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Disagree with WvW Reward System

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Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?

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wvw used to cost money to run upgrades to towers etc, now I accumulate stuff and I can buy gear on ts.

I have 24 legendary shards without much effort if you need one, its almost no commitment.

the stuff locked behind rank is to help keep the interest for us old timers who maxed everything out a long time ago. There are alot of potential improvements in wvw this is not one thats top of the pops.

they've even just put in legendary weapon skins, although I dont like them

compared to 2012 its awesome for rewards



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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> nonsense,

> wvw used to cost money to run upgrades to towers etc, now I accumulate stuff and I can buy gear on ts.

> I have 24 legendary shards without much effort if you need one, its almost no commitment.

> the stuff locked behind rank is to help keep the interest for us old timers who maxed everything out a long time ago. There are alot of potential improvements in wvw this is not one thats top of the pops.

> they've even just put in legendary weapon skins, although I dont like them

> compared to 2012 its awesome for rewards




Legendary shards aren't much of a reward. If you did any fractals, you should have enough shard to build a house with them.

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Im not sure what you mean by “nothing to work for”? Each reward track is literally something to for. Its a great alternate route for shards and clovers as well. While WvW does not have any legendary, I mandatory component for some leggys is the Gift of Battle. Those are some things, right? Skins, armor, mats, titles, theres a bunch. What recommendations are you proposing?

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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> nonsense,

> wvw used to cost money to run upgrades to towers etc, now I accumulate stuff and I can buy gear on ts.

> I have 24 legendary shards without much effort if you need one, its almost no commitment.

> the stuff locked behind rank is to help keep the interest for us old timers who maxed everything out a long time ago. There are alot of potential improvements in wvw this is not one thats top of the pops.

> they've even just put in legendary weapon skins, although I dont like them

> compared to 2012 its awesome for rewards




This is true. I remember that in the first month after launch i actually had to stop playing WvW because it was too expensive. And that even years later commanders had to rely a lot on donations to get siege and upgrades.


But i also have to recognize that overall the game is a bit lacking on rewards in all fronts. Most rewards are either just a (bland) skin locked behind a dozen achievements, stuff that is simply designed to make you spend gold/gems, or worse stuff like the new ascended items and recipes that are locked behind ridiculously priced vendors.

There's a severe lack of rewards for just playing the game. Stuff like the Bloodstone visage. Or even things like Teqatl's Hoard or Regurgitated Armor. Those are proper rewards, and people still do Tequatl and TT because of those items.


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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> Im not sure what you mean by “nothing to work for”? Each reward track is literally something to for. Its a great alternate route for shards and clovers as well. While WvW does not have any legendary, I mandatory component for some leggys is the Gift of Battle. Those are some things, right? Skins, armor, mats, titles, theres a bunch. What recommendations are you proposing?


The problem with those reward tracks is that the end reward gets you crap. Just look at what's given at the end of each track. Are excited for empyreal fragments? obby shards? Zephyrite lockpicks? Like what is this waste of inventory space??? It takes a while getting to the end of a track, and this is the kind of **reward** you are getting? Not much of a reward in my opinion... more of a inventory filler.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > Im not sure what you mean by “nothing to work for”? Each reward track is literally something to for. Its a great alternate route for shards and clovers as well. While WvW does not have any legendary, I mandatory component for some leggys is the Gift of Battle. Those are some things, right? Skins, armor, mats, titles, theres a bunch. What recommendations are you proposing?


> The problem with those reward tracks is that the end reward gets you crap. Just look at what's given at the end of each track. Are excited for empyreal fragments? obby shards? Zephyrite lockpicks? Like what is this waste of inventory space??? It takes a while getting to the end of a track, and this is the kind of **reward** you are getting? Not much of a reward in my opinion... more of a inventory filler.

Then why even pick those crappy tracks? There are many better.


We are literally *bathing* in loot today compared to how it was in 2012.

