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Swim Speed Infusion +30 overgrind

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> @"Maria Murtor.7253" said:

> Get a Infusion -> sell a Infusion -> make profit. I like my math.

> I survived 5 years without increased swim speed. Things won't change for me. ^.^


Well, I stuck one in my head, and shrugged. It doesn't hurt to feel a bit more "normal speed" underwater, which is the net effect of that +10 to my perception.


> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Its new, people want it *now*.

> New stuff is always expensive.

> I usually just sell my breather infusions now, lots of gold.

> And in a few months they’ll probably be jack cheap.


...and exactly this. I'll have that helmet soon, since sell is down to ~ 70 silver, from 1.5 gold yesterday. Probably gonna keep drifting down, now, because the rush is gone. So I get the hat, and either buy all I need from selling a handful, or just wait and grind them out with the daily...

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Its new, people want it *now*.

> New stuff is always expensive.

> I usually just sell my breather infusions now, lots of gold.

> And in a few months they’ll probably be jack cheap.


"Even assuming the price would go down, you'd need 10,4k gold if the +10 infusions would drop to 1 silver."



"It's obvious that this item is based on being a long-term goal, even if it is a little rediculous. For comparison:

• It takes 220 +10 infusions to reach the +30 infusion.

• That is a total of 1.048.576 +10 infusions.

• If you were to get an average of 3 infusions a day, it would take you 349.525 (and a third) days.

• At the time of calculation, it would take ~943k gold to buy it all (and the price has gone up right now)

• Even assuming the price would go down, you'd need 10,4k gold if the +10 infusions would drop to 1 silver.

• You'd lose 1% of swimming speed (presumably) for half the cost of all this.

It's a little overtuned, don't worry about it, although it would be nice to know if this huge investment was intended. Only the richest of tp barons even stand a chance of reaching this infusion, and that is while buying up most of, if not all, the listings. If you want to make your main as powerful as possible, stop earlier. For comparison, at the current price, it would cost ~921 gold in order to get the +20 infusion."



“Earlier today a friend came to me and pointed out that in order to maximize the swim speed infusion, it seems to require over 1 million of the new swim speed infusions.


* +10 Swim Speed Infusion x32 ->

* +15 Swim Speed Infusion x32 ->

* +20 Swim Speed Infusion x32 ->

* +25 Swim Speed Infusion x32 ->

* +30 Swim Speed Infusion

= 32 ^ 4 = 1,048576

According to the wiki, the drop rate from the daily chest indicates they can be acquired at a rate of 0-4 (Avg 2) per day.

At an acquisition rate of 2 per day, and 365 days per year, we can calculate that it will take 1,436 years to achieve the maximum level swim speed infusion. I'm sure that my great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren will appreciate getting to their locations faster when they are playing GW2 on their retro-gaming simulators, but for the rest of us mortals this type of reward seems, to put it lightly, quite poorly tuned.

Is this correct? Even if the drop rates for this item were 100 times higher, it would seem like excessive grind.”


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Just like AR infusions. They have added them up to an unbelievable high level, but noone is to realistically getting those.


> I think getting +20 is a far more realistic goal to aim for. Especially as mentioned above its only a few % improvement to get a +30 over it.


+15 is enough for me.

+20 costs slightly less than 1000g....too much for me.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Regardless of a minor mistake in the OP's assumptions, the Swim+30 infusion is a complete arbitrary & unnecessary goal. The OP could, if they wanted, try to craft a +30 Agony Infusion. It would require half a million AR+1 and end up being worth over 14 million gold all told. It would be useful, since AR contributes to stats when used with fractal potions, but no one considers doing it seriously because the benefits aren't worth the costs.


> Similarly, there's no reason to craft a Swim+30 infusion, so the high costs mentioned by the OP are just as meaningless. It's an arbitrary stopping place; ANet could just as well have had the vendor offer to make up to Swim+25 or Swim+35.


it's not as arbitrary as the AR stopping point because with AR there's a cap and you can reach that cap with a multitude of combinations of Agony infusions. The Swim speed infusion is only on one piece so it's cap is whatever the highest you can get on that one piece. If this were in combat run speed you'd also be throwing a fit about the cost, you just don't because it's underwater speed and you don't spend a lot of time underwater. That may change depending on future game design.

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  • 1 year later...

+11: 0 g 42 s 48 c

+12: 0 g 89 s 44 c

+13: 1 g 83 s 36 c

+14: 3 g 71 s 20 c

+15: 7 g 46 s 88 c

+16: 14 g 98 s 24 c

+17: 30 g 00 s 96 c

+18: 60 g 06 s 40 c

+19: 120 g 17 s 28 c

+20: 240 g 39 s 04 c

+21: 480 g 82 s 56 c

+22: 961 g 69 s 60 c

+23: 1923 g 43 s 68 c

+24: 3846 g 91 s 84 c

+25: 7693 g 88 s 16 c

+26: 15387 g 80 s 80 c

+27: 30775 g 66 s 08 c

+28: 61551 g 36 s 64 c

+29: 123102 g 77 s 76 c

+30: 246205 g 60 s 00 c


I created a graph to illustrate this growth curve. Its hosted on an external website.

(Copy the address into the navigation bar of your browser.) https://sta.sh/0sgqgqhyjew

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I stopped at +20 on all of my chars, for all the builds I play, because everything beyond that is just crazy in price.


By the way, it _does_ make a noticeable difference underwater, especially when you are trying to flee in WvW. ;) I'm certain there will be new PvE water content in the future.

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