.

> >

> > Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.


> I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.


> **Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.


> You are 100% the problem described in this thread,


> You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"


I'll except your knowledge on what the server runs vs what is run of the users PC, but that really makes matters even worse from my perspective.


I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.


I had a teammate decide to quit a match and just stand next to a capture point. His health would go down to around 90% as they attacked him then shoot right back up. All 5 opponents attacked him for a couple minutes until they realized that he couldn't be killed. I've seen this in game, as well as in videos on cheats. I assumed protection and healing cool down hacks, but again perhaps you know how it is done. I'd love to know how to play 'Pro' like that so that I can play those builds that can withstand unlimited attacks while I'm afk.


I've seen players teleport from just outside the spawn to home and far without a portal. I'm not 'Pro' because my teleport skills have a range limit.


I've faced a thief that made it from his spawn to ours in about 2 seconds, meaning he was at our gate around the time we dropped down at the start of the match. I assumed a movement skill cool down hack, but again I'd love to know how to thief that 'Pro'.


I've seen players using skills that require lots of life force at the start of the match. How'd they fill their life force before engaging in any combat...I suppose they just 'Pro' to my suck at gaming.


These are just a handful of examples.


You are totally right though. Players like me are 100% the problem.




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@"Chum Chum.7234"


- The engineer scenario can’t happen to that degree. I’m not sure what to say. I think you’re exaggerating the numbers here.

- The instantly healing player was likely an elementalist using an obvious exploit that was patched fairly quickly. It had nothing to do with hacking.

- There was a bug in the past that allowed players to spawn at other locations, but if you see this today, it’s likely a hack (since character location is client-side) if at the start of a match. Also keep shadow trap in mind after a match has begun.

- Necromancers gain life force from anything that “dies”. This includes AI (gyros). It is common practice for scrappers to provide life force to necromancers at the start of a match.

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> @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.

> > >

> > > Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.

> >

> > I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.

> >

> > **Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.

> >

> > You are 100% the problem described in this thread,

> >

> > You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"


> I'll except your knowledge on what the server runs vs what is run of the users PC, but that really makes matters even worse from my perspective.


> I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.


So, in theory at least, you could spawn that many mines, although why you would want to is a little beyond me because it borks over your defense. Here's what you'd need:


* Tools Trait Line for minor [Optimized Activation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Optimized_Activation "Optimized Activation") trait.

* Grandmaster Trait: [Minesweeper](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper "Minesweeper")

* Utility skills: [Elixir R](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_R "Elixir R"), [Throw Mine](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Mine "Throw Mine")


Then, all you gotta do is stay in combat, dodge everywhere, use Elixir R, repeat dodging everywhere, use [Mine Field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mine_Field "Mine Field") and Throw Mine, and do it all under 10 seconds before the mines despawn. That should get you approximately 21 mines (5 dodges x 3 + 5 (mine field) + 1 (throw mine)), but in so doing you're screwing yourself by removing a lot of your defensive potential in utility skills and traits.

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> @"Chum Chum.7234" said:


> I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.


> I had a teammate decide to quit a match and just stand next to a capture point. His health would go down to around 90% as they attacked him then shoot right back up. All 5 opponents attacked him for a couple minutes until they realized that he couldn't be killed. I've seen this in game, as well as in videos on cheats. I assumed protection and healing cool down hacks, but again perhaps you know how it is done. I'd love to know how to play 'Pro' like that so that I can play those builds that can withstand unlimited attacks while I'm afk.


> I've seen players teleport from just outside the spawn to home and far without a portal. I'm not 'Pro' because my teleport skills have a range limit.


> I've faced a thief that made it from his spawn to ours in about 2 seconds, meaning he was at our gate around the time we dropped down at the start of the match. I assumed a movement skill cool down hack, but again I'd love to know how to thief that 'Pro'.


> I've seen players using skills that require lots of life force at the start of the match. How'd they fill their life force before engaging in any combat...I suppose they just 'Pro' to my suck at gaming.


