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Help Needed. What to play? (What specialization - Necro)


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Dear Community,


at first thank you for clicking into this topic. I would really appreciate it to receive as many opinions i can get.


_A short index for a faster reading:

1. MMO Exp & my playstyle

2. what i'm looking for

3. what i'm not looking for

4. final questions_



_1. MMO Exp & my playstyle_

I started playing GW2 from the beta and played for approx. 1-2 years. In this time i really enjoyed the open world content and some PvP with my guardian and later a thief and ele. From this time on i played from time to time but not really for a long time each.

Please note that I was never a real end-content player despite of playing very much.


At the same time i was playing WoW where I started to play PvP Heal and PvE Feral (a condition/power thief with lots of versatility and selfheal), Mutilate Rogue (a condition thief) and Blood/Unholy Deathknight (Melee Selfheal Tank / Melee condition/Power).

Playing for many years in progress orientated play-style as high-elo PvP Healer and DPS-machine made me clear that my main (which was rogue the most time) is far too squishy for the most things I want to do... from soloing to hard encounters.

This was the reason i swapped from rogue to my Deathknight (which was already a twink for a long time).

What i really liked:

- Being able to kill large amounts of enemies at once without struggling or needing to kite too much

- Being able to fight large encounters alone

- In the Unholy specialization: Dotting enemies and watch them coming closer to death tick by tick



What i really disliked:

- It's WoW and it sucks

- to swap a class takes waaaay to long and it takes several weeks/months to be viable again

- Seeing what love Arena puts in GW2 and what love WoW gets... (also in regards of the money amounts Blizzard gains from WoW.. and spends on other projects ._. )



So to shorten this up:


_2. What i'm looking for_

A **Damage** specialization for:

- Open world events (mass amounts of enemies)

- Hard open world events (with difficult or hard-hitting encounters)

- Running around the map, exploring everything

- Maybe low fractals with premade groups



_3. What i'm **NOT** looking for:_

- Being the best damage dealer in the world

- raiding the hardest fractals or raids with ease

- Being squishy or being super tanky (I dislike being a tank as well as being a glasscannon)

- Being the last in the dmg-meter

- Being a super PvP class

- **A class/specialization that is only good due to an OP-DMG (which could change after a patch)**



_4. My final questions_

Finally after this whole textwall I am asking you:

- Do you think a Necromancer is the class i should play in regards of the requirements i have?

- Which specialization should i choose if Necromancer is the right class?


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> @"Vittich.4853" said:

> _2. What i'm looking for_

> A **Damage** specialization for:

> - Open world events (mass amounts of enemies)

> - Hard open world events (with difficult or hard-hitting encounters)

> - Running around the map, exploring everything

> - Maybe low fractals with premade groups


Take one of these:

1) Ranger with druid elite

2) Mesmer with chrono or mirage elite

3) Necromancer with scourge elite

All 3 of these seem to fit what you are looking in damage.


> _3. What i'm **NOT** looking for:_

> - Being the best damage dealer in the world

> - raiding the hardest fractals or raids with ease

> - Being squishy or being super tanky (I dislike being a tank as well as being a glasscannon)

> - Being the last in the dmg-meter

> - Being a super PvP class

> - **A class/specialization that is only good due to an OP-DMG (which could change after a patch)**


Then don't pick:

1) Any form of necromancer

2) Any form of engineer

3) Any form of warrior

All of these classes do fit at least one criteria of what you do not want.


> _4. My final questions_

> Finally after this whole textwall I am asking you:

> - Do you think a Necromancer is the class i should play in regards of the requirements i have?

> - Which specialization should i choose if Necromancer is the right class?


No. Take ranger. It have everything you would ever want, and seeing how druid isn't nerfed for god knows how long, there is likely 0% chance it will be nerfed ever.



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> What i'm looking for

> A Damage specialization for:


> Open world events (mass amounts of enemies)

> Hard open world events (with difficult or hard-hitting encounters)

> Running around the map, exploring everything

> Maybe low fractals with premade groups


Since you want a damage specialization, presumably a power based specialization then go with the Reaper specialization. It's a melee focused specialization that deals a lot of damage within that range.


When it comes to dealing condition damage on foes, or Dotting as WOW players call it, then run either core or Scourge. Scourge is especially good at dotting foes.