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While there are issues with loot in this game, saying it's the same as 2012 is a vast exaageration. Loot has improved. Dungeon loot is better than it was a launch. Fractal loot is better than it was at launch. PvP and WvW loot is much better than it was at launch. At launch champions didn't drop loot boxes, we didn't have zone rewards, we didn't have pact network supplies, nor even log in rewards. So saying that the reward structure hasn't improved is simply not true.


That said, there are issues from the point of view of a strictly casual player, since decent and cool rewards seem harder and harder to get. I looked at the halloween rewards and there was nothing this year I was particularly interested in because I didn't want to grind out or buy enough candy corn cobs to get really expensive minis. It's simply not worth it to me. The "reward" I chose was some 20 slot bags.


The big rewards from wintersday and halloween this year didn't drop often at all, and so very very few people got them as drops. Casuals mostly aren't going to make Winter's Presence, because sigils stop dropping that are 11 gold each and you need 50 of them, not including the 10,000 drinks. There's very little cool stuff for casuals to work for at a leisurely pace and I think that hurts the game.


I have enough minis to choke a dinosaur and while I'd like more, there are some I know I'll never get, like the PvP llamas. I don't enjoy PvP enough to get them. Where as once I was working on minis as a collection I could complete, that idea is out of the window. I won't be doing that anymore. Same with skin collections since there are now skins that are only available with raiding. So now I only need the skins I really really really like, because I have sooooo many skins. You only have so many characters to put them on. And you know, I have 37 80s, but it doesn't matter, because they're all how I want them to look, Make another character? Nah, too much to get them through to bring them up to speed now.


There needs to be rewards that drop. Not like precursors and black lion keys, where you're lucky to get 1 a year. I'm talking more like Guild Wars 1...lock picks in eye of the north, or black or white dye type stuff. Reward weekends were casuals can come in and get double XP or double karma, or double something. Nicolas the Traveler from Guild Wars 1. These are things anyone could do and enjoy, without doing difficult content, being part of a ten man team, or winning tournaments in PvP.


It's sort of nice that Anet is remembering finally the hard core/difficult content crowd. But I think other people are being overwhelmed by how to get rewards that are cool. It's just not that easy anymore.


Finally buying rewards is not fun for a lot of people. Getting drops is. I got plenty of wintersday gifts this year and opened just about all of them. The best reward I got was a mini frowny snowball. Feels bad man.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?


Better question: Why not just eliminate loot/rewards?


Too many rewards, and there's an invasion of the pve-snatchers -- giant champ ktrain maps -- on every map. Nobody wants that.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > Im not sure what you mean by “nothing to work for”? Each reward track is literally something to for. Its a great alternate route for shards and clovers as well. While WvW does not have any legendary, I mandatory component for some leggys is the Gift of Battle. Those are some things, right? Skins, armor, mats, titles, theres a bunch. What recommendations are you proposing?

> >

> > The problem with those reward tracks is that the end reward gets you crap. Just look at what's given at the end of each track. Are excited for empyreal fragments? obby shards? Zephyrite lockpicks? Like what is this waste of inventory space??? It takes a while getting to the end of a track, and this is the kind of **reward** you are getting? Not much of a reward in my opinion... more of a inventory filler.

> Then why even pick those crappy tracks? There are many better.


> We are literally *bathing* in loot today compared to how it was in 2012.


All of them are bathing in Blues and Greens. In 2012, you ere getting plenty of blues and greens as well. Maybe less, but is having more useless junk supposed to be an improvement to the reward system?

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> @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?


> Better question: Why not just eliminate loot/rewards?


> Too many rewards, and there's an invasion of the pve-snatchers -- giant champ ktrain maps -- on every map. Nobody wants that.


You say this is a joke, but if there was a way to block this kind of junk reward, i would block it like i block ads with an adsblocker. There's nothing rewarding seeing 20 blues, 35 Junk items and 10 greens in your inventory.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > > Im not sure what you mean by “nothing to work for”? Each reward track is literally something to for. Its a great alternate route for shards and clovers as well. While WvW does not have any legendary, I mandatory component for some leggys is the Gift of Battle. Those are some things, right? Skins, armor, mats, titles, theres a bunch. What recommendations are you proposing?

