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Are we getting an "eye" on the necromancer?


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> @"dzeRnumbrd.6129" said:

> The only eye we'll get is the stink eye.


> Hating on scourges has reached meme proportions.


> Arenanet will see this and nerf us to satisfy the whining masses.



Maybe all we need to do is come up with some crafty titles to inspire some positive results?




“We got some encouraging words for the scourges”


“Here are some keepers for you reapers”


“You’re sure to be happy campers on your necromancers”


What do ya think?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"dzeRnumbrd.6129" said:

> > The only eye we'll get is the stink eye.

> >

> > Hating on scourges has reached meme proportions.

> >

> > Arenanet will see this and nerf us to satisfy the whining masses.

> >


> Maybe all we need to do is come up with some crafty titles to inspire some positive results?


> Like...


> “We got some encouraging words for the scourges”


> “Here are some keepers for you reapers”


> “You’re sure to be happy campers on your necromancers”


> What do ya think?


Like Crypt Keepers?

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I can only assume Reaper is extremely hard to balance. It not only has high hp and damage reductions, but hits hard when it does hit. Even if the overall DPS is low, it is extremely punishing in competitive game modes. This probably left the devs in a really awkward place where they decided to give up on Reaper.

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> I can only assume Reaper is extremely hard to balance. It not only has high hp and damage reductions, but hits hard when it does hit. Even if the overall DPS is low, it is extremely punishing in competitive game modes. This probably left the devs in a really awkward place where they decided to give up on Reaper.


Where are those dmg reductions u speaking of?


Rise? Well. Those minions are easy to kill and get cleaved pretty fast and then the dmg reduction is gone.


Or if enemy manages to run away far enough and the minions loose focus. The dmg reduction is gone as well


There is no more dmg reduction.


Ok shroud 3 but still shroud looses way to much of while being attacked.



And we have spectral armour which is also a stun break. But it's pretty hard to tell sometimes, if you will need the stun break or the protection.


If a thief is about to jump at you. While you are not in shroud. Do u press it before he jumps at you?

He might steal your protection and stun u. And then kill you.

If u use it after he jumped at you and stunned you, you might have lost 1/2 or 3/4 of your life if it was a good thief.


So SA isn't that good either. And there is no more dmg reduction.


And it wouldn't matter. Give reaper more dmg in pve only. That's it.


Well there are some specs or classes that definetly need needs in terms of sustain or in terms of dmg in PvP modes. But that's not the necro

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All classes need reworks in some areas. Some classes need it more than others. The next ones need to be revenant and necromancer for sure, though I do understand why they wanted to revamp deadeye first. That spec doesn't have a place anywhere except for roaming troll builds in WvW. The mesmer rework was understandable from a design and mechanical perspective, but that was one of the last classes that needed a rework and I am baffled that they got it first.


I am hoping that they will at least announce that another profession is getting big reworks in the next patch in addition to deadeye thief, but I definitely doubt that it will happen. At best I expect them to rework stuff from one profession at a time, so it will probably take a while before everyone gets their deserved reworks. I think that core necromancer and reaper are due for some good buffs and some changes to how shroud works. Perhaps, making it less of a health sponge, while giving a bit more active defense and enabling the use of utilities while in shroud. Also scourge needs to become a support spec and stop being such a hard counter to melee and stop facerolling while CCed, but it needs something more to protect itself from range. I am no expert in how to revamp it, but that's generally the direction that I think they should take it towards.

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It's time too, right? @"Gaile Gray.6029" @"Robert Gee.9246" @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" @"Mark Katzbach.9084" @"Regina Buenaobra.6193"

Necro is the garbage PvE profession of the last five years and you all know it. Can you take a look, please? I know we have a decent spot on PvP because of scourge but the elite especialization is carrying the entire profession while core necro mechanic is wonky, no one plays it. It can't deal damage, not joking, it deals negative damage, DPS way too low, even more low than Scourge or CONDI reapers(which was made to be a power spec and its better condi, fine). Maybe half of their DPS? The only thing you can do is open world content :open_mouth:

Core necros don't have any utility since they have almost 0 mobility, so, they can't play as roammers, and neither have defensive skills that allow them to be played in a bunker style. Core necros can't be played as supports because they are selfish DPSers without DPS, they don't have heals for the team, neither barriers, and they can't provide any kind of boons, all they can do is corrupt boons in a small proportion, because scourge has 10 times their boon corruption. And when you get into the Death Shroud, you show to your enemy that this is your last breath, since the Death from the name means your death because of the 0 mobility + 0 damage you are going to have while transformed. This is probably the HUGIEST dps drop of the entire game without any improvement, you can tank 2 more hits and that's it.

I feel that the DS mechanic needs a rework, it's too old for the game, things got more dinamic, more modern, and the mechanic still the same. It's useless now.

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Countless eyes are on the necromancer (especially on the scourge) and they are mostly spitefull ;) .


I understand the changes on mesmer's core mechanism and the change on DE malice where "needed", especially for mesmers. However, I'm not sure prioritizing DE over Scourge for a rework is a wise choice from anet.


Well... I'm not keen on why the necromancer didn't have a huge rework since launch so...


NB.: On a bright sigth, If I can have my golem underwater, I feel like some of the spite in my heart might be soothed. And if lich form can be changed from it's ugly and clumsy transformation skill's state then I'd be content for at least a few months.

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