Also, your wall of text is anything but that. I've seen so many posts on the forums and even on Reddit where it's nothing but walls of text. You did the opposite of that.

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> @"Vittich.4853" said:

> _2. What i'm looking for_

> A **Damage** specialization for:

> - Open world events (mass amounts of enemies)

> - Hard open world events (with difficult or hard-hitting encounters)

> - Running around the map, exploring everything

> - Maybe low fractals with premade groups


> _3. What i'm **NOT** looking for:_

> - Being the best damage dealer in the world

> - raiding the hardest fractals or raids with ease

> - Being squishy or being super tanky (I dislike being a tank as well as being a glasscannon)

> - Being the last in the dmg-meter

> - Being a super PvP class

> - **A class/specialization that is only good due to an OP-DMG (which could change after a patch)**

Go for Reaper (full berserk or full viper - both is fine)!


To me it's the best open world class because it's the best AOE trash mob destruction class. You are much more efficient than with other classes because you can pull 10 mobs in an area together and twoshot them with skills on fairly short cooldowns. Completing open world content with e.g. thief takes three times as long (I main necro and thief).


Reaper falls behind when you have to deal with one strong bossmob. Reaper's single target damage is subpar atm.

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If your going Necro for what you listed I too would say probably go reaper. Scourge is more more like a cross between shadow priest and Afflic lock. Can be fun but it's a condi spec so expect to perhaps have to do more kiting. Reaper on the other hand can be fairly tanky if you juggle your cc's and cd's properly. You can also take lvl 2 toons into heart of the mist and play around in daily rooms or unranked to get a feel of the different elite specs before committing to one. If you do wvw at all it makes it pretty easy to get mastery points for leveling those elites as well.

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Thank you very much for your comments.

You all were indeed very helpful!


I have tried both a bit more Reaper and now also Scourge and they are both lots of fun. Still it seems Scourge is way more complex than Reaper due to its mechanics- which isn't a bad thing though.



While doing a lot of Open World Events with multiple Veteran/Elite Mobs i had a lot of fun with spreading and maxing my conditions on them.

Still Scourge seems a bit immobile. I had also the feeling that not attacking while evading and running costs me more damage loss than on the Reaper.

Also i felt kind of squishy if i couldn't shield myself properly.


Reaper & Scourge:

After a dmg-testing in the testing instance i felt a bit sad about the Reapers damage. I played Reaper from time to time so i wasn't especially new here but still i did more dmg on the Scourge which was completely new to me...

Is the dmg difference so enormous between this 2 specs?



What I've done now is:



Do you think this will work? Are there utility skills which are very good but i am missing?

Also which healing skill shall i take?

In "Soul Reaping" the 2nd row: Vital Persistence or Spectral Mastery?


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Lich form is not worth the cd imo. Take either flesh golem for more dps and cc, or chilled to the bome (cttb) for aoe cc. You can also swap decimate defences for chilling victory to get might outside of shroud. Signet of night is only useful half the time in pve, if you want something more rounded, take air sigil. Keep in mind though that anet has announced that they'll be doing a balance patch on May 8th, this and any other advice we give now has a slim chance to be rendered obsolete by then.

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Your build is close to the max dps meta build on reaper (only the dps minions are missing).


Spectral mastery only for spectral grasp and lich is not worth the trait. Vital persistence is a dps increase and makes your combat more fluid due to its cd reduction.


For **open world solo play** I would change the heal to consume conditions as you have at least one condi cleanse then (esp. since you don't take speed of shadows to remove chill, cripple and stuff, which can be very annoying in certain areas) and also change the sigil of night to hydromancy. The latter is pretty OP on reaper as it has tons of synergies (-> cold shoulder: 10% damage increase, proccs chilling nova, deals about 3 to 4k crit aoe damage, is a soft CC).


You might want to change focus to warhorn for swiftness and that 2s daze (see: defiance bar mechanic).


Combining speed of shadows and warhorn grants you permanent swiftness which I personally like to have in open world play. I would drop focus and unyielding blast for that every day. But since we have mounts now, this is not a must have and only personal preference.

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Thanks again for your answers!


> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> You can also swap decimate defences for chilling victory to get might outside of shroud.


A Noob question: Is might so strong compared to 2% stackable crit?



> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Signet of night is only useful half the time in pve, if you want something more rounded, take air sigil.


