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Mount Improvement List


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Things which I would like to see getting improved in the future for Mounts:


- Add the Feature of Pet Name Plates or individual "Pet Name Titles", so that we can name our Mounts basically like Rangers can Name their Pets. Press K while riding your Mount and you see the Mount Menu, where you chan then swap between your Mounts and give them Names

- Add more Color Areas to the Mounts, the Raptor should have only 1 Color Field, it should have 4: 1 for the Back Side, 1 for Belly Side, 1 for Legs, 1 for Head

- Add Mount Accessoires with that our Mounts receive also Attributes that we can boost with them, so that we can give our Mounts more Health, more Power ect. and also can visually differentiate them. Mount Accessoires are 4 things: 1 > the Saddle, 2 > the War Manteau, 3 > the War Banner and 4 > the War Harness

- Mounts should provide also simple Emotes, like /sit, /roar, /sleep ect.

- Mounts should unlock over time more than just only 1 Attack Skill, let them learn through some additionally added Masteries and through some special Mount Events/Adventures new Skills. Each Mount should have a unique Dash Skill, each Mount should have a unique Self Heal Skill, each Mount should have 3 different Attack Skills, 1 for AoE, 1 for stronger Single Target, 1 Ranged Skill. Example Raptor:


> Attack 1 = Sweeping Tailstrike = AoE attack

> Attack 2 = Wild Ram = Stronger Single Target Attack, learned through New added Mastery from say LS4

> Attack 3 = Fire Breath = Ranged Attack, learned through Mount Adventure Silver/Gold

> Dash = Striding Hunter = Learned through new Mastery from say LS4

> Heal = Raptor Scales = Learned through Mount Adventure Silver/Gold


- Add more Mount Types to the Game, a Speedster Type that goes more into the agile and elegant looking feline direction and a Carrier Type, which are bigger Mounts able to carry a whole group of 5 people around, when the rider invites their group members to hop on and move together with them, makign these mounts basically "Combat Taxis" xD And bring back the Spider Mount with its Feature to run on walls/climb walls

- Please let Aurene grow up, so that we can use her in Story Instances as our personal Flying Mount, now that Gleam/Vlast isn't anymore an Option

- Implement please craftable Mount Buff Food (Chef 400/500), which when used grants our Mounts some Bonus Attributes and Boon Effects like Protection or Vigor

- Please implement in the distant near future also a Mastery for each mount for Mounted Combat Skills, swapping like on Weapon Swap between your Mount Skills and your class and weapon specific "Rider Skills" for Mounted Combat, so that combatign with Mounts doesn't feel all the same, cause of everybody using only all the same Mount Skills. Make Mounts together with this also useble in WvW Combat Zones that belong to your side, same as like Gliding is allowed for you everywhere, where the Territory belongs to your side.

- Remove please Mounts out of crowdy Town Areas where they are near important NPCs.. I see now reason, why you removed the Moutn Restrictions from the Game, while they where there in the Demo. Its also immersion breakign if you can simply ride with Mounts everywhere, without restrictions in Towns like Amnoon. Its ok to have them at the plaza, where the Mount Race starts, there it makes sense, but definitely not inside of buildings full of various NPC, like Bank, TP ect.


Thats my list so far, will edit it, if I get some more points to list up here

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Want to add htis to the list, copy pasted from another poster, thought, this has to be listed up here, cause I complete supprot this point as well

- Too many things cause a dismount. We are having to remount CONSTANTLY. A non-exhaustive list:

> Talking

> Repairing

> Shopping

> Gathering

> Vistas

> Interacting with non-combat quest objects (ie water dispensers, bleached bones, carrots, etc.)

> Resurrecting

> Opening chests

> Interacting with mastery points

So improving mounts by reducing significantly the neccessarity of having to dismoutn for alot of actions would be definetely a big improvement for mounts as a QoL change


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I admit I'm spoiled by the speed of these mounts already! The thought of having to fight every enemy within a mile radius before I can re-mount is simply too much to bear!


Suggestion: Allow players to mount up while in combat, but the mount spawns with 25% health, 0 endurance, and a 5 second cooldown on its combat skill.


This should achieve the goal of preventing players from using mounts as a quick disengage from combat, while making it less annoying when you're not trying to engage. Attempting to mount with a pile of enemies on top of you or shooting at you wouldn't work. However, it should greatly reduce instances of being unable to get out of combat and re-mount due to chain aggro.



