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Please reduce the Nerf to Druid


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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Druid has maintained the monopoly over healing "slots" in PvE hard content for a long, long time. They are just making space for other professions and builds. Even Engie could have an opportunity to take the healing place now with the new kit. IMO, keep nerfing Druid and buffing other healers until there is real variety. Honestly, I hope the same happens with the current might bots, and with the current precious top tank too...




Would already be a start to increase the boon-target-cap of Chrono up to ten so you'd only need one instead of two Chronos.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Druid has maintained the monopoly over healing "slots" in PvE hard content for a long, long time. They are just making space for other professions and builds. Even Engie could have an opportunity to take the healing place now with the new kit. IMO, keep nerfing Druid and buffing other healers until there is real variety. Honestly, I hope the same happens with the current might bots, and with the current precious top tank too...


Druid isn't a "healer" though, and they were already bad at it compared to other options. Other professions aren't used as healers often even when they're better is because the healing becomes excessive and they don't offer as much offensive support, and increasing your group's dps is far better than constantly over healing, or standing around doing nothing waiting for someone to lose health... All that has to be done is give the other professions better offensive support; because the better your group is the less healing they'll need and then they'll prefer the offensive support.

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Well then . . . buff the other classes to be better healers. Don't nerf druid healing in that scenario. And by the way? That's a ridiculous argument. ANet promoted druid as a healer.


It's utterly beyond the pale to now say they 'monopolized' the healing slot in groups. Hello? They were meant too. We didn't imagine all those complaints in PvP about druid being hard to kill. And please note? No complaints about druids killing quickly.


Let's not rewrite history to excuse this latest fiasco.


Edit: And that all said, I can show everyone videos from Fastcar that prove other classes heal better than druids beforehand. Let's not even go there.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Well then . . . buff the other classes to be better healers.


From the patch notes, Druid was buffed as a healer not nerfed. You can't be the best might stacker at the same time as being the best healer but you have to choose between the two. More variety and more options for Druids

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> It's utterly beyond the pale to now say they 'monopolized' the healing slot in groups. Hello? They were meant too.



Hello ? They dont. No one class should monopolize something if all other classes dont have their monopolized spots.


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> @"Hindenburg.3415" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > It's utterly beyond the pale to now say they 'monopolized' the healing slot in groups. Hello? They were meant too.

> >


> Hello ? They dont. No one class should monopolize something if all other classes dont have their monopolized spots.





Please count all the abilities that include the words heal or cleanse and get back to us. Seriously? We're having this conversation? And the kicker part? Other classes already do it better. The point is the druid was _meant_ for this slot.


Again . . . don't make me post those Fastcar videoes.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"Hindenburg.3415" said:

> > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > It's utterly beyond the pale to now say they 'monopolized' the healing slot in groups. Hello? They were meant too.

> > >

> >

> > Hello ? They dont. No one class should monopolize something if all other classes dont have their monopolized spots.

> >


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Druid


> Please count all the abilities that include the words heal or cleanse and get back to us. Seriously? We're having this conversation? And the kicker part? Other classes already do it better. The point is the druid was _meant_ for this slot.


> Again . . . don't make me post those Fastcar videoes.



I dont care about abilities count. This game supposed to be without "holy trinity". Any class shoud be able to perfom as supp , def or off depends on traits and gear.

But druid took that away from other classes.

And druid's stength not in healing its in unique offensive buffs. So dont bother with that video.

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@"Hindenburg.3415" In other words, I don't want to read or see proof that completely counters my argument. And druid strength isn't its healing? Then why nerf it? That the entire point of this thread. Would you like me to link all the threads complaining otherwise in PvP?


No, I doubt you would given these responses.

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> @"Brosef.7852" said:

> I can understand the nerfs in WvW and PvP. The game wasn't designed with a healer in mind and it can be overpowered. That said. Why are the nerfs effecting pve content as well. With some of them reducing the healing up to 40%. While at the same time not effecting any other healers. Tempest healers could already out heal a druid. Now druids might not be used at all anymore in raids because the significant loss in healing and might stacking. What the heck? It just seems a bit excessive. While this is going on. You buff engi healing. You don't need to destroy a class to make the other one viable.