That is a very good idea, haven't thought about this yet.

What do you think of Sigil of Might? 60% Chance and an inner CD of 1Sek. for 1 Stack Might. With 50% Crit and 100% in shroud i should never get out of might or am i wrong?

Also what do you think of Kill-effect Sigils?

Like mentioned from KrHome - Hydromancy could also be an option?

What would be the best of these all including your air sigil?



> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Keep in mind though that anet has announced that they'll be doing a balance patch on May 8th, this and any other advice we give now has a slim chance to be rendered obsolete by then.


This is true.. but i guess if I try to get deeper into my class (and maybe luckily Reaper gets a Buff?) i can maybe understand what exactly the patch is doing with my class while reading the patchnotes.




> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Your build is close to the max dps meta build on reaper (only the dps minions are missing).


I'm afraid i am not a huuuge Fan of minions. But luckily they aren't as braindead as in many other MMOs.


> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> For **open world solo play** I would change the heal to consume conditions as you have at least one condi cleanse then (esp. since you don't take speed of shadows to remove chill, cripple and stuff, which can be very annoying in certain areas) and also change the sigil of night to hydromancy. The latter is pretty OP on reaper as it has tons of synergies (-> cold shoulder: 10% damage increase, proccs chilling nova, deals about 3 to 4k crit aoe damage, is a soft CC).


This is indeed a good idea - but see above


> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> You might want to change focus to warhorn for swiftness and that 2s daze (see: defiance bar mechanic).


> Combining speed of shadows and warhorn grants you permanent swiftness which I personally like to have in open world play. I would drop focus and unyielding blast for that every day. But since we have mounts now, this is not a must have and only personal preference.


Like you said i mostly use my mounts to run. When i started Neco i also used the 25% run signet and daggers with 25% skill... well it seems i was afraid to be slow ;)



My updated build:



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You're updated build will absolutly do for open world and is definetly a step forward from the one you posted first.

Some suggestions though:

- do not take spectral grasp; it has too much of cooldown for a single use, also its targeting is kinda wonky and you will often see "Obstructed" for no apparent reason

- I understand you do not like minions, but try to look at (some of) them as a specific "fire and forget" tool and not as "companions"; flesh golem's active is really nice vs. breakbars, "Rise!" adds some nice surviveability

- focus offhand doesn't offer a lot for PvE, a warhorn will serve you better (cc on 4 and movespeed, though not really needed since mounts, some dmg and life force generation on 5)

- in case you're playing with other people, keep in mind you can switch out soul reaping for blood magic to give the whole group some more sustain

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> @"Nash.2681" said:

> You're updated build will absolutly do for open world and is definetly a step forward from the one you posted first.

> Some suggestions though:

> - do not take spectral grasp; it has too much of cooldown for a single use, also its targeting is kinda wonky and you will often see "Obstructed" for no apparent reason

> - I understand you do not like minions, but try to look at (some of) them as a specific "fire and forget" tool and not as "companions"; flesh golem's active is really nice vs. breakbars, "Rise!" adds some nice surviveability

> - focus offhand doesn't offer a lot for PvE, a warhorn will serve you better (cc on 4 and movespeed, though not really needed since mounts, some dmg and life force generation on 5)

> - in case you're playing with other people, keep in mind you can switch out soul reaping for blood magic to give the whole group some more sustain



Thank you,


I have replaced spectral grasp now to a situational "Rise!"


Concerning the focus offhand - Is the 4 so weak in PvE? Damage, Regeneration and Vulnerability ... i'm not sure.

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> @"Vittich.4853" said:

> I'm afraid i am not a huuuge Fan of minions. But luckily they aren't as braindead as in many other MMOs.

I also don't like them You don't need them. They have only a minor impact.


>Concerning the focus offhand - Is the 4 so weak in PvE? Damage, Regeneration and Vulnerability ... i'm not sure.

The Regeneration is negligible. The skill also does not increase your dps. In a dps rotation you would not even use it. Cast Wh5, then enter shroud in the middle of the action (5+ targets)! This will grant you 7,5% LF generation per second over 10 seconds, which increases shroud uptime (=damage) a lot.



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> @"Vittich.4853" said:

> Thanks again for your answers!


> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > You can also swap decimate defences for chilling victory to get might outside of shroud.


> A Noob question: Is might so strong compared to 2% stackable crit?


