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Flag DPS-Meter user in the game

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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> Hmmm, instead of trying to impose EU regulations/law/whatever is happening on all regions including those outside of the EU...the OP should ask ANet to do the following:


> 1) Ban use of DPS meters on ANet EU clients.

> 2) Institute region flagging via IP geomaps.

> 3) Lock anyone with an IP located anywhere in the EU to the EU servers.

> 4) Remove anyone with an EU flag from NA servers.

> 5) Create forums for the various geographical regions.

> 6) Make the EU forums not display account names.

> 7) Lock forums access by region.

> 8) Remove anyone from the NA forums who has the EU region flag.

> 9) Ban and delete accounts of anyone found trying to circumvent the region lock.


> "Privacy" is preserved.


Account name is not "private data" does it tell people where you llive and who you are? No

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > Hmmm, instead of trying to impose EU regulations/law/whatever is happening on all regions including those outside of the EU...the OP should ask ANet to do the following:

> >

> > 1) Ban use of DPS meters on ANet EU clients.

> > 2) Institute region flagging via IP geomaps.

> > 3) Lock anyone with an IP located anywhere in the EU to the EU servers.

> > 4) Remove anyone with an EU flag from NA servers.

> > 5) Create forums for the various geographical regions.

> > 6) Make the EU forums not display account names.

> > 7) Lock forums access by region.

> > 8) Remove anyone from the NA forums who has the EU region flag.

> > 9) Ban and delete accounts of anyone found trying to circumvent the region lock.

> >

> > "Privacy" is preserved.


> Account name is not "private data" does it tell people where you llive and who you are? No


According to op it does

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Well, this is both new and exciting as well as completely unbiased. Thank you!


> The casuals are not "fine with anything". Just look at this thread and others like it. Toxicity is quite clearly a two-way street, with both sides believing they're in the right. Meanwhile, solo players like myself who don't have any issues with groups, yet use DPS meters get to have all sorts of stupid assumptions made about them in thread after thread by rabid casuals who think that because some hardcores are jerks it justifies doing the same to anyone who uses a DPS meter.


> Yeah, thanks but no, thanks! I'll keep my DPS meter and you can just deal with the fact that some people are jerks and move on already.


Context matters. Casuals are fine with anything _in play._ To date, I've never had a teammate complain that I am doing too well at content. However, when it comes to the snobbishness and demeaning aggro from elitists, that isn't _play_. That is one person making another person feel terrible, which is a social matter that transcends the game itself. If you want to devolve into this "he said/she said" antics, the fact is that elitists have always fired the first shot when it comes to the culture war. The anti-elitism sentiments are just the pushback from casuals.


The way that we "deal" with the fact that some people are jerks is by petitioning Anet to change their policies to reduce this toxic behavior. So long as communication is open, it is our right to campaign for changes to the game and argue it forward with all the energy we we can muster. That is, itself, a fact that you must deal with.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > Hmmm, instead of trying to impose EU regulations/law/whatever is happening on all regions including those outside of the EU...the OP should ask ANet to do the following:

> >

> > 1) Ban use of DPS meters on ANet EU clients.

> > 2) Institute region flagging via IP geomaps.

> > 3) Lock anyone with an IP located anywhere in the EU to the EU servers.

> > 4) Remove anyone with an EU flag from NA servers.

> > 5) Create forums for the various geographical regions.

> > 6) Make the EU forums not display account names.

> > 7) Lock forums access by region.

> > 8) Remove anyone from the NA forums who has the EU region flag.

> > 9) Ban and delete accounts of anyone found trying to circumvent the region lock.

> >

> > "Privacy" is preserved.


> Account name is not "private data" does it tell people where you llive and who you are? No


This was in response to the OP's insistence that account names and DPS meter data are private. Sorry if my post wasn't clear enough in regards to whom I was commenting towards. "OP" in my post is only two letters out of many, I know. Next time I will try to make it more obvious. :)

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > > @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > > Hmmm, instead of trying to impose EU regulations/law/whatever is happening on all regions including those outside of the EU...the OP should ask ANet to do the following:

> > >

> > > 1) Ban use of DPS meters on ANet EU clients.