> > >

> > > The problem with those reward tracks is that the end reward gets you crap. Just look at what's given at the end of each track. Are excited for empyreal fragments? obby shards? Zephyrite lockpicks? Like what is this waste of inventory space??? It takes a while getting to the end of a track, and this is the kind of **reward** you are getting? Not much of a reward in my opinion... more of a inventory filler.

> > Then why even pick those crappy tracks? There are many better.

> >

> > We are literally *bathing* in loot today compared to how it was in 2012.


> All of them are bathing in Blues and Greens. In 2012, you ere getting plenty of blues and greens as well. Maybe less, but is having more useless junk supposed to be an improvement to the reward system?

What reward system are you even using? If I pick say triumphant, I get like 30 or 40 T6 mats through the tiers, plus often a couple of ascended crafting mats, not to mention the armor piece for free with selectable stat which I can use for a full gearset that would cost like 100g+ to craft. Or if I choose to repeat a dungeon path over and over I can get a ton of exotic greatswords to toss in the forge. Is there alot of useless junk too? Sure. That's kind of the point of a loot system. If you just got 1 gold piece every week with a note saying "congratulations!" it would be a boring loot system.


Its 100x better than what it was 2012.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?

> >

> > Better question: Why not just eliminate loot/rewards?

> >

> > Too many rewards, and there's an invasion of the pve-snatchers -- giant champ ktrain maps -- on every map. Nobody wants that.


> You say this is a joke, but if there was a way to block this kind of junk reward, i would block it like i block ads with an adsblocker. There's nothing rewarding seeing 20 blues, 35 Junk items and 10 greens in your inventory.


I don't know what you're expecting, the entire game is like that, not just wvw.

If you want rewards they have to drop crap into your inventory for it, no game out there just hands you gold for rewards for everything.

If you don't want the rewards then let your inventory fill up and let stuff drop to the ground.

The reward system is vastly better than it was even a year ago, you have legendary back piece, ascended gear, legendary ascended gear, and wvw skins to work for, you don't need to zerg to earn tickets. You don't even want the rewards so why would you even care about those rewards.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > > > Im not sure what you mean by “nothing to work for”? Each reward track is literally something to for. Its a great alternate route for shards and clovers as well. While WvW does not have any legendary, I mandatory component for some leggys is the Gift of Battle. Those are some things, right? Skins, armor, mats, titles, theres a bunch. What recommendations are you proposing?

> > > >

> > > > The problem with those reward tracks is that the end reward gets you crap. Just look at what's given at the end of each track. Are excited for empyreal fragments? obby shards? Zephyrite lockpicks? Like what is this waste of inventory space??? It takes a while getting to the end of a track, and this is the kind of **reward** you are getting? Not much of a reward in my opinion... more of a inventory filler.

> > > Then why even pick those crappy tracks? There are many better.

> > >

> > > We are literally *bathing* in loot today compared to how it was in 2012.

> >

> > All of them are bathing in Blues and Greens. In 2012, you ere getting plenty of blues and greens as well. Maybe less, but is having more useless junk supposed to be an improvement to the reward system?

> What reward system are you even using? If I pick say triumphant, I get like 30 or 40 T6 mats through the tiers, plus often a couple of ascended crafting mats, not to mention the armor piece for free with selectable stat which I can use for a full gearset that would cost like 100g+ to craft. Or if I choose to repeat a dungeon path over and over I can get a ton of exotic greatswords to toss in the forge. Is there alot of useless junk too? Sure. That's kind of the point of a loot system. If you just got 1 gold piece every week with a note saying "congratulations!" it would be a boring loot system.


> Its 100x better than what it was 2012.