> These are just a handful of examples.


> You are totally right though. Players like me are 100% the problem.


Out of curiosity, is this ranked? If so, what tier?


I've been loitering in plat 1 the last 3 seasons, and I can count the number of obvious hackers (on the order of what you're describing here) I've encountered on one hand. It could just be luck, and while I might see more of them if I played more matches, I feel like this might be a matter of being stuck with garbage tier players. I feel like anyone who's any good at spvp has so many ways to win without cheats, I find it hard to believe this behavior is actually rampant the higher up you go.


Then again, I've never stayed above 1550 for very long, so I have no clue what plat 2/3 or legendary looks like.


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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:


> > I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.

> >

> > I had a teammate decide to quit a match and just stand next to a capture point. His health would go down to around 90% as they attacked him then shoot right back up. All 5 opponents attacked him for a couple minutes until they realized that he couldn't be killed. I've seen this in game, as well as in videos on cheats. I assumed protection and healing cool down hacks, but again perhaps you know how it is done. I'd love to know how to play 'Pro' like that so that I can play those builds that can withstand unlimited attacks while I'm afk.

> >

> > I've seen players teleport from just outside the spawn to home and far without a portal. I'm not 'Pro' because my teleport skills have a range limit.

> >

> > I've faced a thief that made it from his spawn to ours in about 2 seconds, meaning he was at our gate around the time we dropped down at the start of the match. I assumed a movement skill cool down hack, but again I'd love to know how to thief that 'Pro'.

> >

> > I've seen players using skills that require lots of life force at the start of the match. How'd they fill their life force before engaging in any combat...I suppose they just 'Pro' to my suck at gaming.

> >

> > These are just a handful of examples.

> >

> > You are totally right though. Players like me are 100% the problem.

> >

> Out of curiosity, is this ranked? If so, what tier?


> I've been loitering in plat 1 the last 3 seasons, and I can count the number of obvious hackers (on the order of what you're describing here) I've encountered on one hand. It could just be luck, and while I might see more of them if I played more matches, I feel like this might be a matter of being stuck with garbage tier players. I feel like anyone who's any good at spvp has so many ways to win without cheats, I find it hard to believe this behavior is actually rampant the higher up you go.


> Then again, I've never stayed above 1550 for very long, so I have no clue what plat 2/3 or legendary looks like.



I'm usually high gold or low plat. I do mostly play at 7:00 am EST and fully acknowledge that I don't see this stuff when I find time to play around 7:00 pm EST.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.

> > > >

> > > > Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.

> > >

> > > I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.

> > >

> > > **Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.

> > >

> > > You are 100% the problem described in this thread,

> > >

> > > You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"

> >

> > I'll except your knowledge on what the server runs vs what is run of the users PC, but that really makes matters even worse from my perspective.

> >

> > I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.


> So, in theory at least, you could spawn that many mines, although why you would want to is a little beyond me because it borks over your defense. Here's what you'd need:


> * Tools Trait Line for minor [Optimized Activation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Optimized_Activation "Optimized Activation") trait.

> * Grandmaster Trait: [Minesweeper](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper "Minesweeper")

> * Utility skills: [Elixir R](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_R "Elixir R"), [Throw Mine](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Mine "Throw Mine")


> Then, all you gotta do is stay in combat, dodge everywhere, use Elixir R, repeat dodging everywhere, use [Mine Field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mine_Field "Mine Field") and Throw Mine, and do it all under 10 seconds before the mines despawn. That should get you approximately 21 mines (5 dodges x 3 + 5 (mine field) + 1 (throw mine)), but in so doing you're screwing yourself by removing a lot of your defensive potential in utility skills and traits.


That is cool to know although this guy littered the whole map continuously rather than in a single burst. He was 'Pro'.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.

> > > >

> > > > Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.

> > >

> > > I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.

> > >

> > > **Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.