Depends on how much crit you have and how much fury you have access to. Fury and decimate with 25 vuln stacks brings you to 70% crit on your tareget(s) already. Any precision that puts you higher than 100% crit rate is wasted.


> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > Signet of night is only useful half the time in pve, if you want something more rounded, take air sigil.


> That is a very good idea, haven't thought about this yet.

> What do you think of Sigil of Might? 60% Chance and an inner CD of 1Sek. for 1 Stack Might. With 50% Crit and 100% in shroud i should never get out of might or am i wrong?

You'll never run out of might in shroud.


> Also what do you think of Kill-effect Sigils?

> Like mentioned from KrHome - Hydromancy could also be an option?


I find gs auto is enough to permastack chill, especially with chilling nova


> What would be the best of these all including your air sigil?


Group play air, solo play might has its uses, hydro is preference


> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > Keep in mind though that anet has announced that they'll be doing a balance patch on May 8th, this and any other advice we give now has a slim chance to be rendered obsolete by then.


> This is true.. but i guess if I try to get deeper into my class (and maybe luckily Reaper gets a Buff?) i can maybe understand what exactly the patch is doing with my class while reading the patchnotes.



If previous patch notes are any indication: severe nerfs to things we use, minor buffs to things we don't use, qol that nerf us somehow, a buff that makes everyone question anet's sanity, and an axe buff.



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> @"Vittich.4853" said:

> So to shorten this up:


> _2. What i'm looking for_

> A **Damage** specialization for:

> - Open world events (mass amounts of enemies)

Anything works, really

> - Hard open world events (with difficult or hard-hitting encounters)

Also everything is viable to do this, but some known for being able to stand their ground _and_ do some damage is: Warrior (all specs): they have the highest inherent defence and defensive capabilities, while still being able to hit VERY hard. Mirage and Daredevil for having acces to a lot of evades _while_ doing massive damage in the meantime. Guardian (all specs) for having a lot of access to blocks and also still able to easily do a lot of damage.

> - Running around the map, exploring everything

Every class+spec is more than viable to use for this. If you want to do it fast and don't want to or able to mount up (yet), use Daredevil: with their long range dodges and Shortbow 5 skill to cover a lot of ground in a short notice.

> - Maybe low fractals with premade groups

Tier 1 to 3 fractals are quite easy to do, and don't need that much tactical/strategic play, just some practise is always a good thing :D. So again, all classes work in that case. You will have some advantages listed under the hard open world events (mainly Warrior and Guardian). Tier 4 and Challenge Mode on the other hand is definitely a bit more challenging, and would require some more knowledge and coordination. In general, META builds work the best and are the most efficient in getting things done on those tiers. At the moment and for a long time already META is: Druid, Chrono and Berserker/Spellbreaker (Banner Slave) support and 2 DPS classes, where Weaver is the most superior.



> _3. What i'm **NOT** looking for:_

> - Being the best damage dealer in the world

Don't worry, you won't ... definitely not as a beginner :D. The spec _capable_ of dealing the most damage by far: Weaver (with the very niche exception of one particular skill: Epidemic from the Necro, but only under perfect conditions, which you rarely come across)

> - raiding the hardest fractals or raids with ease

Again, don't worry, that's endgame content, and there are a lot of players that don't even ever look into that content, so why should you (if you don't want to)? Just a quick note though, every class is capable of _doing_ endgame content, but [META](https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/) classes are generally much more efficient at it than other classes.

> - Being squishy or being super tanky (I dislike being a tank as well as being a glasscannon)

This is not really a class thing ... it's actually mostly a thing of how you trait and gear yourself. For instance, the Berserker (Power, Precision, Ferocity) attribute combination has no defensive stats whatsoever in it (much like the condition variant: Viper). And on the other hand, the Toughness stat, makes you a lot more tankier, so avoid huge amounts of those. Next to that, all classes have a lot of traits that are either defensive or offensive (or combination of both), read them and choose your own balance.

> - Being the last in the dmg-meter

Also not class specific, but because you begin again, you might find yourself down there every now and then (depends on the situation of course), but because you do want to go for a damaging build, most probably you'll be fine! The top damaging builds are those from the Weaver (power) and Mirage (condition). The lowest "top" DPS build is that from a Necro (Condi Scourge).