I used all of them, but currently on the Triumphant reward track. I got 1 acended ring (have over 90 in storage...) and 1 exotic armor piece in 2 weeks. Everything else is Junk items, green, blues and a metric f ton of annoying green sigils that you get from salvaging green items. Its a mess.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

> > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?

> > >

> > > Better question: Why not just eliminate loot/rewards?

> > >

> > > Too many rewards, and there's an invasion of the pve-snatchers -- giant champ ktrain maps -- on every map. Nobody wants that.

> >

> > You say this is a joke, but if there was a way to block this kind of junk reward, i would block it like i block ads with an adsblocker. There's nothing rewarding seeing 20 blues, 35 Junk items and 10 greens in your inventory.


> I don't know what you're expecting, the entire game is like that, not just wvw.

> If you want rewards they have to drop crap into your inventory for it, no game out there just hands you gold for rewards for everything.

> If you don't want the rewards then let your inventory fill up and let stuff drop to the ground.

> The reward system is vastly better than it was even a year ago, you have legendary back piece, ascended gear, legendary ascended gear, and wvw skins to work for, you don't need to zerg to earn tickets. You don't even want the rewards so why would you even care about those rewards.



You're right to certain extent, but you can work toward a lot of things in pve (skin wise) and you make waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more money in spvp. You don't get anything in wvw but an inventory full of trash/spam loot.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> When doing a dungeon track, i hope Anet atleast makes it so that the 3 or so weapon boxes from that track can be stacked instead of each taking a inventory slot.


at this point, i think they should make new weapons and armors for all dungeons. We have the same stuff since 2012. In 2012, when you got an armor piece or a weapon you wanted, it felt rewarding. Now, you salvage it as soon as its in your inventory. To me, that's not a "reward".

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> Try a salvage-o-matic. Works wonders for all those blues and greens.


> What rewards would you prefer, OP?


Well, for example, working toward a legendary armor with my plebian solo roamer rank. Another thing i'd like is a track that gets you GOOD LOOKING (this one is important because i feel like almost every newly introduced skin that isn't from Gem Store looks like crap) weapon skins/armor skins. I don't want it to be a reward at the end of the track. I want it to be RNG like the fractal skins were back when Fractals were introduced. That way, every time you open up a chest, you have a chance of getting something good, not just Green item #23489134139481237894182412. I would also like to have new tracks that take longer to complete, but at the end of it you choose 1 Ascended item (be it armor or a weapon). I really don't like how you can get Ascended items through wvw but you have to craft them, not earn them as a reward by simply playing. Of course this kind of tracks should take longer, but at least you're working toward something that isn't crafting the damn thing.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> They abandoned dungeons since release, why the hell would they make new skins for it. They save all the good skins for gem sales anyways... and even those suck majority of the time.


> Time you realize GW2 doesn't operate like other mmos.



Sadly, i realized that years ago. Doesn't mean that after all those years, they can't introduce some new cosmetics for the dungeons people STILL play. Not like im asking for all the dungeons rework, we all know this is never happening.

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Have you ever tried...(brace yourself crazy idea incoming)...playing for FUN?


I don't know what you are doing in WvW, but if you think the rewards are the same as they were in 2012, you are doing something seriously wrong.


I am getting tons of great rewards in wvw. My bags are constantly full, I get mats, gear, siege, consumables, upgrade items, pve stuff. Like seriously what the heck else do you need? You can even get ascended gear, a legendary backpack, and can even upgrade ascended armor to legendary.


Seriously, what more do you want???

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Have you ever tried...(brace yourself crazy idea incoming)...playing for FUN?


> I don't know what you are doing in WvW, but if you think the rewards are the same as they were in 2012, you are doing something seriously wrong.


> I am getting tons of great rewards in wvw. My bags are constantly full, I get mats, gear, siege, consumables, upgrade items, pve stuff. Like seriously what the heck else do you need? You can even get ascended gear, a legendary backpack, and can even upgrade ascended armor to legendary.


> Seriously, what more do you want???


For fun is what i've been doing since launch. Too much asking having a proper reward system in one of their main game modes?

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