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Kraitkin projectiles animation

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Now with the underwater patch, and revenant recieving a trident, would be a nice opurtunity to add some projectile animation to the legendary Kraitkin like you did with Meteorologicus a while back. Compared to the legendary spear, the trident seems a bit lacking in effects. Also the revenant has a lot of projectiles so it would also look cool on rev :)

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I agree. Kraitkin is lacking visuals. Can’t tell you are weilding a legendary unless you look close. The footfalls are lacking too; subpar to other legendaries. Projectiles, damn even the attacks don’t show legendary effects. Critical strike impacts don’t do anything either but the spear is bad ass when critical striking (the spear is now useless for a power rev but that is another topic). The nighttime effect is already known so maybe Anet intends to fix soon since the underwater improvements.

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You can’t call it a buff when you also nerf it. When the only physical attack on a weapon gets a recharge, that’s a nerf. They cut the range in half on the 1 spot which makes it almost useless especially when everyone can hit you from 1200. They did a great job with the trident. It is dependent on the active legend which works for any build. The spear didn’t get that upgrade. So if a power Shiro wanted to use the spear, it only has one option which is now nerfed. It didn’t have a cool down so you can stay in a fight. Useless as it is now. A sitting duck for the recharge. It needs an update similar to trident based on active legend. From my analysis, the spear is now towards celestial stats and the trident is for specific stats.

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