> > >

> > > You are 100% the problem described in this thread,

> > >

> > > You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"

> >

> > I'll except your knowledge on what the server runs vs what is run of the users PC, but that really makes matters even worse from my perspective.

> >

> > I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.


> So, in theory at least, you could spawn that many mines, although why you would want to is a little beyond me because it borks over your defense. Here's what you'd need:


> * Tools Trait Line for minor [Optimized Activation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Optimized_Activation "Optimized Activation") trait.

> * Grandmaster Trait: [Minesweeper](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper "Minesweeper")

> * Utility skills: [Elixir R](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_R "Elixir R"), [Throw Mine](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Mine "Throw Mine")


> Then, all you gotta do is stay in combat, dodge everywhere, use Elixir R, repeat dodging everywhere, use [Mine Field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mine_Field "Mine Field") and Throw Mine, and do it all under 10 seconds before the mines despawn. That should get you approximately 21 mines (5 dodges x 3 + 5 (mine field) + 1 (throw mine)), but in so doing you're screwing yourself by removing a lot of your defensive potential in utility skills and traits.


I didn't think anyone else trolled a mine build :astonished:


I run Bunker Down Trait and Mine Sweeper traits with Throw mine on a Scrapper build. Explosives/Inventions/scrapper on demolishers ammy and Energy Sigils... It's fun for unranked and to troll but that's about it...


(u forgot bunker down btw... Spawns a 12s mine every 3s along with a med kit on crits)


I feel like he's talking about me lmao because I treat unranked as a deathmatch I find myself at enemy spawn a lot...

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> @"Undo.5091" said:

> @"Chum Chum.7234"


> - The engineer scenario can’t happen to that degree. I’m not sure what to say. I think you’re exaggerating the numbers here.

> - The instantly healing player was likely an elementalist using an obvious exploit that was patched fairly quickly. It had nothing to do with hacking.

> - There was a bug in the past that allowed players to spawn at other locations, but if you see this today, it’s likely a hack (since character location is client-side) if at the start of a match. Also keep shadow trap in mind after a match has begun.

> - Necromancers gain life force from anything that “dies”. This includes AI (gyros). It is common practice for scrappers to provide life force to necromancers at the start of a match.


Well, I'm not exaggerating the engineer scenario, but Vagraint offered some explanation. It appearantly can be done in bursts, but this 'Pro' had it on sustain.


I've witnessed the healing on Thieves and Guardians. I can't recall having seen it on Ele. I've seen a lot of players teleport straight to home or away at the start of a match. They didn't actually spawn there.


If you all don't witness this nonesense, than good for you, but please stop thinking the rest of us are crazy.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > > > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.

> > > > >

> > > > > Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.

> > > >

> > > > I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.

> > > >

> > > > **Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.

> > > >

> > > > You are 100% the problem described in this thread,

> > > >

> > > > You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"

> > >

> > > I'll except your knowledge on what the server runs vs what is run of the users PC, but that really makes matters even worse from my perspective.

> > >

> > > I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.

> >

> > So, in theory at least, you could spawn that many mines, although why you would want to is a little beyond me because it borks over your defense. Here's what you'd need:

> >

> > * Tools Trait Line for minor [Optimized Activation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Optimized_Activation "Optimized Activation") trait.

> > * Grandmaster Trait: [Minesweeper](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper "Minesweeper")

> > * Utility skills: [Elixir R](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_R "Elixir R"), [Throw Mine](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Mine "Throw Mine")

> >

> > Then, all you gotta do is stay in combat, dodge everywhere, use Elixir R, repeat dodging everywhere, use [Mine Field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mine_Field "Mine Field") and Throw Mine, and do it all under 10 seconds before the mines despawn. That should get you approximately 21 mines (5 dodges x 3 + 5 (mine field) + 1 (throw mine)), but in so doing you're screwing yourself by removing a lot of your defensive potential in utility skills and traits.