> > > 2) Institute region flagging via IP geomaps.

> > > 3) Lock anyone with an IP located anywhere in the EU to the EU servers.

> > > 4) Remove anyone with an EU flag from NA servers.

> > > 5) Create forums for the various geographical regions.

> > > 6) Make the EU forums not display account names.

> > > 7) Lock forums access by region.

> > > 8) Remove anyone from the NA forums who has the EU region flag.

> > > 9) Ban and delete accounts of anyone found trying to circumvent the region lock.

> > >

> > > "Privacy" is preserved.

> >

> > Account name is not "private data" does it tell people where you llive and who you are? No


> According to op it does


Thankfully, someone who can figure it out. :)

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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > > > @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > > > Hmmm, instead of trying to impose EU regulations/law/whatever is happening on all regions including those outside of the EU...the OP should ask ANet to do the following:

> > > >

> > > > 1) Ban use of DPS meters on ANet EU clients.

> > > > 2) Institute region flagging via IP geomaps.

> > > > 3) Lock anyone with an IP located anywhere in the EU to the EU servers.

> > > > 4) Remove anyone with an EU flag from NA servers.

> > > > 5) Create forums for the various geographical regions.

> > > > 6) Make the EU forums not display account names.

> > > > 7) Lock forums access by region.

> > > > 8) Remove anyone from the NA forums who has the EU region flag.

> > > > 9) Ban and delete accounts of anyone found trying to circumvent the region lock.

> > > >

> > > > "Privacy" is preserved.

> > >

> > > Account name is not "private data" does it tell people where you llive and who you are? No

> >

> > According to op it does


> Thankfully, someone who can figure it out. :)


Its not against law for the meter dont even use data on your pc its calculating how much of health you take away on enemy per second. Basicly if it breaches privacy maps must be made solo only for your combat data is transmitted every time you deal dmg to show other that the enemy is taking dmg

Problem is people abuses it the meter is for t4 and raids rrest of the game it dont have any use

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What we truely need is a real 'privacy mode'. Allow us to completely hide our presence from every other player (even those in our group or squad). It is nobody's buisness where we are, what we do or which type of character we prefer. This mode would also allow us to join any group at any time without any requirements as we obviously deserve full rewards as anyone else. Make it happen.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> What we truely need is a real 'privacy mode'. Allow us to completely hide our presence from every other player (even those in our group or squad). It is nobody's buisness where we are, what we do or which type of character we prefer. This mode would also allow us to join any group at any time without any requirements as we obviously deserve full rewards as anyone else. Make it happen.


Forgot the /s there I think

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> What we truely need is a real 'privacy mode'. Allow us to completely hide our presence from every other player (even those in our group or squad). It is nobody's buisness where we are, what we do or which type of character we prefer. This mode would also allow us to join any group at any time without any requirements as we obviously deserve full rewards as anyone else. Make it happen.


Better make gw2 have single player mode

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > Well, this is both new and exciting as well as completely unbiased. Thank you!

> >

> > The casuals are not "fine with anything". Just look at this thread and others like it. Toxicity is quite clearly a two-way street, with both sides believing they're in the right. Meanwhile, solo players like myself who don't have any issues with groups, yet use DPS meters get to have all sorts of stupid assumptions made about them in thread after thread by rabid casuals who think that because some hardcores are jerks it justifies doing the same to anyone who uses a DPS meter.

> >

> > Yeah, thanks but no, thanks! I'll keep my DPS meter and you can just deal with the fact that some people are jerks and move on already.


> Context matters. Casuals are fine with anything _in play._ To date, I've never had a teammate complain that I am doing too well at content. However, when it comes to the snobbishness and demeaning aggro from elitists, that isn't _play_. That is one person making another person feel terrible, which is a social matter that transcends the game itself. If you want to devolve into this "he said/she said" antics, the fact is that elitists have always fired the first shot when it comes to the culture war. The anti-elitism sentiments are just the pushback from casuals.


