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[PvE] Can't enjoy the game anymore (Druid/Chrono meta rant)

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > > > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > > I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...

> > > >

> > > > I like being a support/tank, playing Chrono and Druid was fun at some point but now it's not.

> > >

> > > So you're triggered because metagaming isn't how you'd like to play?

> > >

> > > Meta gaming has existed in nearly every MMO. The only way to stop this would be to give every single elite spec the exact same numbers-producing skills and animations. It just wouldn't be a reality.

> >

> > Oh that's the "only way" to stop it? I'm reminded of this Simpsons quote: http://i.imgur.com/i1MVklE.png

> >

> > Fact: Chrono is overpowered

> > Fact: ANet literally JUST released a balance patch but chose not to fix it.

> >

> > That's now how balance problems get solved.

> The last balance patches weren't any better and the problem has been known for a long, long time.


There are two possible explanations that would fit the observed facts here:


One is that Chrono is overpowered, and ANet are unaware of it, or refuse to fix it, or are incompetent to do so.


The other is that your thesis is wrong, and Chrono is not overpowered, so is not being changed in balance patches.


You might do well to ponder the question of which of these is a reasonable assumption about other people...

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> There are two possible explanations that would fit the observed facts here:


> One is that Chrono is overpowered, and ANet are unaware of it, or refuse to fix it, or are incompetent to do so.


> The other is that your thesis is wrong, and Chrono is not overpowered, so is not being changed in balance patches.


> You might do well to ponder the question of which of these is a reasonable assumption about other people...


Enter the apologist.



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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > i hate it too... u dont need chrono/bs for a fast run.

> >

> > druid is meta though cuz of healing + 25 mights. u can't replace that. but sometimes i dont really care, heal tempest is fine too.


> rofl. You dont need chrono/bs for run. You need it for fast run since warrior + banners is higher dps then another dps profesion and chrono increse dps of all party members by 33 percent. That means either 5xdps dps ot 4x1,3dps = 5,2xdps and that is even without chrono damage. Not to mention all ultility chrono provides. With meta group i can finish 99 cm and 3 dailies in 30 minutes. With random T4 group (even if i am still playing chrono) it is 30 minutes just for t4. Even longer if we have 5 random dps classes. From my experiance chrono is much more important then druid in fractals.


there are many ways to do a fast run. it doesn't have to be chrono/druid/bs. try it urself if u have friends who are super good and dont need a healer.


the fastest way to do 99/100cm is actually berserker chrono/condi soulbeasts (for the spirits)/ps war/2 eles. you don't even need a healer for 99cm or 100cm.


having 4 good dpses instead of 1 chrono 1BS is pretty much the same as having the 1chrono 1bs... it makes literally no difference. u just need ppl who know what they're doing, and pull mobs and cc and shit.


yall ask for chrono and stuff cuz yall lazy to do ur job.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > > i hate it too... u dont need chrono/bs for a fast run.

> > >

> > > druid is meta though cuz of healing + 25 mights. u can't replace that. but sometimes i dont really care, heal tempest is fine too.

> >

> > rofl. You dont need chrono/bs for run. You need it for fast run since warrior + banners is higher dps then another dps profesion and chrono increse dps of all party members by 33 percent. That means either 5xdps dps ot 4x1,3dps = 5,2xdps and that is even without chrono damage. Not to mention all ultility chrono provides. With meta group i can finish 99 cm and 3 dailies in 30 minutes. With random T4 group (even if i am still playing chrono) it is 30 minutes just for t4. Even longer if we have 5 random dps classes. From my experiance chrono is much more important then druid in fractals.


> there are many ways to do a fast run. it doesn't have to be chrono/druid/bs. try it urself if u have friends who are super good and dont need a healer.


> the fastest way to do 99/100cm is actually berserker chrono/condi soulbeasts (for the spirits)/ps war/2 eles. you don't even need a healer for 99cm or 100cm.


> having 4 good dpses instead of 1 chrono 1BS is pretty much the same as having the 1chrono 1bs... it makes literally no difference. u just need ppl who know what they're doing, and pull mobs and cc and kitten.