> I didn't think anyone else trolled a mine build :astonished:


> I run Bunker Down Trait and Mine Sweeper traits with Throw mine on a Scrapper build. Explosives/Inventions/scrapper on demolishers ammy and Energy Sigils... It's fun for unranked and to troll but that's about it...


> (u forgot bunker down btw... Spawns a 12s mine every 3s along with a med kit on crits)


> I feel like he's talking about me lmao because I treat unranked as a deathmatch I find myself at enemy spawn a lot...


Ah, I totally forgot about bunker down. Good point.


So yeah, 20-25 mines isn't totally unrealistic, it's just hell to pull off and it requires you basically forgetting about defense.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > > > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > > > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > > > > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.

> > > > >

> > > > > You are 100% the problem described in this thread,

> > > > >

> > > > > You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"

> > > >

> > > > I'll except your knowledge on what the server runs vs what is run of the users PC, but that really makes matters even worse from my perspective.

> > > >

> > > > I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.

> > >

> > > So, in theory at least, you could spawn that many mines, although why you would want to is a little beyond me because it borks over your defense. Here's what you'd need:

> > >

> > > * Tools Trait Line for minor [Optimized Activation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Optimized_Activation "Optimized Activation") trait.

> > > * Grandmaster Trait: [Minesweeper](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper "Minesweeper")

> > > * Utility skills: [Elixir R](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_R "Elixir R"), [Throw Mine](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Mine "Throw Mine")

> > >

> > > Then, all you gotta do is stay in combat, dodge everywhere, use Elixir R, repeat dodging everywhere, use [Mine Field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mine_Field "Mine Field") and Throw Mine, and do it all under 10 seconds before the mines despawn. That should get you approximately 21 mines (5 dodges x 3 + 5 (mine field) + 1 (throw mine)), but in so doing you're screwing yourself by removing a lot of your defensive potential in utility skills and traits.

> >

> > I didn't think anyone else trolled a mine build :astonished:

> >

> > I run Bunker Down Trait and Mine Sweeper traits with Throw mine on a Scrapper build. Explosives/Inventions/scrapper on demolishers ammy and Energy Sigils... It's fun for unranked and to troll but that's about it...

> >

> > (u forgot bunker down btw... Spawns a 12s mine every 3s along with a med kit on crits)

> >

> > I feel like he's talking about me lmao because I treat unranked as a deathmatch I find myself at enemy spawn a lot...


> Ah, I totally forgot about bunker down. Good point.


> So yeah, 20-25 mines isn't totally unrealistic, it's just hell to pull off and it requires you basically forgetting about defense.


You do basically forget about defense but Scrapper offers a lot of passive sustain combined with lots of dodges.. Also healing turret combined with finishers (and theres a few) offers even more sustain + the vigor for even more dodges.

Taking hammer also gives you a block and reflect and evade skill


Not saying it's OP, but it's definitely fun for unranked if you like to role play builds

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> @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > We're at a point where good players are so unheard of that the plebs just call it hacking when they see one.

> > >

> > > Everytime I see what I think is a pro player that makes a class look unbeatable, I read through the class skills/cool down periods or worse yet waste the time to create the class and learn it. I usually find the same thing, the 'pro player' was nothing more than a hacker playing without cool downs.

> >

> > I think you forgot to account for the very flawed process where you 'determine' if someone is hacking based on how often it **felt** like their skills were going off.

> >

> > **Cooldowns**, health, gold, gems, these are stored server side, to alter these you can't just use a mod/hack that modifies your game files.

> >

> > You are 100% the problem described in this thread,

> >

> > You're literally the definition of: "everyone better than me must be a hacker"


> I'll except your knowledge on what the server runs vs what is run of the users PC, but that really makes matters even worse from my perspective.


> I watched an engineer cover pretty much the entire map with mines. He pushed our entire team to the spawn and proceeded to win a 1 vs 5 fight by covering the entire area with mines. I read through all engineer builds and couldn't find one that allowed 20-30 mines to be deployed at once. I assumed a cool down hack and don't know how else it would be done, but perhaps you know.


