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How is Herald for solo play these days?


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i'm thinking about to switching over to rev, comming from necro as main class. Especially glint caught me the last days. I have noone to ask at my friendlist, seems rev is not the most played class at all, so i want to ask you how is rev with glint/shiro or jalis doing, when it comes to solo play? I'm mostly playing open world content, doing metaevents and story and sometimes fractals. Raiding is no thing for me. Want to try some WvW soon.The last few days i played rev i sometimes had a hard time when i'm soloing bosses in the open world and story, tangled depths was hell compared to my necro or even my glassy power chrono. I know a huge part of this is a l2p issue and to get used to the cd and energy management and i'm willing to spend time to improve my rev gameplay but by reading over the forums and reddit i have some doubt if it worth it by all the complains about the the rev. I know there is also the renegade espec, but i played condinecro for a long time i can't see condis anymore atm.


So maybe someone who mains rev can give me some insight whats the state of the rev and how he is doing for a player who mostly plays on his own.

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I find Herald great for solo play. Very self sufficient. You can provide yourself plenty of boons, good mobility, good cc, good damage and good survivability. I run sword/ sword and either staff or hammer. Hammer is a solid ranged weapon while staff has some added mobility, dps and cc.


It is not as easy as necro when starting out. Rev has a much higher learning curve but when you get good with it, it is tremendous fun! I would encourage you to try some build variations to suit your play style. Learn to swap legends. When starting out, I tended to camp a couple of facets and mostly use weapon skills. When I got familiar with the weapons, I started to explore the legends more and that's when things opened up for me.


Rev is real strong in large group (zerg) WvW with it's boons and top damage. You will want to play glassy to get the most out of your damage, but it does take some time to learn how to survive while still being effective. Just takes practice and willingness to learn and experiment a bit.


Overall, I find rev, specifically Herald, to be tremendously fun and very effective in the context of game play you described. I don't raid nor do high level fractals so I won't comment on those.

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Herald's super strong for solo play.


Permanent/no effort 25 might/fury/swiftness, on-demand protection, complete health reset every 30 seconds, powerful cleave, lots of disengage and i-frames for skipping mobs. Pretty much everything you want and need to be a lonewolf (all from a class that was designed for team buffing :astonished: )

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Rev is probably going to be the best generalist type play build.




Solo some t1/2 fractals, ls story, open world, run around solo in wvw, small group and zerging. Even run it marauders in the occasional spvp Plat game.

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> @"SunTzu.4513" said:

> Ty all for you answers.


> > complete health reset every 30 seconds


> How does this work? Is this a single healskill or a cobination with other skills?



The active part of Glint's healing facet, Infused Light, converts all incoming damage into healing for 3 seconds, which is super easy to take advantage of in PvE. Plus you also have your other stance's heal skill on top of that.


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I play rev a lot (both Herald and Renegade), and I can safely tell you that Glint holds up pretty well in keeping you alive. The only semi-difficult thing to do will be memorizing what facets cost how much energy and when to mash them (or when to just leave them on for the passive effects), but I'm sure with a bit of practice, you'll find it to be fun!

Also yes, Glint grants you passive swiftness with one of the facets so have fun not being super slow anymore.


**Summed up:**

**Glint** = All-in burst with neat facet passives but medium cdr for situational actives. Her healing facet makes you virtually invincible to damage for just a few seconds before it completely wears off, so you need to do everything in that short time to utilize what life you have left. She makes you a moving glass tank in a way.

**Kalla** = Constant DPS with 8 unique skills (Heroic Command, Citadel Bombardment and Orders From Above being not only free from the start, but VERY helpful to both yourself and teammates... and CB does massive AOE damage that can be shorted to 10 second cdr with OFA) . The other 5 skills summon warriors from her warband to come and assist (heals, boons, enemy conditions, damage, etc) so it's a constant train of everything at once.


**(With me, I prefer Kalla since she generally keeps me alive and enemies dead, but Glint is in no way bad if you get her style down!)**

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Thanks for the explanations!


>The only semi-difficult thing to do will be memorizing what facets cost how much energy and when to mash them (or when to just leave them on for the passive effects), but I'm sure with a bit of practice, you'll find it to be fun!


At the moment i'm doing some kind of stance switching gameplay. Keep up as many buffs as possible with Glint while using AA and sword 4. Sword 3 is my evade at the moment if i'm out of dodges. If my ernergy is empty i switch to jalis and starting spin hammers or use the more situational skills. Overall rev feels a lot more situational to play not following a strict rota. It's already pretty much fun especially unleash the glint elite skill. Next thing on the list will be farming HP for Kalla and give her a shot.

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> @"SunTzu.4513" said:

> Thanks for the explanations!

> At the moment i'm doing some kind of stance switching gameplay. Keep up as many buffs as possible with Glint while using AA and sword 4. Sword 3 is my evade at the moment if i'm out of dodges. If my ernergy is empty i switch to jalis and starting spin hammers or use the more situational skills. Overall rev feels a lot more situational to play not following a strict rota. It's already pretty much fun especially unleash the glint elite skill. Next thing on the list will be farming HP for Kalla and give her a shot.


Sword 2 is always a dps increase as well... You can cast it from within the targets hitbox to make sure all three bolts hit the intended target (unless you wanted to apply chill to more than one mob to decrease the incoming dmg.)

You can also double tap your f2 to renew all your buffs when you're not in Glint or if you used a facet and put one of them on cooldown.

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Finished my 4th world map completion last weekend with my Rev, had no troubles at all using s+s+hammer, Shiro/Glint with marauder armor and zerk in everything else. Also ended the bizantium chest in Season 11, so I already have all the tokens to complete the legendary PvP armor (I'm at gold tier III, after 93 matches, but probably won't be able to reach platinum, as always :p ). Already crafted two pieces and have gold to do 2-3 more, so I expect to complete the set very soon.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> Finished my 4th world map completion last weekend with my Rev, had no troubles at all using s+s+hammer, Shiro/Glint with marauder armor and zerk in everything else. Also ended the bizantium chest in Season 11, so I already have all the tokens to complete the legendary PvP armor (I'm at gold tier III, after 93 matches, but probably won't be able to reach platinum, as always :p ). Already crafted two pieces and have gold to do 2-3 more, so I expect to complete the set very soon.



I just got my Envoy's Herald title last week... Feel so good to finally be done with the legendary grind.

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