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Don't like deadeye changes

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I like it I don't have to wait forever to kill players just pew pew, stealth, dead, stealth after that just rinse and repeat. Although wrong game mode here but maybe some eye on the renegade/rev soon. Yeah either 5 players or 50 coming at you ghost charr with like 10 health for a utility skill is not going to help it by casting faster although will be nice for pve but try try try harder anet.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> About the same burst,more interesting kit and now actually requires a brain. Thank you anet!


Interesting kit? Did I miss the memo? What kit?


> @"holodoc.5748" said:

> Deadeye hasn't been exactly nerfed. It just needs to work for his kills now.



But now anet must give the same treatment to facerolling necros and mesmers.

Just saying

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Mutaatti.2789" said:

> > Oh? You loved to snipe ppl from stealth, but runaway when revealed?

> >

> > Tell more about how skilled and balanced class deadeye was. Kappa


> You're right, it was pretty unbalanced in that it was generally a useless pile of kitten when used in real pvp.


> 21 seconds of mark + easily identifiable and avoidable/counterable projectile on a class with 11k hp and no real escapes = trash tier


> And no, regardless of how much you whine about "ZOMG I GOT ONESHOTTED THO" that won't change anything I just said in the above two lines.


Only thing that made projectile easily avoidable was sound. Atleast in my potato computer. If I stood still and didn't reacted to sound, I got hit before I could see projectile or thief revealed from stealth. But sound is so unique you couldn't miss it. It's how I learned fast to counter rifle with my guardian: sound, dodge, see thief, teleport and pressure, thief runs, you hide behind obstacle.


Deadeye was and still is trash tier in PvP. It can only be effective against players that don't care.

They rush mid, target necro like always and even if you see thief sniping and target him, ppl target back to necro or something else and then cry on team chat why nobody helped them...


That's life. And that's why some people will always stay on gold div with deadeyes, because neither deadeye is good enough to climb past plat 1 and neither players dying to deadeye are.


There are exceptions, like in everything else. Some players are so skilled with anything they got in their hands that they can climb up even with meme builds. But it's rare.

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So all I hear is salt and a refusal to learn new mechanics because its a change to the way it works. Stuff happens, builds/classes get changed (either nerf/buff/balanced) and life goes on in gw2. If you are one that doesnt like change, then maybe gw2 isnt for you. If you are one to complain when you are comfortable with a class/build and balance patches happen, just means you need to re-practice and maybe duel some people to get the hang of the changes. If you can't, then play something else. If you refuse to try due to stubbornness, then maybe take a break for a bit.


A lot of people have been there (myself included). Adapt (l2p) and move on. (This sentence is more of a general quote to anyone who is complaining about their builds/classes getting changed)

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> @"Volrath.1473" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > About the same burst,more interesting kit and now actually requires a brain. Thank you anet!


> Interesting kit? Did I miss the memo? What kit?


> > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > Deadeye hasn't been exactly nerfed. It just needs to work for his kills now.


> Agree!

> But now anet must give the same treatment to facerolling necros and mesmers.

> Just saying


I mean, it's not like it's going to happen but it's a nice thought right



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It is weak against good players on meta builds but its bad game play being able to kill anybody in 2-3 seconds. It enrages the person on the receiving end because they feel like they have no chance. Now you can say well they are bad players but there are a lot of bad players. Its part of the reason stuff like DH traps were nerfed over and over again. The class as it was should never have been implemented in pvp.

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> @"kipthelip.5802" said:

> It is weak against good players on meta builds but its bad game play being able to kill anybody in 2-3 seconds. It enrages the person on the receiving end because they feel like they have no chance. Now you can say well they are bad players but there are a lot of bad players. Its part of the reason stuff like DH traps were nerfed over and over again. The class as it was should never have been implemented in pvp.


Except that literally any class in the game can kill bad players in 2 seconds so that isn't a valid argument


I'm not saying the new changes are bad (I haven't tried them yet) but I am saying there wasn't anything wrong with DE in the first place. Losing to a DE was always an l2p issue and if anything it needed a buff to be viable.

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