@"Hindenburg.3415" Maybe you missed what this thread was about? Otherwise, unless you main a druid, you're speaking out of turn. And if you don't want me to reply, please stop doing so yourself. I'm offering proof. All you're offering is opinion.

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> @"Miellyn.6847" said:

> > @"Hindenburg.3415" said:

> > > @"ArchGenie.1063" said:

> > > Druid needs more nerfs, its a fixed slot

> >

> > Yep. They should nerf spirits , not buff . Until spirits is there - druid will "fixed slot". In any role - support , dps or hybrid.


> Spirits got nerfed. They just removed the random chance and they act more like a buff with an internal cooldown. Frostspirit is down from 7.5% damage increase to 5%.

> Why is druid a problem and warrior and chrono not? You run two chronos but need only 1 druid. PUGs run 2 because reasons but it was never necessary since the GoTL and spirit change to 10 people.


umm Warrior got a support nerf in Empowered Allies.. which is a fantastically huge nerf 250 power less from all allies effected.

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> @"Malpractice.7850" said:


> > @"Hindenburg.3415" Maybe you missed what this thread was about? Otherwise, unless you main a druid, you're speaking out of turn. And if you don't want me to reply, please stop doing so yourself. I'm offering proof. All you're offering is opinion.


> Honestly, you're starting to sound crazy and really self-centered. Not only are you dismissing anyone that DOESNT main the single class you play (what an echo chamber you must live in) but your class directly supports, and restricts others from being played.


> They nerfed your ability to do both Heal and Provide buffs. Druid were de-facto the best support, and it was so oppressively good at it that it caused massive nerfs to pvp to stop it, and its still extremely annoying. Now, it also is oppressive in pve/raids because no other class is really (realistically) allowed to come and support instead of a druid, unless youre in a guild/planned group.


> Again: They nerfed healing, but buffed the traits, so you have to choose your way to support.


> Now, if you say "Oh, this class was made for it" -- They designed an entire Ventari tree to the rev, but it wasnt viable. They also added a ton of engineer traits for healing, again, wasnt viable. Nothing was as good as the druid, and it was time for a nerf.


> Pony up and adjust, play the game, the world isnt falling. You'll still heal incredibly well OR buff well, just not both at once.


Might generation wasnt nerfed fo harrier druid. Just do the math.

with 100 boon duration now you get 2 might for 16 seconds per proc and previously you get 3 might for 10 seconds every proc.

that mean for 6 might you needed 2 proc every 10 seconds which is 6 proc every 30 seconds. Now for 6 might you need 3 procs every 16 seconds which is 6 proc every 32 seconds. Looks similar to me.

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Maybe it's just me, but I like the people who want to discuss nerfs and balance about a class to actually play the said class with knowledge and experience. I don't go to another class forum to offer my 'opinion', and I'd hope other posters would do the same _if_ they don't play that class.


Otherwise, your opinion carries no weight in my humble opinion.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"Hindenburg.3415" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > Yep, druid can now be replaced both in healing and might generation. Wonder what's next?

> > > >

> > >

> > > I doubt it. But i hope i am wrong. Why druid must be only 1 option for raids ? I wanna play supp engi or revenant or tempest.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Rangers dont belong in raids (anet knows it)


> With that logic, Anet should just delete raids.

This but unironically.

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They wont for the same reason they wont undo nerfs that were made before skill splitting became mainstream - it would be admitting that mistakes were made without the veil of a "revamp" to put over it.


> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > @"Hindenburg.3415" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > Yep, druid can now be replaced both in healing and might generation. Wonder what's next?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I doubt it. But i hope i am wrong. Why druid must be only 1 option for raids ? I wanna play supp engi or revenant or tempest.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Rangers dont belong in raids (anet knows it)

> >

> > With that logic, Anet should just delete raids.

> This but unironically.


Also this.

