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[WTA] Which NA server most active during eu time? (5pm Server time onward)

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Hye as title mention above, im looking to transfer to another server. Mainly i play during EU time, but my current server at the moment seems dead. Can u guys suggest me server that active on that time. Im enjoy fighting, but my server ppt too much and cant even handle well during fighting :/

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Hi, I'm looking to add to the time zone imbalance problem in WvW.

> Which server should I choose to have the lest chance of ever being outnumbered?


That's pretty much it. Dude wants to blob it up against no1 but what else can he do tbh? It's more the system than the player. WvW restructure can't come soon enough.

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> @"Blood Metalz.3874" said:

> Hye as title mention above, im looking to transfer to another server. Mainly i play during EU time, but my current server at the moment seems dead. Can u guys suggest me server that active on that time. Im enjoy fighting, but my server ppt too much and cant even handle well during fighting :/


AIR on HOD run either from 4pm or 5pm onwards for 2-3 hours, depending on daylight. They run for 4 times per week I think.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:


> but what else can he do tbh?


He could ask which server has presence, but could use a few extra hands.

He could play on EU servers.

He could inquire about ANYTHING but "Which NA server most active during eu"

He _can't_ transfer to BG because so many already beat him to it.

This particular common genre of post is my personal pet peeve. This posters' not even new, yet he'd ask the rest of us to aid his desire to throw things off further


it's frankly callous

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> >

> > but what else can he do tbh?


> He could ask which server has presence, but could use a few extra hands.

> He could play on EU servers.

> He could inquire about ANYTHING but "Which NA server most active during eu"

> He _can't_ transfer to BG because so many already beat him to it.

> This particular common genre of post is my personal pet peeve. This posters' not even new, yet he'd ask the rest of us to aid his desire to throw things off further


> it's frankly callous


Wow. Expertly put. :+1:



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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> >

> > but what else can he do tbh?


> He could ask which server has presence, but could use a few extra hands.

> He could play on EU servers.

> He could inquire about ANYTHING but "Which NA server most active during eu"

> He _can't_ transfer to BG because so many already beat him to it.

> This particular common genre of post is my personal pet peeve. This posters' not even new, yet he'd ask the rest of us to aid his desire to throw things off further


> it's frankly callous


He needs to get his hand held like most players in this game. Everyone wants to get carried. Hand holding, baby sitting and doesn't want a challenge. This is what 90% of wvw players are about. Hell, this is the case in real life too tbh. I don't blame him.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> >

> > but what else can he do tbh?


> He could ask which server has presence, but could use a few extra hands.

> He could play on EU servers.

> He could inquire about ANYTHING but "Which NA server most active during eu"

> He _can't_ transfer to BG because so many already beat him to it.

> This particular common genre of post is my personal pet peeve. This posters' not even new, yet he'd ask the rest of us to aid his desire to throw things off further


> it's frankly callous


You Cynic! The absolute madman!

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > >

> > > but what else can he do tbh?

> >

> > He could ask which server has presence, but could use a few extra hands.

> > He could play on EU servers.

> > He could inquire about ANYTHING but "Which NA server most active during eu"

> > He _can't_ transfer to BG because so many already beat him to it.

> > This particular common genre of post is my personal pet peeve. This posters' not even new, yet he'd ask the rest of us to aid his desire to throw things off further

> >

> > it's frankly callous


> He needs to get his hand held like most players in this game. Everyone wants to get carried. Hand holding, baby sitting and doesn't want a challenge. This is what 90% of wvw players are about. Hell, this is the case in real life too tbh. I don't blame him.


Hunk, drop more wells and carry me.


In all seriousness, while there certainly are many players, (perhaps even a majority) who want a free ride, don't discount those who are trying to better themselves. There's a reason besides winning fights that I enjoy running alongside VR or TTD, and that's trying to observe how these guilds routinely dominate against much larger enemy forces. Call it training wheels if you like, but learning by observing better players is a valid reason to want a transfer. No idea if that's what the OP is after, just my 2 copper.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Everyone wants to get carried. Hell, this is the case in real life too tbh. I don't blame him.


> Bah, some of us moved out of our parent's basement willingly


Do you know that UFC lightweight champion khabib still lives with his parents?

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > Everyone wants to get carried. Hell, this is the case in real life too tbh. I don't blame him.

> >

> > Bah, some of us moved out of our parent's basement willingly


> Do you know that UFC lightweight champion khabib still lives with his parents?


And he takes punches to the face for a living

That's compensating for something if I ever saw it xD


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