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Dear Anet, Let Norn Stay Transformed. Yours Truly, A Player Who Wonders

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I've been playing GW2 for about 2 months now and so far it's one of the best MMOs I've had the pleasure of experiencing. The community, despite the few toxic people you'll naturally encounter, is full of friendly and helpful individuals who just want to have fun and get cool loot just like you.

But in my time playing, despite being so new to the game and all of its lore, I have read up on a lot of things...


Yes, it's a dead horse to ask for Tengu as a playable race (even if it is possible, what with it using the Charr model and a lot of people willing to pay for it).

I completely understand that some classes will just have frightening skill rotations that seem nearly impossible to deal with _[read: I'm salty at losing to every mesmer and thief that decides my bag is worth collecting and am not ashamed to admit that]._


But is it so odd to request that... maybe you let Norn stay transformed for longer than a measly 30 seconds? For a race that bases itself on this very concept (among the spirit world and such), it's odd that isn't portrayed in combat.

For those who'd argue that it would become broken/OP, I'd have to disagree. You can't use special skills while transformed and the cooldown for the ability is well over 3 entire minutes, leaving no room to cheese with it by flipping back and forth with 20 spells and... oops, sorry every elementalist ever, I didn't mean to call you out like that (jk). I just feel that it would add a bit more player satisfaction and overall enjoyment if we norn players could just stay transformed like an endless/infinite tonic?

There are tonics in-game that allow you to fight in said form for **5-15 minutes**, so why shouldn't the norn, a race focused heavily on this since GW1, be able to as well?


**(If you comment to rebut against this about why not or something, please go easy on me. I just can't see how it could be abused considering I'm not suggesting the cdr be reduced, I'm just offering to extend the duration so it isn't so brief and useless.)**

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> @"PCDoodle.3721" said:

> I've been playing GW2 for about 2 months now and so far it's one of the best MMOs I've had the pleasure of experiencing. The community, despite the few toxic people you'll naturally encounter, is full of friendly and helpful individuals who just want to have fun and get cool loot just like you.

> But in my time playing, despite being so new to the game and all of its lore, I have read up on a lot of things...


> Yes, it's a dead horse to ask for Tengu as a playable race (even if it is possible, what with it using the Charr model and a lot of people willing to pay for it).

> I completely understand that some classes will just have frightening skill rotations that seem nearly impossible to deal with _[read: I'm salty at losing to every mesmer and thief that decides my bag is worth collecting and am not ashamed to admit that]._


> But is it so odd to request that... maybe you let Norn stay transformed for longer than a measly 30 seconds? For a race that bases itself on this very concept (among the spirit world and such), it's odd that isn't portrayed in combat.

> For those who'd argue that it would become broken/OP, I'd have to disagree. You can't use special skills while transformed and the cooldown for the ability is well over 3 entire minutes, leaving no room to cheese with it by flipping back and forth with 20 spells and... oops, sorry every elementalist ever, I didn't mean to call you out like that (jk). I just feel that it would add a bit more player satisfaction and overall enjoyment if we norn players could just stay transformed like an endless/infinite tonic?

> There are tonics in-game that allow you to fight in said form for **5-15 minutes**, so why shouldn't the norn, a race focused heavily on this since GW1, be able to as well?


> **(If you comment to rebut against this about why not or something, please go easy on me. I just can't see how it could be abused considering I'm not suggesting the cdr be reduced, I'm just offering to extend the duration so it isn't so brief and useless.)**


The reason it lasts short time its due for it being a racial anet dont want lfg posts for example norn warrior ore sylvare ranger

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> The reason it lasts short time its due for it being a racial anet dont want lfg posts for example norn warrior ore sylvare ranger


That doesn't explain anything at all actually considering Asura suits last longer than 30 seconds and that's a race skill. All you said was because it's racial? So why can't we like... enjoy it if we pick said race? There is literally no other drawback you said that would be a good reason for why.

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> @"PCDoodle.3721" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > The reason it lasts short time its due for it being a racial anet dont want lfg posts for example norn warrior ore sylvare ranger


> That doesn't explain anything at all actually considering Asura suits last longer than 30 seconds and that's a race skill. All you said was because it's racial? So why can't we like... enjoy it if we pick said race? There is literally no other drawback you said that would be a good reason for why.


Its was a decision so people wouldnt get kicked for not choosen right race for class also they last shorter due too they boost stats too and partly the decision was it would be lesser than proffesion skills but 1 solution remove skills on transform and make purely cosmetic

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"PCDoodle.3721" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > The reason it lasts short time its due for it being a racial anet dont want lfg posts for example norn warrior ore sylvare ranger

> >

> > That doesn't explain anything at all actually considering Asura suits last longer than 30 seconds and that's a race skill. All you said was because it's racial? So why can't we like... enjoy it if we pick said race? There is literally no other drawback you said that would be a good reason for why.


> Its was a decision so people wouldnt get kicked for not choosen right race for class also they last shorter due too they boost stats too and partly the decision was it would be lesser than proffesion skills but 1 solution remove skills on transform and make purely cosmetic


I wouldn't mind it just being cosmetic actually, but even standalone, with the nerfs it got a few years back it's really not that impressive. You have zero sustain in it and it's just pure dps in some forms--so I still don't see how upping the time would get people kicked for not choosing it (if anything, people might get kicked FOR picking it, haha!).

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> @"PCDoodle.3721" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"PCDoodle.3721" said:

> > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > The reason it lasts short time its due for it being a racial anet dont want lfg posts for example norn warrior ore sylvare ranger

> > >

> > > That doesn't explain anything at all actually considering Asura suits last longer than 30 seconds and that's a race skill. All you said was because it's racial? So why can't we like... enjoy it if we pick said race? There is literally no other drawback you said that would be a good reason for why.

> >

> > Its was a decision so people wouldnt get kicked for not choosen right race for class also they last shorter due too they boost stats too and partly the decision was it would be lesser than proffesion skills but 1 solution remove skills on transform and make purely cosmetic


> I wouldn't mind it just being cosmetic actually, but even standalone, with the nerfs it got a few years back it's really not that impressive. You have zero sustain in it and it's just pure dps in some forms--so I still don't see how upping the time would get people kicked for not choosing it (if anything, people might get kicked FOR picking it, haha!).


Wasnt like that for a while war meta used bear form 4years ago and since its shortet than rampage for example wich is close in function

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I too would love to have the Norn spirit shapes (and human form of melandru, and any other similar skills) be a toggle for on/off with cooldown. It would make them much more fun to use, and honestly there isn't any other reason to use them than fun anyways.


Bear and Snow Leopard form was nerfed, because their charge ability let you run away from thieves in WvW :p It was glorious, and I miss it. I finally had an elite I wanted to use on my guardian, so I could actually run away from things! But, alas, Bear form I knew you well, it was not to be. They nerfed it heavily so thieves can now keep up with their teleports.


But outside of the old broken Charge, 3/4 of the forms can't evne move while autoattacking, generally are weaker than your normal stats and weapons, no 6-0 skills etc. Every time I've tried it, I actually do better damage etc without. So I don't see a big problem with letting use use then as "enable until disabled", alternatively as a PVE split.

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