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I wish dueling was a thing

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Jesus, to the people complaining about immersion or consider duel requests to be harassment, grow a backbone.

There's no immersion in a game where super adventure box is part of the yearly event rotation. As for duel requests, block the player, disable the chat or simply so taking everything so personal.


I wouldn't really use this anyway because I very seldom leave the PvP lobby anyway, but I don't see how this would be more obnoxious than the shiny bird glider, magenta dyed griffons or people spamming skills.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > > > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > > > > it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want

> > > >

> > > > Nice, add a "I don't want to receive duels" option, there you go, problem sovled...

> > >

> > > Why add a solution to a problem that has not to be there? And if you really think this would stop people from harassing potential duelling partners, you are gravely mistaken. Annoyance is like life in Jurassic Park, it finds a way too.

> > >

> > > I can kind of understand why people want to duel, but the annoyance potential for morons rises massively when you allow open world duelling. I don´t want anyone to follow and pesker me in map chat because he always wanted to duel a two pistol engineer or something like that.

> >

> > If the basis for not having things in the game is they might have some vague potential to annoy someone if they are misused, then we better remove players from the game because you people might get annoyed by someone randomly spamming skills in Lion's Arch or somewhere, or by chat (better remove chat), or merely by a player who decides to follow you around.

> >

> > Really if your level of intolerance is this high then you simply aren't suited to an MMORPG and should go play a solo game.


> Bad argument is bad.




> Anet designed a game intentionally where it's harder to grief people. That is they took away kill and node stealing for a reason. Adding in stuff that goes against one of the core design principles is ridiculous.


Duelling doesn't go against those principles, if someone wants to "grief" someone in this game they can do that already.


As for "core design principles", please stop making me laugh, if this game followed its core design principles it wouldn't have ascended stats, "healers", raids, etc


> It's like adding meat dishes to a vegetarian restaurant. It's a change that people will be uncomfortable with and every such change makes the game less "yours".


Not at all, consensual duelling is co-operative, it isn't against the ideas of the game at all.


A much better analogy is that following your "logic" we should not have dungeons in the game, because people have been "griefed" in ways such as guild mates kicking someone in a pug to let another guild member in.


> I've played games with dueling and had invites off.


I play ESO, that has duelling, only one time I've had a guy really persist when I declined, which pales into insignificance in comparison to the times I've had idiots spamming skills in hub areas in games, but then if I was so 'delicate' that I could not cope with that I wouldn't be playing MMORPGs, because I would clearly not be suited to them. ;)

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I also belong to the mob of people thanking goodness that GW2 doesn't have duel


As mentioned, GW2 PVE at its core is designed to be as much harassment-free as possible

Anet removed kill-steal, node-steal, open-world PVP, death-drops etc.

What you ask for would go in exactly the opposite direction


Go duel in the PVP arena or in an empty PVP server, if you really care

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > > it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want

> >

> > Nice, add a "I don't want to receive duels" option, there you go, problem sovled...


> Why add a solution to a problem that has not to be there? And if you really think this would stop people from harassing potential duelling partners, you are gravely mistaken. Annoyance is like life in Jurassic Park, it finds a way too.


> I can kind of understand why people want to duel, but the annoyance potential for morons rises massively when you allow open world duelling. I don´t want anyone to follow and pesker me in map chat because he always wanted to duel a two pistol engineer or something like that.


There is a block button for a reason...

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> >

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > A game with duels ruins my immersion. Anet you need not to add duels, because with them my gameplay is disturbed.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Good luck getting duels but this is a dead horse, the PvE population has spoken and they say even if it was instanced in the Black Citadel out of sight, it was still too disturbing to their game play.