Context is not all that matters.


How many "elitists" that actually demean other players are there? How many people on both sides of the divide ignore _posted_ group descriptions because they feel entitled to join a group right kitten now even if they don't want what the group has posted in LFG? How many so-called casuals call others "toxic" because they got kicked (with no statements at all, or something neutral and non-offensive like, "Sorry, you aren't bringing what we're looking for.") when they _began_ the rudeness by ignoring what others posted?


There's no necessary correlation between being inclined to ignore meta builds and being a decent human being. Nor is there a necessary correlation between following a meta and being a kitten.


> The way that we "deal" with the fact that some people are jerks is by petitioning Anet to change their policies to reduce this toxic behavior. So long as communication is open, it is our right to campaign for changes to the game and argue it forward with all the energy we we can muster. That is, itself, a fact that you must deal with.


Changing meter policy will not stop people who are going to be kittens from being kittens. Campaign all you want, that is a fact that you ought to know as long as you've been playing this game.

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Hm, I always wonder why people that require more damage from others are called elitists.

The relation is: The more damage the other do, the easier is it for me. The less damage the other do the harder is it for me.


Why are people called elitsts or even elite, if they are doing nothing than crying: Do not make it harder for me ;)


For me an elite-player is one who does the work with fewest requirements on others, and not the one with highest requirements on others.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> What we truely need is a real 'privacy mode'. Allow us to completely hide our presence from every other player (even those in our group or squad). It is nobody's buisness where we are, what we do or which type of character we prefer. This mode would also allow us to join any group at any time without any requirements as we obviously deserve full rewards as anyone else. Make it happen.

I'm afraid that the true privacy mode would make your dps invisible to the boss as well (as others would be able to infer from the speed of bar dropping that you're around and what dps you might potentially do). And no dps means no tagging mob, and no rewards.

On the other side, your privacy would be preserved, and that is definitely worth losing some measly rewards, is it not?



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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Context is not all that matters.


It really is. If you don't know all relevant facts, then you essentially know nothing.


> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> How many "elitists" that actually demean other players are there? How many people on both sides of the divide ignore _posted_ group descriptions because they feel entitled to join a group right kitten now even if they don't want what the group has posted in LFG? How many so-called casuals call others "toxic" because they got kicked (with no statements at all, or something neutral and non-offensive like, "Sorry, you aren't bringing what we're looking for.") when they _began_ the rudeness by ignoring what others posted?


> There's no necessary correlation between being inclined to ignore meta builds and being a decent human being. Nor is there a necessary correlation between following a meta and being a kitten.


That is where you are wrong. There is a strong correlation between elitism and toxicity. It is one thing to decide to be good at the game, but it is an entire other problem to demand that level of performance out of others, then think that level of performance makes one superior, then hate the other people who don't do it. The mindset of stolen time and performance debt fosters hostility, because it deals wholly in emotional negatives and zero sums. The issue of their play coming at other people's expense largely comes from a mindset that has defined lost time as expenses.


I've seen a lot of players join in on LFGs where they weren't wanted or they don't have the requirements, and each time it is the same two stories:


(1)The person is so new they have no idea what LNHB or LI means, thus have absolutely no notion that they are being rude.

(2)These people would love to have these requirements, but can't get a group period/can't get a group of other newbies good enough to learn or finish/can't find a teaching guild/can't get a group of experienced players to teach them/ are fed up with this BS system where entry level positions require 3 years work experience.


I see it all the time. In PUG groups, 4/5 of us will have the title, and the guy who doesn't is a friend of the group starter who can't get a foot in edgewise but nonetheless has one guy vouching for him. It is here that we see the correlation between the casual and being a decent human being: Tolerance is forgiveness. It is the understanding of mutual personhood between individuals, and the recognition that while we may have our differences, that these differences do not in themselves alienate one another from the mutual enjoyment of the game. It is the wherewithal to know that this is, indeed, just a game, and it is more important to make the the person on the other end feel good than it is to earn virtual gold. As much as we'd like to think that the person on the other end is a leech, those are extremely rare. More likely than not it is somebody who is begging for our approval but lacks the wit or the word to vocalize their feelings.


