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Juvenile Iboga Needs Higher Health


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> @"OGDeadHead.8326" said:

> High risk high reward I guess, considering the damage this pet is able to deal now post patch.


I can understand where you're coming from but the reward is nonexistent when the pet dies in under 3 seconds every fight. I have pretty good pet control and even I can't keep it alive in a fight. It's way too squishy from what I've experienced.

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I haven’t had a chance to play with the Iboga since the patch, but the way I normally used it was with a hidden Iboga, crouching bear strategy, have a big fat tanky pet as my “main” pet and then when I’d see the target get a bunch of condis on them I’d yank them off to the side with the F2 and let it do damage.


Then I realized it’s auto was bugged, so I stopped using it, will try it again when I can play though...

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Squishy as all-get-out, but the damage is no joke now. The aggro is lacking as well but just soloed a champ in Spark Fen with it. About as good as the jacaranda, but much squisher. I'd use it more if it held aggro. But if you love dodging mobs and melee, it might be the pet for you.


But it definitely needs a health buff.

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I've been playin Demolisher Sword/Axe & Axe/Warhorn build with Iboga lately and it seems to hit like mofo after the update. I'm running BM/WS/NM and stack might with the Axe, and the Iboga is doing 10k crits and 6k with autoattack... I wonder if it's broken after patch or what but goddamn it hits hard.

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> @"Krispera.5087" said:

> In before the damage nerf. Ranger can't have pets that do significant damage.


God . . . it's a sad state when I have to agree with this. But, yes, again Iboga is no joke. My spouse and I used them as a pair and tested the effect on a champion. It just melted in mere moments. I didn't need to use my elite on veterans, and they dissolved in the same timeframe like I had used it. Fastest I saw one die was three seconds flat. Pretty insane if you have conditions stacked on a target quickly. Any normal soft targets collectively die in seconds.


So . . . yeah . . . another nerf inc once rangers realize this and use them in PvP.

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> All pets need higher health.


This. Perhaps not all, but many. I feel so bad for core rangers who can barely help sustain their pet because it is just so damn easy to nearly instantly disable their entire class mechanic by focusing their pet. As a soulbeast this issue is significantly alleviated, but it doesn't take away from the fact that most pets are squishy as fuck, on top of being unable to dodge or block. I like to use owl when I run soulbeast, but I can't imagine running it on core ranger because of its low health pool.

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