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Disagree with WvW Reward System

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Have you ever tried...(brace yourself crazy idea incoming)...playing for FUN?

> >

> > I don't know what you are doing in WvW, but if you think the rewards are the same as they were in 2012, you are doing something seriously wrong.

> >

> > I am getting tons of great rewards in wvw. My bags are constantly full, I get mats, gear, siege, consumables, upgrade items, pve stuff. Like seriously what the heck else do you need? You can even get ascended gear, a legendary backpack, and can even upgrade ascended armor to legendary.

> >

> > Seriously, what more do you want???


> For fun is what i've been doing since launch. Too much asking having a proper reward system in one of their main game modes?


Again, what are you even talking about? There are a bunch of reward tracks, multiple currencies to earn and tons of items to buy with them. What is this magical reward system you are referring to?

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There are no junk items. Greens and blues salvage into sellable or usable mats. They may trickle in, but it ends up being worth gold. You just want big special important drops. Nothing to do the the loot being good or bad. Loot is generally measure in gold per hour.

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> Well, for example, working toward a legendary armor with my plebian solo roamer rank.


Everyone can work toward legendary armor in WvW; it takes time and effort even if you are a solo roamer.


> Another thing i'd like is a track that gets you GOOD LOOKING (this one is important because i feel like almost every newly introduced skin that isn't from Gem Store looks like crap) weapon skins/armor skins.


That's subjective, there are some players who really like the current WvW armor skins/weapons albeit I agree nevertheless - I'm not a fan of the triumphant set nor the clown fest abomination that was the recent Obsidian skins.


> I don't want it to be a reward at the end of the track.


Do you prefer it to be handed out on a silver platter at the start of the track?


> I want it to be RNG like the fractal skins were back when Fractals were introduced. That way, every time you open up a chest, you have a chance of getting something good, not just Green item #23489134139481237894182412.


I disagree. I can bet you an arm and a leg a massive portion of the community (not just Gw2, I'm implying across many gaming platforms regarding business practices of loot box 'gambling' in general and/or chance games) would prefer to _not_ have more RNG laden 'loot'. So what you're really asking for is exotic-tier items that are worth more?


> I would also like to have new tracks that take longer to complete, but at the end of it you choose 1 Ascended item (be it armor or a weapon).


New tracks would be nice, but I would prefer them to reward you with components that go toward forging the desired ascended item instead of out right handing it to you. Perhaps require some items to be obtained by killing tower lords or x amount of players to encourage more fights.


> I really don't like how you can get Ascended items through wvw but you have to craft them, not earn them as a reward by simply playing. Of course this kind of tracks should take longer, but at least you're working toward something that isn't crafting the kitten thing.


Crafting is a part of many MMOs to obtain gear, Gw2 is no different. Refer to my above comment; they could perhaps introduce a way to mystic forge certain rewards locked behind engaging tasks (similar to WvW dailies) but kind of like ESO Cyrodiil quests to obtain asc gear.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > Have you ever tried...(brace yourself crazy idea incoming)...playing for FUN?

> > >

> > > I don't know what you are doing in WvW, but if you think the rewards are the same as they were in 2012, you are doing something seriously wrong.

> > >

> > > I am getting tons of great rewards in wvw. My bags are constantly full, I get mats, gear, siege, consumables, upgrade items, pve stuff. Like seriously what the heck else do you need? You can even get ascended gear, a legendary backpack, and can even upgrade ascended armor to legendary.

> > >

> > > Seriously, what more do you want???

> >

> > For fun is what i've been doing since launch. Too much asking having a proper reward system in one of their main game modes?


> Again, what are you even talking about? There are a bunch of reward tracks, multiple currencies to earn and tons of items to buy with them. What is this magical reward system you are referring to?


again, those reward tracks don't offer rewards but useless items you salvage.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> > > Well, for example, working toward a legendary armor with my plebian solo roamer rank.

> >

> > Everyone can work toward legendary armor in WvW; it takes time and effort even if you are a solo roamer.



> Disagree. It doesn't take time and effort, its impossible.


I believe it's fairly possible. While I haven't bothered starting on any legendary armor myself, going by the wiki, all the components (save for crafting + maybe login rewards) can be acquired in WvW via salvaging loot + reward tracks or using WvW currencies to obtain them. You may also use specific WvW currency and convert it into _Badge of Tribute_ sell it on the TP to make gold; purchase items you need for the process involved.


Here's the wiki page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_armor#WvW_Components

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?


Sure you can you can havoc and get participation. The issue you describe is still the issue with rewards across the game. In terms of higher end rewards WvW is actually OK now.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> > > Well, for example, working toward a legendary armor with my plebian solo roamer rank.

> >

> > Everyone can work toward legendary armor in WvW; it takes time and effort even if you are a solo roamer.



> Disagree. It doesn't take time and effort, its impossible.


I can get my participation up solo so its not impossible. The issue I have is that its grindy unlike those in the zerg.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> > > > Well, for example, working toward a legendary armor with my plebian solo roamer rank.

> > >

> > > Everyone can work toward legendary armor in WvW; it takes time and effort even if you are a solo roamer.

> >

> >

> > Disagree. It doesn't take time and effort, its impossible.


> I can get my participation up solo so its not impossible. The issue I have is that its grindy unlike those in the zerg.


Got to grind if u need good stuff.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

> > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?

> > >

> > > Better question: Why not just eliminate loot/rewards?

> > >

> > > Too many rewards, and there's an invasion of the pve-snatchers -- giant champ ktrain maps -- on every map. Nobody wants that.

