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Class most needed for dung/frac/raids and open world bosses

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In open world pretty much anything goes. For dungeons, fractals, and raids I personally would recommend Ranger. Both the elite spec's are really in demand and also I enjoy playing them. I play healing druid (harrier stats) in raids. And in fractals it just depends on the group makeup. I can do heals on druid or spec for more damage in soulbeast. In open world I always run as soulbeast. But I admit I'm biased as a ranger main, but I would recommend you try all the professions. You may find one that really suits your play style. And welcome to the Tyrian family. Most of the community is extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Enjoy your time here!

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I know it's what everyone always says but I recommend trying out several professions (all of them if you want) and finding one you enjoy. Or a few you enjoy and then choosing between them.


This game offers a lot of flexibility in how you do things, even in the most difficult content, so it's pretty rare that there's only one profession which is acceptable (and even then it's not the only one that can do the job, just the current 'flavour of the month'). There's no point in playing something you don't enjoy or don't understand just because someone else has told you it's what they would like in their groups. If you get bored or frustrated with the game you may not even get to the harder content and then the whole thing would be a waste of time.


Also, for open-world bosses it really does not matter. You'll have a very hard time finding a boss with less than a dozen people fighting it and the important mechanics are nothing to do with your profession, it's things like knowing when to attack the adds vs. the boss and when to move back because it's about to kill everyone in the area

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-Chronomancer (Mesmer HoT elite spec)

-Druid (Ranger HoT elite spec)

-Weaver (Elementalist PoF elite spec)

-Holosmith (Engineer PoF elite spec)

-Berserker (Warrior HoT elite spec)


Chronomancer is taken for boon-providing such as keeping up permanent Quickness + Alacrity.


Druid is taken for it's unique buffs, permanent 25 Might, and lots of heals.


Weaver is the best power DPS around if there's enough support.


Holosmith is taken for it's lots of vulnerability stacking, Pinpoint Distribution (supporting condi DPS players) and decent DPS.


Berserker is used for Banners though every Warrior spec in general can be used for bannerwarrior. It also provides decent DPS.


Rest of the classes are mostly selfish DPS, though they excel at some things too. For example Mirage is the best DPS for Cairn the Indomitable, Scourges can be stacked for Epidemic bouncing etc.

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I don't think there's a correct answer to this question, since there is no universally accepted "meta" group makeup. Some classes will fill gaps better than others, but you won't know until you actually join that group and take stock of what the group has and hasn't.


Personally, I suggest finding a class you like the aesthetics of, and then build from there.

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I would actually plan on top 2 or 3 classes to level. If you like the game, you will level more than 1 anyway, so may as well plan it out.


Ie, chose 3 class and race combos, pick their names and stories and level the on you like most until you feel the need to switch.

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Running fractals daily for... ever, the classes in highest demand are Chronomancers (buff build), Druids (Healing + buff build) and Warriors (Bannserslave, either berserker or spellbreaker).


The chronobuffer is in demand for two big reasons. First, the ability to pulse out quickness and alacrity provides a unique combination of the strongest offensive buffs in the game, as well as having some of the strongest CC in the game. Second, nobody wants to play it. Getting the commander's gear is tedious, and as the buffer you lack the ability to truly move a fight forward, so you're wholly dependent on your team to actually do the work. There's going to be a lot of teams just sitting around, waiting for chronomancer.


The Druid is the second big one. This role is a bit more dogmatic, since it has some strong competitors for might stacking, heals, and unique buffs. But nonetheless, dr00d is now in such high demand that most groups won't run without one. Again, a lot of people don't want to play Druids, much for the same reason as Chronomancer: the gear is hard to obtain, and you can't move the fight forward on your own.


The Warrior is a distant third from these two. A lot of groups will just stuff themselves with extra DPS after they have chronodr00d, but some will demand a BS (Bannerslave). The reason is in the name: good unique buffs.


From there, the fractal classes go in the following order of demand:

4: Weaver

5: Holosmith

6: Guardian (Any spec)

7: Daredevil

8: Soul Beast

9: Mirage and non-buff chronomancers

10: Revenant (any spec)

53: Necromancer (any spec)


From 6 and on the order gets muddy. The only thing to note in particular is that necromancers are in low demand, unless you're playing with other necromancers. In which case, necromancers are in strangely high demand. You usually can get a reliable party spot from anything else.


This is for fractals. Raids follow a similar structure, but each individual raid boss has different mechanics that need different things.

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The most versatile of the “in demand” professions, is the warrior.

It has high damage, whether running core, Berserker, or Spellbreaker. Good CC, Boonstrip with Spellbreaker for the “No Pain, No Gain” instability Fractals. And it’s very easy to swap between a Core build, a Spellbreaker damage support (using boonstrips banners and Elite Dome), and a Pure DPS Spellbreaker.


That being said, play what you find fun and go from there. I swapped my Fractals runner from Spellbreaker to Holosmith because I wanted to just be a DPS for a bit. I really enjoy its play style and I’m having a blast!

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  • 6 months later...

Weavers a strong class that has a lot of mobility and dps. It can also do a tiny bit of support if your team is super desperate.

I'm not so sure myself though, I main weaver and used to main mirage but I am wanting something that is a little tankier and requires less cycling, are there any Ideas as to what could give me a tanky damage feel but still with a fair chunk of mobility?


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