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Anet, Please Just Tell Us You're Listening


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> @"pelle ossa.9705" said:

> i think the problem is anet want to follow the flavour od the sniper... and they did DE with that targhet but they didn't pay attention on how sniper doesn't fit in gw2 combat and in general what was the beat for thief in general... instead of a sniper why not a bounty hunter: rifle yes , but close-mid range with Survival skill type... i undestand that siper flavour is cool and stuff , but sometimes easy thing are simply better


thats what p/p is for though, rifle is doing its job just fine allowing for picking up kills safely from a long range , so far the only stuff that hardcounters me as rifle DE is basically melee thief in 1v1 scenarios cuz of all the shadowsteps and such

if you think your ranged options are bad look at engineer , a melee range rifle a melee range pistol wich has neither power nor condi dps

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They are talking and they are listening. But most likely at this point there is nothing to say. Just imagine everything they can say and what it means for the expectations. If they say they are going to improve things, people will complain it takes too long, if they say they are not improving, people will be kittened whenever they do change a thing. Balancing is delicate and it is a lot about monitoring and observing and listening for a long time. In this specific case, even the community is not clear about this. Some hate it, others are more ok with it.

Some people take more time to change.


The best thing to do is to not expect anything from the devs. The deal is clear. You bought the game and they delivered. We are not entitled to any change nor are we entitled to no change. But never expect them to solve what you dislike. Be a customer. If you dislike it, play other classes and specialisms. Cause if enough people do so, they will come to a conclusion sooner. But make it your individual decision for you, not as an attempt to influence them.

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