> yall ask for chrono and stuff cuz yall lazy to do ur job.


I never ask for chrono since i play chrono :D Actualy i think fastest strategy was chrono, spellbreaker and 3 weavers (at least last patch). If you calclate it BS provide more actual dps then DPS class, same for chrono. Since spotter is usless in fractals only thing druid brings are spirits, cc and heals. Basicaly all the might can be provided by chrono and cc too. Than it is heals + spirits vs another weaver.


Math behind this: Lets say chrono does 15k dps and weaver 30k dps. Then quickness on 2 weavers is aproximetly 20k dps bonus, that meanst chrono brings more then 35k dps which is more then another weaver ( and notice that i didnt calculate in bonus only for 2 classes out of 5)


25 might is around 30 percent dps increse. 25 might equal to 850 points of stats (4250 for all players together) . EA, and both banners equal to 1800 points of stats together (1850 before the ea nerf). That means banners and ea provides same points of stats as 10 might on every player. That means baners and ea boost everyones dps aproximetly by 12 percent. If warrior is 20k dps and weaver 30kd dps then you get 9600 bonus dps just from those 2 weavers and one warrior so again warrior provide more overall dps then weaver (if you count in both other classes).

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > There are two possible explanations that would fit the observed facts here:

> >

> > One is that Chrono is overpowered, and ANet are unaware of it, or refuse to fix it, or are incompetent to do so.

> >

> > The other is that your thesis is wrong, and Chrono is not overpowered, so is not being changed in balance patches.

> >

> > You might do well to ponder the question of which of these is a reasonable assumption about other people...


> Enter the apologist.


Well, that'd be consistent with option one, wouldn't it? A vast and interwoven conspiracy to suppress the truth, that ANet are deliberately conspiring to keep Chrono overpowered!


Clear proof of your position! What other possible explanation could explain the "facts" you have so clearly laid out supporting your thesis. ;)

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...

> > >

> > > I like being a support/tank, playing Chrono and Druid was fun at some point but now it's not.

> >

> > So you're triggered because metagaming isn't how you'd like to play?

> >

> > Meta gaming has existed in nearly every MMO. The only way to stop this would be to give every single elite spec the exact same numbers-producing skills and animations. It just wouldn't be a reality.


> Oh that's the "only way" to stop it? I'm reminded of this Simpsons quote: http://i.imgur.com/i1MVklE.png


> Fact: Chrono is overpowered

> Fact: ANet literally JUST released a balance patch but chose not to fix it.


> That's now how balance problems get solved.


They chose not to fix it, because there is nothing to fix. If you dont like Chrono that much do your own runs without them. Yes, its possible. Would it be, as efficient? No. But you still have the option to do it. Just because Chrono is meta, it doesn't mean you can't absolutely run without them. Just start your own group and get whatever classes you want.


Meta always exitested and it always will exist no matter how much Anet change, twist and bend stuff around. Because Meta is set by the players, not by Anet. And its just that Meta (read: Most efficient tactic available -- for those who dont know what the abreviation means), it doesnt mean that you ABSOLUTELY have to run it to have fun and get results, it means that its composition set, tested and proved to be the most efficient in what most people seek - a fast clear with, as less complications, as possible.

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> Because Meta is set by the players, not by Anet.


This statement is wrong. ArenaNet by design and balance choices can create and manipulate meta aswell. Biggest offenders are currently druid and BS. They ARE best choices as offensive buffers as they provife UNIQUE buffs that you can't aquire taking other professions.


Meta is discovered and established by players but is designed and created 100% by Anet.

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When Pof was released , meta has changed we got PoF dps specs meanwhile druid/chrono are still the best support with no optimal alternative:

Sound like meta support specs is writting on a stone.

I hope our 3/4th expansion won't get druid/chrono as meta support specs

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> Well, that'd be consistent with option one, wouldn't it? A vast and interwoven conspiracy to suppress the truth, that ANet are deliberately conspiring to keep Chrono overpowered!