> - Being a super PvP class

This changes quite regularly, but at the very moment and pretty much since release of Path of Fire, the Scourge is famed to be one of the best, although they're already a far cry away from what they used to be just after release. Imo mesmer are the absolute top right now in sPvP!

> - **A class/specialization that is only good due to an OP-DMG (which could change after a patch)**

Some people would say, that's the Ele, because they are _the_ top 1 damage dealers _by far_ (again, except for that one skill: Epidemic), so every new player would then just easily conclude that they're not capable to be good at anything else .... but that would mean the game would be balanced .... which it clearly isn't, cause they also are the single best healers in the game. The problem is that they can't be both at the same time. So, even in this case, you're fine choosing _any_ class.

As on your remark at changes after a patch:

Depends on which gamemode you're interested at, PvP and WvW, yea, sometimes changes happen, definitely PvP has a bit of a Flavor of the Month (FotM) style (read: flavor of the quarter/half year style), where through the years a lot of famous builds have come and gone: From trapper builds, to pet farms; from bunker builds, to ganking thieves/mesmers. Etc.

PvE on the other side has never _really_ changed: **Ele** always top dps; **Warrior** always useful; **Mesmer** always their unique selling point, so always kinda Over Powered, be it in tanking, be it in support, be it even in CC (if you spec them the right way); **Ranger** pre-HoT useless, and since HoT invaluable; **Guardian** always useful and versatile; **Engineer** has always been a bit of a quirky class, but therefore also always quite interesting to play and surprisingly good at certain things (condi DPS and now also Power DPS); **Thief** is not the greatest fit in PvE, but does arguably have the greatest mobility in the game (strangely enough particularly _not_ on the Deadeye though); **Revenant** needs a complete rework ... (my opinion!); Then the **Necro** ... arguably the worst class in PvE, not by a longshot, because they're still quite fun to play, but all classes (maybe save from the Revenant) have some _important_ area they simply excel at, and mostly even by far. Some classes have even several important areas they dominate in (Mesmer, Ele, Warrior ...), the Necro only has one very niche area they excel at, and that's [Epidemic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Epidemic), which imo should even be nerfed, hoping ANet will then be able to look into giving the Necro at least _one_ important area to be king at in PvE!

Then you might say: ow wow, they must be a jack of all trades then! No, as an example in the very important DPS area (PvE needs a lot of it), the Necro comes in last! Support: not really that great either (even Revenant is far better). Mobility, _the_ worst! ... and the list goes on. They're not great in anything worth mentioning, and mostly not even mediocre at it (compared to the other classes)!

Still, I don't want to completely withhold you from playing Necro ... they do have minions, which are ... well in open world, they are ... well: interesting. Try it, you might actually really like it! My own opinion in this ... I hope ANet will look into them at some stage, making them far more powerful and far more dynamic than they are right now. I love minion masters, but not in this way!


> _4. My final questions_

> Finally after this whole textwall I am asking you:

> - Do you think a Necromancer is the class i should play in regards of the requirements i have?

See above

> - Which specialization should i choose if Necromancer is the right class?

Warrior, they're useful at pretty much everything now, hard to kill and able to do a LOT of damage in Power: Spellbreaker and Condi: Berserker! And your party loves you because you have banners :D

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For PvE and PvP take Blood Magic (1-3-1). It offers you more sustain and better group support through life siphon. At the start Soul reaping with 15% more shroud and 50% crit chance while in shroud seems superior nur it isn't. The 15% doesn't effect you that much because your lifeforce degenerates quiet fast and the only damaging attacks are shroud 1 (never break the Auto Attack chains) and shroud 4 while shroud 2 is a gap closer but no damage increase and shroud 3+5 are your CCs - don't use them if you don't need CC.

You increase your damage when you Cast hard hitting attacks while pre-casted passive damaging attacks Like GS 4, Well of Suffering and the 2 minions are hitting your target aswell.

Blood Magic also lets your minions survive longer.

In fractals, raids or Bossfights with more players you don't have to Stack Like 25 might on yourself and 25 invulnerability on your foe - other classes do it aswell and support you. That said full berzerker Gear with ~50% crit chance is enough to reach nearly 100% with the other trait würde you get 2% crit chance for every Stack of invulnerability on your foe.