> That's not actually what I said. In SWTOR, you can challenge players anywhere, and the fight takes place right there, and there are players who think it's fun to challenge you:

> * Repeatedly until you /ignore them or call them out in /map or /report for harassment

> * When you are level 7 and they are level 60, just for laughs.(1)


> If the duels are just a form of 1v1 PvP in an instanced arena, with a queue rather than an open-world challenge system, sure, that could work. I wouldn't participate, but I don't see any reason (aside from development time resource limits) to say that it's a bad idea.


> (1) SWTOR has level sync, sort of like the level scaling in GW2, except that it trims the power of synced characters significantly less than in GW2. Level 60 versus level 7 on a starter planet is more or less an instant squish.


I never quoted you?

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Cool thing about this game once you block someone, other than seeing their toon, or them logging into another account, you have zero communication with the blocked. I can't remember, but I don't even think you can see their emotes.


[ESO dueling](https://elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/25797 "https://elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/25797")


I play the game, it's not all harasasment and annoyance. If anything I become a spectator if I don't want to participate.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> I really DON'T understand the arguments against it (as long as there was a way to opt out of getting invites).


People are afraid of change and the "what if" hypothetical situations they can conjure up in their minds.... In short, Fear.


Fear stops progression, fear over the "what if".... It's easier for most people to close their minds and stick to the demons they already know.

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If the balance was such an issue and we wanted to stave off complaints and salt and make it clear it's a "just for fun" thing, you could make it super carebear cuddly safespace by putting a giant sign saying: "Game isn't balanced around this feature. Duels are not counted against your record and mean nothing against your skill in the truly competitive zones of this game under proper criteria. Duels are strictly for fun."

Every time time you request someone for a duel. In addition make it end when a player downs.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> [OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION]


> (0) For me, that means *all* of them.


> (1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).


1: Max level required (Unless in HotM)

2: Require both players to challenge each other through the character portrait's right-click menu "Duel" "Request Duel" w.e

3: Option to toggle your "Duel" option from other player's view

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > > > it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want

> > >

> > > Nice, add a "I don't want to receive duels" option, there you go, problem sovled...

> >

> > Why add a solution to a problem that has not to be there? And if you really think this would stop people from harassing potential duelling partners, you are gravely mistaken. Annoyance is like life in Jurassic Park, it finds a way too.

> >

> > I can kind of understand why people want to duel, but the annoyance potential for morons rises massively when you allow open world duelling. I don´t want anyone to follow and pesker me in map chat because he always wanted to duel a two pistol engineer or something like that.


> If the basis for not having things in the game is they might have some vague potential to annoy someone if they are misused, then we better remove players from the game because you people might get annoyed by someone randomly spamming skills in Lion's Arch or somewhere, or by chat (better remove chat), or merely by a player who decides to follow you around.


> Really if your level of intolerance is this high then you simply aren't suited to an MMORPG and should go play a solo game.


My level of tolerance is quite high for most ideas. I usually don´t dart into a 1vs1 in wvw for example, although the game mode would give me every right for it. A large number of veterans actually accepts and respects duelling in wvw.

So I just don´t find the logic into allowing something that you can already do in special places that are not in the open world. The only reasonable answer for this is that you want to drag as many unwilling people as possible into it, and that is where my tolerance indeed is low.


The vague potential you are speaking off is not vague. To illustrate this, look into wvw and you will always have a joker that builds useless siege on his way just to tick people off because suppies are wasted. When there are ways to troll people, trolls will use them at their leisure. Just ask any Eve Online carebear player whose billion dollar ship was ganked by a 100K throwaway boat right under the nose of the police forces. You may not understand this because it does not bother you if someone follows you with stuff you do not want, but my focus on the game is severely hampered by this kind of behavior.

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Hot Join has rooms specific for dueling

Guild Arena is also for dueling

Theres even an arena you can utilize in the PvP lobby that you can duel in

Heck, there is even dueling in WvW


If you are referring to like WoW when you can "duel" others in the PvE environment, then that I cannot support. There are many other ways and places to duel as well as people can easily abuse the "challenge" mechanic to the point where it becomes harassment, thus ruining the fun and/or game for others.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> [OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION]


> (0) For me, that means *all* of them.