> I had a teammate decide to quit a match and just stand next to a capture point. His health would go down to around 90% as they attacked him then shoot right back up. All 5 opponents attacked him for a couple minutes until they realized that he couldn't be killed. I've seen this in game, as well as in videos on cheats. I assumed protection and healing cool down hacks, but again perhaps you know how it is done. I'd love to know how to play 'Pro' like that so that I can play those builds that can withstand unlimited attacks while I'm afk.


> I've seen players teleport from just outside the spawn to home and far without a portal. I'm not 'Pro' because my teleport skills have a range limit.


> I've faced a thief that made it from his spawn to ours in about 2 seconds, meaning he was at our gate around the time we dropped down at the start of the match. I assumed a movement skill cool down hack, but again I'd love to know how to thief that 'Pro'.


> I've seen players using skills that require lots of life force at the start of the match. How'd they fill their life force before engaging in any combat...I suppose they just 'Pro' to my suck at gaming.


> These are just a handful of examples.


> You are totally right though. Players like me are 100% the problem.





You're still assuming everything you feel is too strong, or can't explain is hacking.


- Engineers can meme build for 15+ mines concurrently if they really want to stack all mine mechanics. Bunker Down can churn them out on crit.

- Thieves on Forest map can get to your spawn in seconds by stacking infil signet, infil strike, shadowstep, steal if they are trying to be funny.

- I can grant a necro 11% death shroud by detonating a gyro or minion, with pre-buffing my Scrapper gives 33% death shroud and 44% if I want to blow sneak gyro

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> @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> I've seen players using skills that require lots of life force at the start of the match. How'd they fill their life force before engaging in any combat...I suppose they just 'Pro' to my suck at gaming.


There are a number of methods at which a necromancer can gain lifeforce at the start of the match before engaging in combat.


Scourge can use [Dessicate](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dessicate) to gain 10% life force, and if the Scourge is smart enough to pop Desiccate immediately after the match start cooldown reset occurs, there will be enough time for the Scourge to get off a second desiccate before the first teamfight, thus allowing the Scourge to entire the first fight with 20% life force.


Reaper has even more options. [YSIM](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Your_Soul_Is_Mine!%22) grants 5% life force a pop on a 18 second cooldown traited, which means it like dessicate can be popped twice before the first fight. Additionally [blighter's Boon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blighter%27s_Boon) means that any boon generation will generate life force. A shout reaper with YSIM and [YAAW](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22You_Are_All_Weaklings!%22) can generate 10% life force immediately at match start with another 5% from the second YSIM before reaching mid. Throw in some runes that give boons on heal skill use and you can get some serious out of combat life force generation.


All necromancers can also use [Necrotic Traversal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Necrotic_Traversal) (the flip skill for Flesh Wurm) for 10% life force.


Combine any of the above methods with a Scrapper gyro sacrificing as outlined in Chaith's above post and you can easily have a necro entering the first fight with almost 50% lifeforce.




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I’ve only seen one for sure hacker. It was a dragon hunter and he was blinking all over the place. It’s even funnier because he was completely useless and they lost by a landslide. If you’re gonna hack, at least be useful.... lol

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I know how many of the hacks are done, but to discuss them here will get me banned from the forum, so we can't actually discuss the how.


Everyone that thinks that hacking isn't rampant should pause and ask why ANET just suspended over a thousand accounts just last month (ANET key points pasted below). The notable hacking has fallen dramatically since ANET dropped the suspensions. I still see it, but can now trust that I won't continue to see it from the same players day after day. Wintrading on the other hand is still absolutely rampant.


"Yesterday we suspended 1,583 accounts for a period of 6 months. 1516 accounts were suspended because we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year. We targeted programs that allow players to cheat and gain unfair gameplay advantages, even if those programs have other, more benign uses.


