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Condition Warrior Underwater

Cold Rain.7325

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When will my condi warrior be able to apply sufficient conditions underwater? I was hoping this underwater change would see great improvements, but I guess I'm still stuck holding up the run in HotW (or any water combat) as I switch all of my gear and traits to power. I am practically useless when i step foot in any water over ankle deep. May the spirits bless us condi warriors if we get any more underwater content. Put some condi on the harpoon gun but leave my Kamohoali'i Kotaki alone.

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> @"Clostridium.9832" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > condi warriors are a disgrace, infact i despise all condi specs and ppl who play them


> Such a constructive comment that is relevant to the topic lol. Like yeah kitten people who don't like spellbreaker and prefer berserker, how dare they play something you dont like. Also kitten build diversity, we clearly can't have that.


there is also core warrior, sorry that you are stuck with only e-specs, no wonder you see a lack of diversity if we take away condis...i just said that, because i think warrior is not supposed to whittle down their opponents with conditions, it just doesnt fit the theme imo

thats why i think its not needed that they improve on underwater condis, there are areas with alot more need to be worked on

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> i just said that, because i think warrior is not supposed to whittle down their opponents with conditions, it just doesnt fit the theme imo


Pretty much every prof has a condi and power build. With all due respect, how you think a class should be played is your preference and doesn't mean others choices are less valid.


It's not unreasonable to request to have both condi and power options on aquatic weapons. At present only 1 warrior aquatic skill (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Split_Shot) out of 10 inflicts a condition - and it is a pathetic 5s 1stack bleed.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > i just said that, because i think warrior is not supposed to whittle down their opponents with conditions, it just doesnt fit the theme imo


> Pretty much every prof has a condi and power build. With all due respect, how you think a class should be played is your preference and doesn't mean others choices are less valid.


> It's not unreasonable to request to have both condi and power options on aquatic weapons. At present only 1 warrior aquatic skill (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Split_Shot) out of 10 inflicts a condition - and it is a pathetic 5s 1stack bleed.


Its easy to dismiss that notion, until you realize each class only has 2 (or even 1) underwater weapon..... and those options also have to roll up Ranged vs Melee. The only solution the Devs can provide without addressing the higher level problem of weapon distribution is going to be half assed at best.... and thats making them all Hybrid weapons. And if you haven't noticed... hybrid weapons aren't good for stacking damage to either extreme power or conditions.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > i just said that, because i think warrior is not supposed to whittle down their opponents with conditions, it just doesnt fit the theme imo

> >

> > Pretty much every prof has a condi and power build. With all due respect, how you think a class should be played is your preference and doesn't mean others choices are less valid.

> >

> > It's not unreasonable to request to have both condi and power options on aquatic weapons. At present only 1 warrior aquatic skill (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Split_Shot) out of 10 inflicts a condition - and it is a pathetic 5s 1stack bleed.


> Its easy to dismiss that notion, until you realize each class only has 2 (or even 1) underwater weapon..... and those options also have to roll up Ranged vs Melee. The only solution the Devs can provide without addressing the higher level problem of weapon distribution is going to be half assed at best.... and thats making them all Hybrid weapons. And if you haven't noticed... hybrid weapons aren't good for stacking damage to either extreme power or conditions.


I agree that having so few weapons limits the possibilities, but having 1-2 power, 1-2 condi and 1 cc skill on each aquatic weapon doesn't seem too complicated (perhaps). We're not looking to have insane buffs, just so that your stats are relevant.

Rev has the advantage of having different effects when using a certain legend with Trident, Ele has 4 elements to play with, I don't play Engi so I don't know. Guard has 3 condi, 3-4 power skills, some heals and CCs (on trident and spear).

Regarding warrior Spear/Harpoon:

Perhaps scale back the power coefficient on 1 or 2 skills and add a condi. Only having 1 out of 10 skills with a condi application(and a weak one at that) seems insufficient.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > i just said that, because i think warrior is not supposed to whittle down their opponents with conditions, it just doesnt fit the theme imo

> > >

> > > Pretty much every prof has a condi and power build. With all due respect, how you think a class should be played is your preference and doesn't mean others choices are less valid.

> > >

> > > It's not unreasonable to request to have both condi and power options on aquatic weapons. At present only 1 warrior aquatic skill (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Split_Shot) out of 10 inflicts a condition - and it is a pathetic 5s 1stack bleed.

> >

> > Its easy to dismiss that notion, until you realize each class only has 2 (or even 1) underwater weapon..... and those options also have to roll up Ranged vs Melee. The only solution the Devs can provide without addressing the higher level problem of weapon distribution is going to be half assed at best.... and thats making them all Hybrid weapons. And if you haven't noticed... hybrid weapons aren't good for stacking damage to either extreme power or conditions.


> I agree that having so few weapons limits the possibilities, but having 1-2 power, 1-2 condi and 1 cc skill on each aquatic weapon doesn't seem too complicated (perhaps). We're not looking to have insane buffs, just so that your stats are relevant.

> Rev has the advantage of having different effects when using a certain legend with Trident, Ele has 4 elements to play with, I don't play Engi so I don't know. Guard has 3 condi, 3-4 power skills, some heals and CCs (on trident and spear).

> Regarding warrior Spear/Harpoon:

> Perhaps scale back the power coefficient on 1 or 2 skills and add a condi. Only having 1 out of 10 skills with a condi application(and a weak one at that) seems insufficient.


Its not a question of "complicated".... its just not effective enough on its own. You mention Rev, Ele, and Guard..... all 3 of which have an entire extra set of mechanics layered on top of the basic weapon functions. In the case of Guardian, you're completely ignoring Justice, which makes EVERY Guardian attack capable of burning. Engineers have access to their kits UW, and Grenade Kit in particular works even better with the simplified 1 skill. Harpoon gun for them is situational utility with the option to skill dump (having access to a damage burst, a pull, Timed charge to setup extra damage, and netwall to immob) and then swapping to a kit to kite while putting out more sustained damage. Rangers have a pet that can tank, and usually camps Harpoon gun (even in power builds), because Spear tends to be too risky despite having some utility to it. Mesmer has clones/phantasms to distract and burst damage, so the other attack skills are just used to fill the gaps.


For Warrior, Thief, Necro, they have the hardest time because they lose a lot of utility underwater, and the weapons don't offer enough synergy with their class mechanics to take full advantage of them. Warriors are slow generate Adrenaline, Necro UW weapons don't generate LF reliably, and Thieves have a lot of interplay mechanics that aren't available to them underwater, and their stealth options are almost completely shut down sans Traited Steal and Blinding powder.


As for the original argument.... Warrior has passive bleed procs from Arms, which any condi warrior is already taking. That concept can be leveraged to improve both power and condi builds, while also addressing the adrenaline generation, without a having to explicitly give skills direct condi application.

- Make a pass to make damage oriented skills put emphasis on multi hits.

- Harpoon gun is going to need a minor design rework to resolve its internal conflict about optimal range

- Mariner's shot being rework to synergize with one of the other skills for a proper skill combo, or something to take advantage of the 100% projectile finisher

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