I've had my asperger fits as well, but being aware of this means that I have a choice. Either I could continue to be controlling, easily frustrated, and negative just because I have arbitrarily chosen to see it that way... or I could just chillax because it is a game. After all, it is more important to communicate good virtue through a game than it is to merely play one.


> Changing meter policy will not stop people who are going to be kittens from being kittens. Campaign all you want, that is a fact that you ought to know as long as you've been playing this game.


That is debatable. But regardless, the idea of flagging meter users is partially to admit defeat, and just mark the kittens instead of stopping them from being kittens.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:


> I've seen a lot of players join in on LFGs where they weren't wanted or they don't have the requirements, and each time it is the same two stories:


> (1)The person is so new they have no idea what LNHB or LI means, thus have absolutely no notion that they are being rude.

> (2)These people would love to have these requirements, but can't get a group period/can't get a group of other newbies good enough to learn or finish/can't find a teaching guild/can't get a group of experienced players to teach them/ are fed up with this BS system where entry level positions require 3 years work experience.


> I see it all the time. In PUG groups, 4/5 of us will have the title, and the guy who doesn't is a friend of the group starter who can't get a foot in edgewise but nonetheless has one guy vouching for him. It is here that we see the correlation between the casual and being a decent human being: Tolerance is forgiveness. It is the understanding of mutual personhood between individuals, and the recognition that while we may have our differences, that these differences do not in themselves alienate one another from the mutual enjoyment of the game. It is the wherewithal to know that this is, indeed, just a game, and it is more important to make the the person on the other end feel good than it is to earn virtual gold.


Yes, that is laudable behavior. What happens, though, when people begin demanding that type of behavior? I'll freely admit that my values are in all likelihood dated, but when I was growing up I was taught _in addition to being polite and helpful_, not to foist myself on others, to ask for help rather than assuming it should be given. I could not join a group that I knew didn't want what I brought to the table. If I saw a group saying that they want X, and I don't know what X was, I'd look into it and learn what it meant.


> As much as we'd like to think that the person on the other end is a leech, those are extremely rare. More likely than not it is somebody who is begging for our approval but lacks the wit or the word to vocalize their feelings.


In my experience what you describe as common is what's rare. It may well be that our experiences are different, but I cannot, based on what I've seen in games, assume that everyone (or most) who might join a group with expectations are going to be innocent of rudeness. I also believe that the world would be a better place if people took responsibility for themselves and their actions, even in a game. I get that not everyone will, and will make allowances within reason, but I think a lot more people know what they're doing than don't, or don't know and don't think they need to try to find out than are incapable.


> I've had my asperger fits as well, but being aware of this means that I have a choice. Either I could continue to be controlling, easily frustrated, and negative just because I have arbitrarily chosen to see it that way... or I could just chillax because it is a game. After all, it is more important to communicate good virtue through a game than it is to merely play one.


Should there be room in a game for people to have different wants? Must everyone be willing to play with anyone, no matter how incompatible their wants are?


> > Changing meter policy will not stop people who are going to be kittens from being kittens. Campaign all you want, that is a fact that you ought to know as long as you've been playing this game.


> That is debatable. But regardless, the idea of flagging meter users is partially to admit defeat, and just mark the kittens instead of stopping them from being kittens.


I don't like the flag idea, either. I don't think it will enable people who want a casual instanced-content group any more freedom than the current iteration of grouping. It could have a decidedly negative impact on some casuals. It would likely have little effect on the so-called elitists.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> What we truely need is a real 'privacy mode'. Allow us to completely hide our presence from every other player (even those in our group or squad). It is nobody's buisness where we are, what we do or which type of character we prefer. This mode would also allow us to join any group at any time without any requirements as we obviously deserve full rewards as anyone else. Make it happen.


"My philosophy is basically this, and this is something that I live by, and I always have, and I always will: Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever." - Michael Scott

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