Programs Detected:







The remaining 67 accounts also received suspensions for a period of six months because they were directly associated to one of the 1516 accounts and also had one or more previous suspensions related to botting or hacking; those suspensions will be reversed"

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Agree with this 100% percent @"Chaith.8256". There is a time and place for when it's very obvious to report someone who is cheating...but you better be REALLY sure if you are going to randomly accuse someone. That's really the only thing that causes me to go into a whisper rage after a match is when I'm accused of cheating and it isn't just a meme joke.

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> @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> I know how many of the hacks are done, but to discuss them here will get me banned from the forum, so we can't actually discuss the how.


> Everyone that thinks that hacking isn't rampant should pause and ask why ANET just suspended over a thousand accounts just last month (ANET key points pasted below). The notable hacking has fallen dramatically since ANET dropped the suspensions. I still see it, but can now trust that I won't continue to see it from the same players day after day. Wintrading on the other hand is still absolutely rampant.


> "Yesterday we suspended 1,583 accounts for a period of 6 months. 1516 accounts were suspended because we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year. We targeted programs that allow players to cheat and gain unfair gameplay advantages, even if those programs have other, more benign uses.


> Programs Detected:


> CheatEngine

> Nabster

> GW2MHRexe



> The remaining 67 accounts also received suspensions for a period of six months because they were directly associated to one of the 1516 accounts and also had one or more previous suspensions related to botting or hacking; those suspensions will be reversed"


Yeah we are aware of the 1,500-1,600 previously active users of these illegal programs. Consider the following:


- There are an estimated 3.3 million unique gw2 users who at least have an interest in logging in who could potentially mod their game with hacks.

- Do your own wild guess as to how much of the population plays PvP in any regular habit.

- Do your own wild guess as to how many of illegal program users only used very covert, convenience related or barely noticeable hacks to avoid being reported


From those 1 in 2062 accounts found with illegal hacks, the ones that PvP, and also use the highly malignant features as opposed to convenience hacks, ex: like speed/teleport hacking, I've gotta ballpark your experiences of being matched with a player using obvious hacks in PvP as a handful in 10,000-20,000 matches.


Obviously everyone's experiences coming across hackers, speed/flying/teleport or otherwise will differ, but if your experiences on the reg include rampant god-mode hax, it's very safe to say you have no idea what game breaking hacks look like.

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You guys are funny thinking this game has serious PvP anymore. Yes people cheat and hack and wintrade etc... I've faced most of these basement kiddos and here's a thing: They aren't that good. Good against Korean kids with 600 ping at 5am in a AT is one thing. Good against people who aren't lagged out is another.


This is a PVE for the most part game guys.

WvW is somewhat enjoyable. I would suggest moving there if you still competing against others at least in a debased form.

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Top players being banned and/or identified through screenshots & recordings for various forms of cheating is the direct cause of what you are experiencing. If you as a legit top player, want to stop experiencing this prejudice, it would be more effective to encourage the cheating demographic of players to stop said activities, rather than attempting to convince the rest of the community that it isn't a problem or isn't happening at all.


All debacle aside, I agree with your post. But the kind of heat you're providing in this thread should be aimed at the cause of the problem, not the symptoms.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Chaith.8256"

> Top players being banned and/or identified through screenshots & recordings for various forms of cheating is the direct cause of what you are experiencing. If you as a legit top player, want to stop experiencing this prejudice, it would be more effective to encourage the cheating demographic of players to stop said activities, rather than attempting to convince the rest of the community that it isn't a problem or isn't happening at all.


> All debacle aside, I agree with your post. But the kind of heat you're providing in this thread should be aimed at the cause of the problem, not the symptoms.



While you are correct, the scene does need more top players being positive influences...what Chaith is really talking about is the whole "Guilty until proven innocent" attitude of the general population. As someone who does try and be a positive influence, help others out if they have questions, etc...I really have no interest when I 2v1 someone and they spam map chat about hacking.

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