> Clear proof of your position! What other possible explanation could explain the "facts" you have so clearly laid out supporting your thesis. ;)


Oh, did I argue that there was a "vast and interwoven conspiracy"? No, no I actually don't think I did. At all. If you want to deliberately misinterpret, why not just not respond? Saves me the energy of having to correct you.


You yourself listed several ways in which Chrono could be overpowered yet unaddressed: They could be "unaware of it, or refuse to fix it, or are incompetent to do so." All three of those are in fact both possible and commonplace within game balancing. I just came from WoW, which is developed by one of the richest and presumably well-staffed gaming companies on the planet. During development and after launch of their latest expansion, there occurred: (1) Developers "correcting" ultra high-level players (ie, complete no-life raiders who will spend hundreds of hours on TEST servers where all progress is wiped) about the "proper" way to play certain classes before, inevitably, back-tracking and having to eat their words; (2) Developers releasing a "buff" to a class that was in fact an accidental nerf -- they simply didn't understand the class well enough and had to go into various Discord communities to seek out advice on how to fix their "buff"; (3) Various over- and under-tuning of specs to the point where certain classes had spells removed mid-expansion without warning. Additionally, in the game's previous expansion, the lead developer was asked why a certain class had been absolutely gutted (so gutted that it seemed like the developers had an ulterior motive), to which he replied: [this is a direct but truncated quote]


"Because we'd rather you didn't play demonology... We're not actually terrible at math, we weren't, you know, intending to nerf them a little bit and we are really bad at numbers and overshot the mark a lot... For those of you who love Demo and it's your favorite spec, I apologize, like, it's viable, but it's not the best. There's certainly an ebb and flow of specs, the, you know, taking turns being the best."


So you can see that these developers, members of one of the most resource-rich gaming companies around, still fall into ignorance, arrogance, and incompetence when it comes to balance issues.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > Well, that'd be consistent with option one, wouldn't it? A vast and interwoven conspiracy to suppress the truth, that ANet are deliberately conspiring to keep Chrono overpowered!

> >

> > Clear proof of your position! What other possible explanation could explain the "facts" you have so clearly laid out supporting your thesis. ;)


> Oh, did I argue that there was a "vast and interwoven conspiracy"? No, no I actually don't think I did. At all. If you want to deliberately misinterpret, why not just not respond? Saves me the energy of having to correct you.


> You yourself listed several ways in which Chrono could be overpowered yet unaddressed: They could be "unaware of it, or refuse to fix it, or are incompetent to do so." All three of those are in fact both possible and commonplace within game balancing.


Yes, you did argue for a vast conspiracy. A conspiracy of incompetence, rather than action, but hey. The words you wrote, right here, are exactly that: you assert that game developers are sufficiently incompetent that they know nothing about their own game, and cannot balance it, so the most likely explanation is that they are deliberately - even if motivated through incompetence rather than malice - refusing to address imbalances in the game.



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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > Well, that'd be consistent with option one, wouldn't it? A vast and interwoven conspiracy to suppress the truth, that ANet are deliberately conspiring to keep Chrono overpowered!

> > >

> > > Clear proof of your position! What other possible explanation could explain the "facts" you have so clearly laid out supporting your thesis. ;)

> >

> > Oh, did I argue that there was a "vast and interwoven conspiracy"? No, no I actually don't think I did. At all. If you want to deliberately misinterpret, why not just not respond? Saves me the energy of having to correct you.

> >

> > You yourself listed several ways in which Chrono could be overpowered yet unaddressed: They could be "unaware of it, or refuse to fix it, or are incompetent to do so." All three of those are in fact both possible and commonplace within game balancing.


> Yes, you did argue for a vast conspiracy. A conspiracy of incompetence, rather than action, but hey. The words you wrote, right here, are exactly that: you assert that game developers are sufficiently incompetent that they know nothing about their own game, and cannot balance it, so the most likely explanation is that they are deliberately - even if motivated through incompetence rather than malice - refusing to address imbalances in the game.




Anet devs are only human and are capable of making mistakes is a conspiracy now?

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