> >

> > You say this is a joke, but if there was a way to block this kind of junk reward, i would block it like i block ads with an adsblocker. There's nothing rewarding seeing 20 blues, 35 Junk items and 10 greens in your inventory.


> I don't know what you're expecting, the entire game is like that, not just wvw.

> If you want rewards they have to drop crap into your inventory for it, no game out there just hands you gold for rewards for everything.

> If you don't want the rewards then let your inventory fill up and let stuff drop to the ground.

> The reward system is vastly better than it was even a year ago, you have legendary back piece, ascended gear, legendary ascended gear, and wvw skins to work for, you don't need to zerg to earn tickets. You don't even want the rewards so why would you even care about those rewards.



Exactly. In pve u farm for materials and gold. WvW isnt any different just that the amount is lower. I actually like the road Anet went. they gave us tickets to by ascended gear and legendary armor. There is a lot to strive for if u are interested in WvW. Anet will add more unique skins that are solely obtainbale in Wvw. Ofc there a people who wont like them. And i am not astonished that they will show up here in this subforum to complain since this place is the incarnation of negativity and greefing. Enjoy the game mode for what it is or quit.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > Im not sure what you mean by “nothing to work for”? Each reward track is literally something to for. Its a great alternate route for shards and clovers as well. While WvW does not have any legendary, I mandatory component for some leggys is the Gift of Battle. Those are some things, right? Skins, armor, mats, titles, theres a bunch. What recommendations are you proposing?


> The problem with those reward tracks is that the end reward gets you crap. Just look at what's given at the end of each track. Are excited for empyreal fragments? obby shards? Zephyrite lockpicks? Like what is this waste of inventory space??? It takes a while getting to the end of a track, and this is the kind of **reward** you are getting? Not much of a reward in my opinion... more of a inventory filler.


Nope. Thats cause you're running wrong tracks for wrong reasons. They give you ascended gear, straight out. All you have to do is unlock the maps with the vendors on it, don't need to actually do any playing on the map if you don't like it, just unlock the entrance waypoint usually, sometimes you have to run around a bit until you get to the vendor. Then you do the reward track for that map to get the currency it uses a few times and buy your ascended pieces. Get the ones with selectable stats the best. Before you know it, all your toons are in at least full ascended.


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Guess you cant really try to compare 2012 WvW reward system with 2018...2012 you didnt get anything at all, you actually had to pay for upgrades and stuff, 2018 you have skirmish chest and tracks...but sure, if you try to compare the gold/time that you can make on PvE with WvW(and sPvP), things will be a little unbalanced. I wouldnt mind getting better rewards for the competitives game modes, since this is the end game of GW2(Fuck Raids), but in the end of the day, this is gonna be up to Anet...and we all know where they gonna put all the attention and efforts.

But hey, I got a full set of Warbeast armor(light, medium and heavy) with just Reward Tracks from WvW and sPvP...ofcourse I would get than 10 times faster doing PvE only, but its cool...

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?


After 6 years if you haven't realized this game mode was not intended for small scale encounters, you need to stick to PvE. Not saying you shouldn't solo but don't expect the same rewards in the same time frame as a larger group...

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> > > > Well, for example, working toward a legendary armor with my plebian solo roamer rank.

> > >

> > > Everyone can work toward legendary armor in WvW; it takes time and effort even if you are a solo roamer.

> >

> >

> > Disagree. It doesn't take time and effort, its impossible.


> I can get my participation up solo so its not impossible. The issue I have is that its grindy unlike those in the zerg.


I was having 11 stable pips on NSP solo or low scale.

I presume pips also matter for participation or other way arround??? I, myself never cared about that so i might be wrong in this mater.

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If your sole purpose for playing WvW is to score yourself pretty loot, perhaps you're playing the wrong game mode. Because to me, WvW has been a place to play either as part of a large team (Zerg), to test your synergy with others (Small Group/Havoc/GvG.) or to test your medal and skill as a Lone Wolf (Solo-Roam.) I find reward in knowing that I flipped that Camp and slowed down the enemies supply, or assisted my fellow server members/links in securing/defending a tower, and even joining in with the zerg when something large is at stake (Keep.) All this introduction of reward tracks and pip chests just made a fair amount of players loot crazy and feel entitled to larger and larger carrots down the way.


The ways to get better gears is there, and if you want it badly enough, you are going to have put your ego aside and fall in with the rest of the people working for it too. I agree that zerging isn't always the funnest thing to do, but, if you want something bad enough I find that I will step outside of my comfort zone to achieve it.


Good luck.

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> @"draconicrose.6213" said:

> I like reward tracks. I feel like **they give me a reason to play WvW.**


That's actually kind of sad.


> @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

> Rewards are fine value-wise, I'm just tired of cleaning my inventory every 5 minutes. Just give us loot bags, pls stop filling my inventory with blues/greens.


[i've actually made some suggestions in the past on how to deal with the issue of inventory management in the past.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20706/streamlining-the-inventory "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20706/streamlining-the-inventory") If all wvw threw at you was loot bags they'd lose some of their value. There does need to be some level of variety in the rewards the gamemode provides.


~ Kovu

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> @"Mylerian.9176" said:

> Not to be negative, but OP has no clue what he/she is talking about. You may not like the rewards or the rewards system. But as far as rewards go WvW has a kitten ton more than in 2012.


That's the thing, you consider getting more greens and blues is a proper reward. I don't.

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