OH Warhorn is atm better than anything other. I started a couple of days ago a discussion about that but as on 8th May comes a new Patch we Just can hope they make some nice Changes and nothing too fucked up.



Edit: IMO reaper is really fun to play and much cooler than scourge

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Curses in a PvE power build does not make sense at all. You throw away more than 20% of damage for absolutely no benefits. The weakness is useless in PvE. You are overstacking crit chance. Wasting a master trait to buff only BiP is bad. And valk gear was only good when we could abuse the vita to ferocity food.


I mean play the game like you want, but curses is really weird in such a build. Even a second defensive traitline (next to soul reaping) like blood magic to buff support and wells would make more sense.

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Thanks again for all the answers, you really made an effort!


I've done now several more testings in the open world with simple kill->run->kill->run stuff and harder champion encounters.


After first trying it with my scourge i felt that is was really a disappointment. Of course it's a kind of strategy to kite and in-time shielding yourself before receiving damage.. but honestly it felt not really satisfying. The only

fun stuff was placing all conditions on bigger enemies and watch them painfully die a few meters in front of me.

Concerning epidemic this is kinda cool, but there haven't been many cases where it was really.. well.. useful?


I swapped to reaper then and i felt much more stronger when facing multiple enemies or even strong enemies. Also i loved to jump into Champions and lots of enemies without fearing anything. But i'm not really happy about this... literally everything reaper does is this.. and nothing more. Although reaper and his abilities looks enormously cool even after a few days it started to feel a bit boring. Especially the axe/warhorn part is kinda cool group cc, that's true, but nevertheless it's only single-target range burst... :/

I tried to take other utility skills, realizing most of them are pretty useless on reaper and i looked vainly on some teamsupport or movement improvements like teleport, dashs or sprints.


To try something more versatile i tried guardian next and was positively suprised about the various types i can play a power guardian (mostly in open World) without changing my gear except weapons.

Range dps? Scepter + torch.. or even a bow with a really cool aoe-dmg-cc.

Melee dps? Greatsword with blind-charge, aoe, a massgrip (with lower CD than the necro utlity?)

Speed and survivability? Sword for teleport-blinds, shield for buffs and blocks

Also i had lots of fun trying all the utility skills at new (my first character was a guardian.. but that is like 5 years ago).. teleport, buffs en masse, heals, blocks and damage skills - what i really missed on my reaper (except the wells/braindead minions)

Anyways one of the coolest things were the F1 & F2 skills... F2 with a little heal and (really epic looking) jump and the f1 with nice utility and sometimes a hook (well i haven't fully understood i must admit..) that resets after kill.. brilliant.

Yet the disappointment came very fast.. after trying to build a full berserk build i really felt like a real glass cannon. I know with better skill traits, other utility skills and maybe Valkyrie gear this would be different but it seems to me that guardian must sacrifice a lot of damage to be able to survive a lot of damage.

Still the movement of this class and all the boons felt cool.


After reading the replies on this topic i did what i tried to avoid all the years (as a classic wow-rogue player): playing a warrior. I have changed my playstyle the last years remarkably from avoiding too squishy and sneaky classes in order to be more versatile in the fight itself.. therefore it was a dumb idea to not giving a warrior a chance.

So i tried the 80-Boost i had left from the last expansion and was really really surprised. Wanting toplaywith 2h sword and axes (until i would be able to unlock spellbreaker) and berserker gear i needed to test it the first hours with a green 80-2h sword, 2 axes and Power, vita, toughness gear...

Copying a build from snowcrows ( https://snowcrows.com/raids/warrior/ - just without the spellbreaker part) i started trying to kill some enemies with it.. and a few onehots later i was even more suprised.

It seemed that even with a gear that's tanky and sigils that are pretty useless the AOE and burst damage is faaaar above my reaper and guardian.... especially with the axe-tornado.

Little mechanics like giving myself damage buffs before using high damage skills while using a kind of charge or cc (wonderful!) or the ragebar and the rage-skills really seem to be great!

Not to mention various types of utility skills for damage, sustain or great boons for your team...

The only thing i am a bit curious and what i wasn't able to test are the range weapons.

I know that these are not the meta and aren't able to bring maximum dps.. but are the range weapons of power warrior/spellbreaker kind of useful?

I'm thinking of situations like very hard encounters which are bit to strong in close quarters - or even in WvW if i don't want to go in sometimes.

What do you think?

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