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> @"Wild Sister.7529" said:

> An option to not have to see them if you don't want to see them. (Other peoples mounts)


That would create a rather bizarre effect of people racing through the world in seated position mid-air. Don't think it would be a good implementation (nor have I seen an MMO that would go that route yet).

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Anet deliberately designed mounts in a way that we cannot fight on them, and said this multiple times. They don't want us fighting on mounts, that's why their 1 attack skill forces us to unmount.


> There's no way we will ever see more attacks on mounts.


Besides it's not like mounts have enough health on them to really be viable in combat aside from quick initiation (which you may still get dismounted before implementing if the enemy group has enough/strong enough ranged attacks).


I personally hate the knockdown mechanic though. If I get knocked down in an unfortunate spot (like for example running through a zone unaware there will be respawning enemies that someone killed here moments earlier), it's pretty much instant death with all the follow up cc that so many mobs have nowadays. I'd rather have them change animation to me jumping off the mount, when my mount "dies" so I can still use my dodges etc., rather than having a knockdown that feels like eternity at times, and allows mobs to take me down to half or quarter health before I even have time to react.


I also would agree with OP in regards to name plates, or just being able to personalize my mount by naming it, whether or not other people can see it. Personalization would be for myself, after all.

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I do agree that all mounts need at least a second dye channel. Right now, they all have an "accent color" channel, but they also need a "primary" channel. I worry that they are going to pull the same nonsense they did with early gliders where they had 5+ different wing gliders that were all just different colors of them. I worry that they'll try to gemstore "the same Raptor you have, only with a different primary color! For gems!"

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> Want to add htis to the list, copy pasted from another poster, thought, this has to be listed up here, cause I complete supprot this point as well

> - Too many things cause a dismount. We are having to remount CONSTANTLY. A non-exhaustive list:

> > Talking

> > Repairing

> > Shopping

> > Gathering

> > Vistas

> > Interacting with non-combat quest objects (ie water dispensers, bleached bones, carrots, etc.)

> > Resurrecting

> > Opening chests

> > Interacting with mastery points

> So improving mounts by reducing significantly the neccessarity of having to dismoutn for alot of actions would be definetely a big improvement for mounts as a QoL change



Some of these things I can see you having to dismount for: gathering, repairing, or interacting with something on the ground. But There are a number of things on the list that you could do while mounted: talk to someone, view a vista, commune with a MP/HP, etc.


I just imagine what I could do on horseback and what I couldn't. I'm pretty sure I can talk to someone from a saddle ... just sayin'

But my arms aren't long enough to reach the ground to gather, harvest, open a chest, or resurrect an ally.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> - Add the Feature of Pet Name Plates or individual "Pet Name Titles", so that we can name our Mounts basically like Rangers can Name their Pets. Press K while riding your Mount and you see the Mount Menu, where you chan then swap between your Mounts and give them Names


There is no reason for other people to see the name of your mount, it'd just be unnecessary clutter (unlike a ranger pet it isn't a separate object from you), and it'd be fairly useless to name your mount if nobody but you ever sees it. I wouldn't be terribly opposed to it if it came with the option "disable all mount names", although it'd still be equally useless.


I don't think mounts need (more) combat use, they aren't designed for that.


About the remainder of your suggestions I couldn't care, unless they'd take a lot of development time of course.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:


> Some of these things I can see you having to dismount for: gathering, repairing, or interacting with something on the ground. But There are a number of things on the list that you could do while mounted: talk to someone, view a vista, commune with a MP/HP, etc.


> I just imagine what I could do on horseback and what I couldn't. I'm pretty sure I can talk to someone from a saddle ... just sayin'

> But my arms aren't long enough to reach the ground to gather, harvest, open a chest, or resurrect an ally.


And yet the game already has you gathering from the saddle in some events, so you should be able to gather anything.

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What I would like changed about mounts is their movement. I do not like the momentum - anytime I need to move in a precise manner I have to dismount. I also HATE the "sliding" of the skimmer. I only use it in areas where it is necessary and it still causes all kinds of trouble as it slides sideways and causes me to miss things or fall off things. Terrible!

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> @Vladish.3940 said:

> I personally hate the knockdown mechanic though. If I get knocked down in an unfortunate spot (like for example running through a zone unaware there will be respawning enemies that someone killed here moments earlier), it's pretty much instant death with all the follow up cc that so many mobs have nowadays. I'd rather have them change animation to me jumping off the mount, when my mount "dies" so I can still use my dodges etc., rather than having a knockdown that feels like eternity at times, and allows mobs to take me down to half or quarter health before I even have time to react.