> (1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).


Yeah it's called having an option in the menu that you click that doesn't give players the ability to duel you. Think a little.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> [OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION]


> (0) For me, that means *all* of them.


> (1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).


It'd be easy to have a setting to not accept duel requests.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > [OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION]

> >

> > (0) For me, that means *all* of them.

> >

> > (1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).


> It'd be easy to have a setting to not accept duel requests.


Indeed, and then I have to put idiots on /ignore as they run around going "/w SteveTheCynic Duel me" repeatedly. And you'd be surprised at the number of games that have open-world duelling systems and DON'T have that option. If I thought it would be automatically added as part of the feature in 100% of games it gets added to, then I wouldn't mention the problem. So far, I don't remember seeing a game that has duelling AND the auto-refuse option.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > [OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION]

> > >

> > > (0) For me, that means *all* of them.

> > >

> > > (1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).

> >

> > It'd be easy to have a setting to not accept duel requests.


> Indeed, and then I have to put idiots on /ignore as they run around going "/w SteveTheCynic Duel me" repeatedly. And you'd be surprised at the number of games that have open-world duelling systems and DON'T have that option. If I thought it would be automatically added as part of the feature in 100% of games it gets added to, then I wouldn't mention the problem. So far, I don't remember seeing a game that has duelling AND the auto-refuse option.


WoW had it at launch. If it wasn't launch it was very early on.

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Haven't read a single serious argument on an anti - duel post. Many want it and **if implemented, it won't be a problem for those who don't want it implemented**.

* Saying you don't want it implemented because you don't want to duel, is extremely selfish.

* Saying you don't want it because of spam doesn't make sense either. Not only there are easy solutions to eliminate spam; spam isn't even a thing in the first place (not in WoW, not in ESO).

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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> Haven't read a single serious argument on an anti - duel post. Many want it and **if implemented, it won't be a problem for those who don't want it implemented**.

> * Saying you don't want it implemented because you don't want to duel, is extremely selfish.

> * Saying you don't want it because of spam doesn't make sense either. Not only there are easy solutions to eliminate spam; spam isn't even a thing in the first place (not in WoW, not in ESO).


Duel spam *is* a thing in SWTOR. It's not common, but when it happens, it is intensely annoying, and there isn't a toggle to auto-decline duel requests.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> [OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION]


> (0) For me, that means *all* of them.


> (1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).


I am not a duelist either, but in AION there was a toggle in options to turn off duel requests. Problem solved.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > [OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION]

> >

> > (0) For me, that means *all* of them.

> >

> > (1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).


> I am not a duelist either, but in AION there was a toggle in options to turn off duel requests. Problem solved.


For sure, but the equivalent of that toggle exists in only some of the list of games with open-world duelling. If they included it in such a system in GW2, I guess it could be OK, if the list of game-mechanical deficiencies cited earlier in the thread (notably the question of boons) could be resolved. The simplest way to do that could be simply to immunise duellers from effects (boons and the like) sourced from other characters (including your opponent, obviously). I think it's better for that to mean "you keep the boons on you but they have no effect, not their direct effect, and not any indirect effect e.g. skills that interact with boon count" than "boons sourced from not-yourself(1) are deleted".


(1) That's important. Your duelling opponent's "broadcast" boons should not affect you, nor should yours affect him.


Conclusion: it *could* be made to work. It would require some game mechanical changes and a "not me, thanks" automatic decline toggle, but overall I don't think it's the best use of Anet's time.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> Conclusion: it *could* be made to work. It would require some game mechanical changes and a "not me, thanks" automatic decline toggle, but overall I don't think it's the best use of Anet's time.


Dueling as a function of Time and Effort is **ABSOLUTELY** worth the result because with **little time** and **little effort** you have a game-changing result (game-changing meaning unlocking many new possibilities in-game).


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