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BUG REPORT: Night of Fires Issue [merged]

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(Bug Report purpose only, I have completed the Achievement now and found I could replicate the bug as well as the trigger)


**Location:** Night Of Fires (Opening First Gate Sequence)


**Confirmed:** When repeating the story for Achievement, will test on character naturally at that story point.


**Effect:** Canach fails to start sequence of opening the First Gate at the Forged Foothold.


**Confirmed Trigger:** Running forward and skipping Canach and Rytlock's initial dialogue triggered this bug for me 10/10 times. Tested, skipping the dialogue is triggered by even Normal auto run speed, doesn't even require Raptor Mount run speed. When skipping the below dialogue plays instead (intended):


If rushed forward without stopping to listen to your companions

Canach: Uh, might I suggest we pause to discuss our options first?

Rytlock Brimstone: Right behind you, Commander.


However this happens after:


After defeating the Forged at the gate

Rytlock Brimstone: Gate's clear. Time to rush 'em and crush 'em.

Canach: They'll likely have sentries posted inside. I suggest we quietly pry the gate open to avoid their notice.

: All right, Canach, go ahead. We'll cover you.

BUG: Canach does not attempt to open Gate, does not complete the dialogue sequence with:

Canach: Gate's open.


You can jump over the gate with a Springer, or angled with your Mount **HOWEVER, ACHIEVEMENT BUG**, you do not obtain the achievement buffs "Qualify for Leave None Alive" or I assume (as I already had this particular achievement, and will test tonight) "Qualify for Lurking Among the Flames". You can complete the story mission, Canach does open the inner gates but you do not receive the Achievements.


I attempted this 10 times, 5 times I made 100% sure I had killed every enemy for "Leave None Alive" **BEFORE** killing the officers in the final room that trigger the Elite to come out. (Should result in completion of Achievement, tested in case the lack of the "Qualify" buff was only a visual bug). Adds summoned by triggered alarms (I let none trigger) and by the final Elite do not count. If Canach does not open the gate and you jump it, you will not receive the "Qualify" buff for the achievement, and completing its requirements does **NOT** grant you the achievement. On the 6th attempt I allowed the dialogue to complete and got the Qualify Buff, I ran through it and failed it at the end on purpose went back to the start, and tested speeds necessary to skip the dialogue and trigger the bugg.


4 Attempts:

Raptor Jump Speed,

Raptor Auto Run Speed,

Springer Auto Run Speed,

On foot auto run speed


ALL triggered the bug, Canach did not open the gate. Qualify Achievement buff was not received when jumping over the Gate.


If you allow the below dialogue to complete, Canach will open the First Gate, and you will receive the appropriate "Qualify for Achievement" buffs.

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> @"Darth.2530" said:

> @"Khisanth.2948" The first gate at the Forged Foothold? Or the final gate when you kill the elite, the next step of the mission being going to Kormir's Temple?


First gate definitely. Might have jumped the rest too. The weird thing was that everything else seemed like it was going fine until I defeated the elite and ... then nothing happened.

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  • 1 month later...

So while trying to do the Night of Fire mission in PoF, I was in the area of the base that you have to pass through two locked gates immediately one after another. Between these two gates are about 4-5 Forged enemies. However I failed the optional mission for no Sentry calling for reinforcements because the Sentry on the other side of the second gate (still locked) spotted me, basically guaranteeing I ended up failing that option mission.


This is clearly a bug as the gate was still locked but somehow the Sentry AI spotted me but due to the gate being locked, there was no way I could even remotely get to him. I'd say this is a mission breaking bug for those trying to do that optional side of it. It seems that within a range of the second locked gate the said Sentry can spot you. So in my case one of the enemies warped right in-front of the locked gate, and because there is no clear indication that it would end up screwing me over. I followed to engage. Which led to the failure of the optional mission.

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> So while trying to do the Night of Fire mission in PoF, I was in the area of the base that you have to pass through two locked gates immediately one after another. Between these two gates are about 4-5 Forged enemies. However I failed the optional mission for no Sentry calling for reinforcements because the Sentry on the other side of the second gate (still locked) spotted me, basically guaranteeing I ended up failing that option mission.



That is not true but it does make the achievement more difficult to accomplish. I just did that mission 2 days ago and still killed the sentry long before it got to the brazier. On a previous run I missed it because I was playing without the sound on.



> @"Dante.1763" said:

> I ran into this on a play through recently. Fortunately i hopped the gate with the rabbit and killed him in time, so you may try that route?


That is an option but not entirely necessary.


Will try to check on the next run to see if you can simply pull the enemies further south.

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So trying to run the mission for Night of Fire. However last night there wasn't a problem with the AI programming with Canach but now their is. Canach will not open the first gate. He just...stands there. Doing nothing. I don't know why and I can't get past the first gate and into the base itself because of this now.


![](https://content.screencast.com/users/Fire_Dem0n/folders/Jing/media/c064fa55-da37-4e52-a68a-b3a24bc20af5/2018-06-24_1647.png "")


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This bug is still in place. I just tried to run through the story with my husband who just purchased PoF this week. It's very frustrating that this has not been fixed yet. We tried to the story 4 times, and 4/4 times it was bugged. He doesn't have a springer, so "cheesing" the story is not an option - especially since it's in the first chapter! Please fix this, ANet.