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> @"Brosef.7852" said:

> I can understand the nerfs in WvW and PvP. The game wasn't designed with a healer in mind and it can be overpowered. That said. Why are the nerfs effecting pve content as well. With some of them reducing the healing up to 40%. While at the same time not effecting any other healers. Tempest healers could already out heal a druid. Now druids might not be used at all anymore in raids because the significant loss in healing and might stacking. What the heck? It just seems a bit excessive. While this is going on. You buff engi healing. You don't need to destroy a class to make the other one viable.


Dear Anet,


I worked HARD to get my #1 skill on the staff - Solar Beam to '300' damage - now you've nerfed it SO hard that I can barely get it past 260!


You can't DO that to staff and expect us use it! Bifrosts cost a lot of money and now you've basically told us not to use it?!




Most toons have 400-800 on a #1 shot - that's the most used of all skills since it doesn't usually have a cooldown and now you've destroyed

a weapon that was already underpowered?


That makes absolutely no sense.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> From the patch notes, Druid was buffed as a healer not nerfed. You can't be the best might stacker at the same time as being the best healer but you have to choose between the two. More variety and more options for Druids

Except there is no real choice there. It's the ability to couple healing with boons that made druids useful. Take the boons away, and it's better to pick a different healer, because even when including lingering light druid is inferior in that regard to other options.

Thus, the choice is not between GotL and LL. It's between GotL and a non-druid healer.

So, effectively it _was_ a massive healing nerf to druids.


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Regen, staff1 and staff 2 are not nerfed. Those 3 are still plenty of healing that can keep people alive that dodge/get aegis shared. CA was mostly for might gen/gotl. Staff 3 and CA 3 are still decent burst heals. My desktop crashed so I haven't been able to raid recently but healing on Druid was easy most fights. I find it really hard to believe that good "ranger/druid mains" that didn't have problems pre-patch are having a hard time after these nerfs. The exception would be encounters and/or squads that were already a pain to heal with druid like Mathias.


Your group bring 2 druids in the past and healing is causing problems? You got options.

First, tell them to get good.

1) 2 druids: One goes lingering light, one goes gotl. Healing and might should be fine because gotl still hits 10 people and 2 druids was already overhealing like crazy most fights.

2) 2 druids w/LL and 2 chronos going chaos. Healing is better than before and might will still be fine. (Or even 1 chaos chrono and old school PS warrior)

3) 1 druid w/gotl + any other healer your group feels like messing with. This was always an options (except spotter uptime) but now it's a bit more defined. Having healer diversity is good here.

4) 2 healers aside from druid become meta? Equip your condi set that any decent ranger main should have. Brings spirits, maybe spotter, and stance share to buff your team. You still have a slot in every raid group.


To the pvp/wvw Druids, I feel bad for you. I never enjoyed playing druid in those modes (I prefer the one shot SB troll builds) but those nerfs were harsh and unnecessary.

Side note: If I'm reading LL right, it also buffs your regen and staff 2 by 50% while in CA. Has anyone checked this?

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> @"Wondrouswall.7169" said:

> > @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> > Side note: If I'm reading LL right, it also buffs your regen and staff 2 by 50% while in CA. Has anyone checked this?


> Yes. Lingering Light also increases heals from regen and Astral Wisp, including any heal that can benefit from outgoing heal modifiers.


Yes, keyword being outgoing.


It's nice in pvp to help heal teammates, but given our newfound fragility and our dependence on player-based heals, Lingering Light has turned out to be a terrible spvp choice for me. I might drop really great heals on my team while on point, but I'll get nuked so fast for trying. Currently my druid is running a compromise disruption/dps build geared for long range and good positioning, and the occasional decap when the chance arises. I've gained a net 2 MMR points so far since the nerf, so it's hard to say what the deal is... at least it doesn't seem to be markedly inferior to the old meta bunker at what I've chosen to do with it.

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The nerf really hurt druid in PvP and WvW but not in PvE (Raid, fotm). Druid is even more powerful in raid thank to the almighty Ibola, still keep up 25 mights easily, the heal is enough even with average pugs group.

For me, the trait Lingering Light still useless.

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