I think one of the mastery tiers (Nimble Dismount?) on the skimmer covers that. I haven't trained it yet, but I remember there's one tier where it dismounts you better just on the skimmer and one (tier 4?) where it shares that with all the mounts.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > @Vladish.3940 said:

> > I personally hate the knockdown mechanic though. If I get knocked down in an unfortunate spot (like for example running through a zone unaware there will be respawning enemies that someone killed here moments earlier), it's pretty much instant death with all the follow up cc that so many mobs have nowadays. I'd rather have them change animation to me jumping off the mount, when my mount "dies" so I can still use my dodges etc., rather than having a knockdown that feels like eternity at times, and allows mobs to take me down to half or quarter health before I even have time to react.


> I think one of the mastery tiers (Nimble Dismount?) on the skimmer covers that. I haven't trained it yet, but I remember there's one tier where it dismounts you better just on the skimmer and one (tier 4?) where it shares that with all the mounts.


Ahh thanks Zoltar, I didn't knew that since I just bought skimmer and didn't had time to take it for a spin yet. Again, thank you for the info :)

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> @Vladish.3940 said:

> > @"Wild Sister.7529" said:

> > An option to not have to see them if you don't want to see them. (Other peoples mounts)


> That would create a rather bizarre effect of people racing through the world in seated position mid-air. Don't think it would be a good implementation (nor have I seen an MMO that would go that route yet).


Haha just floating characters. I understand that would be strange. What I meant is don't see the person at all not just the mount XD. In some areas it is really crowded with mounts where it is not needed at all.

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> @"Wild Sister.7529" said:

> > @Vladish.3940 said:

> > > @"Wild Sister.7529" said:

> > > An option to not have to see them if you don't want to see them. (Other peoples mounts)

> >

> > That would create a rather bizarre effect of people racing through the world in seated position mid-air. Don't think it would be a good implementation (nor have I seen an MMO that would go that route yet).


> Haha just floating characters. I understand that would be strange. What I meant is don't see the person at all not just the mount XD. In some areas it is really crowded with mounts where it is not needed at all.


Lower the character limit to low? I pretty much keep it medium by default, and only because I occasionally got to WvW and need to see extra people visually (to recognize if it's a blob that's incoming), beyond name tags. Otherwise I would have just kept it on low as a standard. Makes cities look nice and clutter free.

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> @Korval.3751 said:

> Pretty sure Mount abilities is coming with Season 4 and beyond. Anet will add them to service the story much like Ancient Magics for Season 3.


Which they added, yes, but those are maps specific, and thus not game breaking for the rest of the content. If they design maps around mount abilities and approach it like they did with Ancient Magics in S3, I see no problem here.

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I hope your right and anet uses LS4 (like I proposed in my list basicalyl as well) the Patches to expand the Mount Feature ... fells kind of lame when you have already like in 2-3 days if your fast maxed out everything with Mounts and still feels so incomplete and not using all of the potential there is, when Mounts as a Feature could provide so much more, than what PoF initially gives us with them.


Mount Names are no unneccessary "clutter" , not more or less clutter, like generally titles already are. If Anet implements Mount Names basically as individual nameable Character Titles, it would work as well too.


Character Name

Rider of "Mount Name"


And the name of your Mount can you type in then for that individual title by riding your Mount, pressing K and typing the name for the Mount you ride at the moment into its Name Plate Field, which is linked then to the spot if your individual title, so that you will always when you use that Rider-Title at the end the Name of your mount that you currently are riding. its not so has if this kind of title technology would be rocket science, its kind of very simple to add somethign like this, its just so that ANet would basicalyl do it for that title the very first time then, while all other titles so far never had such a kind of naming interactivity linked to them, that allows it the player to change manualyl self their titles.

With the same kind of technology could ANet even allow us players to hav complete own individual REAL UNIQUE titles, if the defeault title for that is just blank where we coudl type then in what we want to have as our individual unique titles, but thats in the end an other topic/feature to discuss, because real unique titles would basicalyl make titles as rewards pointless from that moment on.

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  • 1 month later...

Would love to be able to go first person on mounts. Really not sure why we can't, I'd like to be able to take screenshots of the sky or overviews of stuff below me in first person on the griffon but I can't on a mount. Not a huge thing for most I'm sure but would be really cool if they added that.

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