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complaining about the wrong things.

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > > > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > > > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > > > > About as embarrassing as this rage post...

> > > >

> > > > uhh definitely not a rage post. i sincerely hope your not one of "those plebs" aforementioned if you know what i mean. :)

> > >

> > > I don't need to be a "pleb", as you say, to know that calling people plebs and saying they don't know kitten and they should keep their opinions off the forums is simply a poor way of communicating and is often the incoherent rants of a rage induced poster. ?

> >

> > if you say, "ahh pls nerf core necro, its just blowing me up. pls anet fix it." i will immediately assume you are a pleb. would i be wrong in assuming this? if so pls lmk.


> Are we just posting random comments that have nothing to do with the previous comment now? ?


i responded to the wrong person lol in response to your original statement, it may be a poor way of communicating, if not because of the simple fact that most players in this game are stubborn and wont listen to advice anyway (try playing a ranked game and offering advice to less experienced/skilled players, they retaliate very hard). i reprised original post as i understand where my comments were derogatory and poor form.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> I have just one thing to say. Who the hell is calling for Rev nerfs?


> All I see on this forum is "Nerf Mesmer" and "Nerf Scourge" and "Nerf Spellbreaker" ... and up until the last patch, "Nerf Deadeye" (which was a cheese build that wasn't healthy for the game, even if it wasn't OP).


youd be surprised how many times ill be in a match on rev, and my defeated opponent will say something along the lines of, "wow i cant wait till anet nerfs you." and if your early enough in the forms youll see people posting about revs (and others) needing to be nerfed, before they get pushed down with the other senseless fodder.

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> @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> I know that the experience/skill difference between players in this game, especially right now is very high. however, if your a new player, or really arent knowledgeable about the certain subject, do not post in forums complaining about stuff that doesnt need to be nerfed or just isnt that strong to begin with. Stop crying out for rev nerfs simply because you dont know the match up so the rev one shots you. stop complaining about deadeye saying its OP, especially when it just got nerfed this patch, because you cant LOS or just even hit it with something. hit it with something, it will die. those are just 2 examples of crying out in the forms about things that are NOT the issue. ANET sees this and they end up missing the things that actually need to be fixed I.E spellbreaker, mesmer, scourge. if your going to complain, complain about the real problems.


Really? SB has been nerfed many times in a row. Right after PoF SB could easily tank 3v1 now a 2v1 is almost impossible if you are facing good people. Last patch they took out 29% health regen for SB. Not sure what you are talking about because they are fixing things. Certain classes are overlooked like Scourge...

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> @"Cindakid.7483" said:


> youd be surprised how many times ill be in a match on rev, and my defeated opponent will say something along the lines of, "wow i cant wait till anet nerfs you." .


Couple things.


1.) It's true. There are people so bad that they think everything that they lose to is overpowered.

2.) It's not surprising. Dunning-Kruger is a thing. If lose = wow cheese, If win = L2p noob so bad

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I can't believe people are even arguing with this post. There is nothing that Cinda has said that isn't true. If you are new and don't have knowledge of whatever you are about to post a complaint about then you shouldn't be posting at all EXCEPT to ask for help with how to deal with it. Problem is nobody here wants to ask for help, they want anet to make them god mode and everyone else just another PvE trash mob for them to farm rewards out of. Yes it is harsh but sometimes that's just the way it is.

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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> I can't believe people are even arguing with this post. There is nothing that Cinda has said that isn't true. If you are new and don't have knowledge of whatever you are about to post a complaint about then you shouldn't be posting at all EXCEPT to ask for help with how to deal with it. Problem is nobody here wants to ask for help, they want anet to make them god mode and everyone else just another PvE trash mob for them to farm rewards out of. Yes it is harsh but sometimes that's just the way it is.


I agree but he did name three classes so people are going to come defend/deflect and essentially do what he was saying don’t do. :/

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