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> @"Awenya.1745" said:

> This bug is still in place. I just tried to run through the story with my husband who just purchased PoF this week. It's very frustrating that this has not been fixed yet. We tried to the story 4 times, and 4/4 times it was bugged. He doesn't have a springer, so "cheesing" the story is not an option - especially since it's in the first chapter! Please fix this, ANet.


The bug might be annoying but the workaround mentioned by in the first post is pretty simple. When you start the instance simply stand around and wait for Canach and Rytlock to finish talking before running to the gate.

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Another thread discussed that waiting for the chatter between the characters to finish before rushing to the gate (and thus skipping the chat) prevents this bug from happening.

Jumping over the gate might break the instance as one user reported.


Weirdly enough, I just played this story two days ago and purposefully skipped chatter, but it didn't bug out.

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> @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:

> There's a dialog that plays between Canach and Rytlock, and the opens the gate when it's finished playing. If you jump over the gate (with a springer) it will skip to the end of the dialog and open the gate immediately.


No. Actually this wasn't the case. I didn't have the Springer. I had to have a friend help me actually get into the base because of this bug. I didn't have a Springer, they did however, but neither of us jumped the gate until we realized the AI wasn't opening it. So my friend had to use a Portal to get my into the base.


We tried a few different things to see what might be causing this issue. Going on ahead and up to the gate without letting Canach and Rytlock finish their dialog did prevent Canach from opening the gate, but that didn't seem to be the reason why. Then we did follow them while they talked but Canach still didn't open the gate. However this second time I got on my mount while I was following the two.


Which makes me think that simply getting on your mount while at this point in the mission is what causes the AI for Canach to break.

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For me and my friend a solution was to simply me not go in with him. When he went in solo and let Canach and Rytlock talk, the gate opened. When I went in with him the gate didn't open degardless of waiting for the dialogue or not. They finished the talk and stood in one place until the player went towards the gate in which case Canach said the line about talking a bit before rushing in (the line that plays when you ignore their chatter and run to the gate).

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks,


I just spotted three threads on what I believe are the same issue. (Sometimes it's hard to tell because folks use different wording and of course provide different levels of detail.) I have routed a question to QA and Jeffrey about these reports, and wanted you to be aware.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey folks,


> I just spotted three threads on what I believe are the same issue. (Sometimes it's hard to tell because folks use different wording and of course provide different levels of detail.) I have routed a question to QA and Jeffrey about these reports, and wanted you to be aware.


Next time would it be possible to let the OP know? As I had the thread open on a tab and when i went to relord it, the page said it no longer existed. So I didn't know what happened and thought a mod had deleted the thread with no explained reason.


Also telling someone to use a Springer on a mission that you don't even have it yet does not constitute as a reasonable fix. You can't use that "fix" if you don't have the needed tools to do so.


Also the second try I mentioned we did wait for them to finish talking. It didn't matter. It's why i said I think using a mount (the Raptor only at this point in the story) is what seems to break the AI for Canach. Which then prevents the AI from opening the gate. I was lucky I had a friend online who was willing to help, but for those who don't have someone else that can create portals (like I was lucky enough to have), they end up being stopped by a literal game breaking bug.


And considering others are suffering from the same bug, this isn't a isolated problem. This is a problem that will cause new players to HoT's to quit or even quit and issue a refund for what is right now a broken product.

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> @"mega.6491" said:

> Getting this exact bug. It stops me from getting through the story at all please help.


If you still haven't been able to get past this, your only choice is to find a friend or someone else who's willing to help that can create a portal for you. That will get you into the base. Right now this is a really bad and unfixed big, and I am really surprised (sort of) that Anet is taking their time on this. As it essentially ends up meaning you are only getting a small portion of what you actually paid for.

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So the Beastcatcher Achievement is bugged. I'd appreciate if someone from Anet could give me the achievement when the game didn't even though I reached the beast in time. The two achievements I did not get because I failed them were "Destroy Additional Pylons" and "Speed Bumps"


However the following image shows I have two achievements. The one flashing and that I've highlighted with a red box is the Beastcatcher achievement. Notice I am literally standing in front of the beast.

![](https://content.screencast.com/users/Fire_Dem0n/folders/Jing/media/fdce3e4b-a43b-4bf0-8add-d6a61c5e64c9/2018-06-29_0707.png "")


However to prove on top of that that the game failed to give me this achievement here's my achievement list showing that the achievement is still showing as not given.

![](https://content.screencast.com/users/Fire_Dem0n/folders/Jing/media/719cc711-cfd9-4d33-84d7-672a0ccc5162/2018-06-29_0731.png "")


So to reiterate, will someone from Anet please properly fix this and provide the achievement I should rightfully have to my account. As I was actually rushing to get this achievement primarily and the fact the game gipped me out of it is really unacceptable when I did what the achievements description asked.

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