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Things that Should be changed For Next Season


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I agree with most of what you said. My 2 points of contention:


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> The formulas for skill rating are based on quality of win/loss. If you defeat a team that has a higher mmr average than yours, you will gain more points. Yes, someone playing more games takes more risks to lose, but they also have more opportunity to gain points. Generally, messing with the glicko rating system has been shown to make it worse. We don't want to do something to make skill ratings suddenly start climbing to infinity, which is what I think most people's suggestions would do.


What's wrong with infinity? Obviously top players like Sindrener aren't infinitely good at sPvP but they are much more than **marginally** better than a Plat 2 player like me. I wouldn't be offended to be sitting at 1660 and see Sindrener at the absolute maximum score. That is a preferable scenario to the current situation where we're punished more than we gain in our matches.


> We've debated going to a hard reset internally from time to time. The only big pro to a hard reset is making everyone start from the same place, as you note. But the drawback is that the start of seasons would become even far more chaotic than they are now. Match quality is certainly much lower at the start of a season, and the soft reset is one of the reasons. A hard reset would make this even worse. Also, the idea that the top players only stay high because of the soft reset is wrong, I believe. Most of them have proven that they have the ability to get back there. With the reset, the highest someone usually starts is Plat 1.


If I recall correctly, in 2 different seasons I started at the top of Plat 2 or bottom of Plat 3.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > Just get rid of ranking all together. Unranked is by far more popular just due to the fact the toxicity is much much lower overall. My unranked matches are better games, less toxic, and much better quality overall. Just add PvP rewards to unranked and get rid of ranked all together. Face it, the way ranking is done in ranked is just bad and doesn't show an accurate skill level at all. I've watch high level pro players go on a streak of losing and almost falling out of plat all together.

> >

> > When you have players running around plat/gold that can't even grasp the basics of a map, or even a simple rotation, there is a major problem with how skill is determined.


> Numbers do not agree with your statement. While seasons are running, ranked has roughly double the number of matches as unranked.


this is because of pips, if you add pips in unranked you will see a big change in those numbers.

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1. Make it so that the weekly 15 games are required, regardless of by how much you had overdone the weekly minimum the previous week. Example: week 1 you play 19 games instead of the minimum 15, then next week you still need to play an other 15 games. So for that week your minimum will be 34 (19+15) and not only 30. If you complete 40 games that week, then next week you will need at least 55 games, which on the 3rd week otherwise would only be 45... and so on. So if you want to keep your rating on the leaderboard you need to play 15 games every week. Even if you are well above the minimum required number of games.


This still can be abused (for example: playing all your games at the end of the season so that you only reach the minimum game requirement with your last match played, etc.). But still it would make most players play 15 games a week and not only 1 every 3 days.

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I would still duo above 1600mmr even if I didn't have the ability to earn more mmr while in a duo queue tbh... I just want to play with my friend in actual decent games and get semi decent rewards. Both of which only happen in ranked and not unranked.

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> @"Nimrud.5642" said:

> 1. Make it so that the weekly 15 games are required, regardless of by how much you had overdone the weekly minimum the previous week. Example: week 1 you play 19 games instead of the minimum 15, then next week you still need to play an other 15 games. So for that week your minimum will be 34 (19+15) and not only 30. If you complete 40 games that week, then next week you will need at least 55 games, which on the 3rd week otherwise would only be 45... and so on. So if you want to keep your rating on the leaderboard you need to play 15 games every week. Even if you are well above the minimum required number of games.


> This still can be abused (for example: playing all your games at the end of the season so that you only reach the minimum game requirement with your last match played, etc.). But still it would make most players play 15 games a week and not only 1 every 3 days.


I'm not sure this will really change anything. What will happen is that several plat players will be forced to play and face the same issues as silver/gold players, but that won't have a big impact..

What should be adressed is the reason plat players don't play much in order to keep their badge.

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> @"Xtrverz.4069" said:

> Reintroduce duo q as a test for next season but lower the rating gain from duoing and increase rating gain from solo q ing?


Time for testing is over we are already at the end of season 11 which is not beta - so how many more seasons before its perfect? Prediction season 33.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > Just get rid of ranking all together. Unranked is by far more popular just due to the fact the toxicity is much much lower overall. My unranked matches are better games, less toxic, and much better quality overall. Just add PvP rewards to unranked and get rid of ranked all together. Face it, the way ranking is done in ranked is just bad and doesn't show an accurate skill level at all. I've watch high level pro players go on a streak of losing and almost falling out of plat all together.

> >

> > When you have players running around plat/gold that can't even grasp the basics of a map, or even a simple rotation, there is a major problem with how skill is determined.


> Numbers do not agree with your statement. While seasons are running, ranked has roughly double the number of matches as unranked.


Its all about the Money not the fun...

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Nope. No duo queue ever again. If you want to roflstomp people, go play unranked. There you can gather other four friends and win 500-0 all the time you want to satisfy your little ego.


In ranked we have an individual leaderboard, and it makes no sense to be allowed to party up with somebody else, coordinate and have an edge against a team full of solo queuers, and be in said leaderboard.

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> @"milego.4830" said:

> Nope. No duo queue ever again. If you want to roflstomp people, go play unranked. There you can gather other four friends and win 500-0 all the time you want to satisfy your little ego.


> In ranked we have an individual leaderboard, and it makes no sense to be allowed to party up with somebody else, coordinate and have an edge against a team full of solo queuers, and be in said leaderboard.


it's like you and a few others ignore.... a majority of the other stuff thats been talked about/brought up on how this wouldn't really affect most of you making these odd complaints, and while your at you can get on the leader-board by partying up with someone else.... so i'm not sure what your really getting at?


It's like.....everyone here complains about leader-board and wanting to make it seem like it's a big deal to even be on it..... when in reality it isn't. People have Cheated to get on it, People Play Whats consider "broken" to get on it, and People HAVE paid others to throw matches just to get on it. The point in bringing team Ques back in any way possible outside of AT's is to motivate players to gather groups to play against others so it ISNT the same 3-5 teams Always winning At's in Different time zones. a Majority of us in the Top end of Plat want to improve so we can have a fighting chance in winning Monthly or at least Making the run in other events like Ugo/Mist challenger.


Ya'll so scared about some sort of change that can possibly help the game grow a bit more then what it is but are so against it because of "my rating gonna drop because i don't have 4 people to play with" so it isn't fair attitude.


Give things a trail run and just see where it goes.....

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Hey Ben @ Anet at the very least you can do is let people in gold or lower queue with up to five players. There not a threat to anyone. At least allow people new to the game group up with some kind of community.


But matchmaker might scale them up and get rofl stomped so you never know..

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:


> What should be adressed is the reason plat players don't play much in order to keep their badge.


I'm one of these people. The one day this season I queued as much as I wanted to, I experienced a 100 point drop in mmr. I clawed my way back since then, but am still 15 points below where I was before it all happened.


I feel the problem is that mmr simply doesn't mean nearly as much as the system is built to believe, and therefore average team mmr means even less.



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