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Art Issues: Map Art

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Please post in this thread if you come across any sort of bug that fits in the following categories:


- Textural/graphical issues with the environment or world props

- Terrain or world props disappearing/flickering

- Anything else that you feel might be an art bug related to the game world


**General Guidelines**


- Take a screenshot or screenshots showing the issue you're reporting

- Take a screenshot with your mouse hovering over the minimap while it's zoomed all the way in so we can see the sector name.

- If you able to do so, open up the screenshot in a picture editor (like MS Paint) and draw a circle around or use an arrow to point to the issue

- If the world or large areas of land appear to "pop" in and out or "flicker," please be sure that you are facing the appropriate direction in your screenshot and follow the screenshot directions

- Host on an image hosting site, such as Imgur, Gyazo, Lightshot, Flickr, TinyPic, etc.

- If you have a video of the issue, upload to YouTube (unlisted)

- Include link(s) to your images or videos in your report

- Describe the problem

- List your Race, Sex, and Profession


For art issues related to characters, weapons, armors, or items, please post in [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/271/).


We appreciate everyone's help with these issues. Thank you!

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In the new branded area in Domain of Vabbi there is a graphical bug with the purple "fury of the brand" overlay around the screen.


A solid black line passes through the lower half of the screen when it is active and fades away when it goes away. I've linked videos reproducing it.


This video I leave the UI on to show the black line coming and going with the fury of the brand debuff.



Second video I turn the UI off and the problem goes away.



Running a GTX 1070 @ 1440p

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I don't have a screenshot (login server is down) but on my ranger (equipped with longbow) when I dismount the raptor by using the attack skill while targeting an enemy, the ranger's body glitches in a permanent twist (i.e. the character was looking at the enemy from the side and gets frozen in that position permanently until I remount again). It looks very weird in that the ranger is all twisted to the side while shooting the bow instead of looking at the enemy (and the direction of the arrows). The ranger is human male if that makes any difference.

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> @PetStain.8924



> I don't have a screenshot (login server is down) but on my ranger (equipped with longbow) when I dismount the raptor by using the attack skill while targeting an enemy, the ranger's body glitches in a permanent twist (i.e. the character was looking at the enemy from the side and gets frozen in that position permanently until I remount again). It looks very weird in that the ranger is all twisted to the side while shooting the bow instead of looking at the enemy (and the direction of the arrows). The ranger is human male if that makes any difference.




same thing as pete's post, shows problem perfectly. I made comment b4 i saw his, don't know how to delete comment :(

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My pet was riding one of my mounts during combat with the Champion Perturbed Choya bounty in the Desolation. I did not see the issue, the screen shots were taken by the Engineer accompanying me. The Iboga was my current pet. The Springer was not the most recent mount I had used, that had been the Raptor. The mounts I had at the time were the Rapter, Springer and Skimmer. My character is a male human Ranger (Soulbeast) welding a bow and dual daggers. I was not merged (melded) with my pet at the time. Aside from my Ranger and the Engineer there were no other players around.







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> @PetStain.8924 said:

> In the new branded area in Domain of Vabbi there is a graphical bug with the purple "fury of the brand" overlay around the screen.


> A solid black line passes through the lower half of the screen when it is active and fades away when it goes away. I've linked videos reproducing it.


> This video I leave the UI on to show the black line coming and going with the fury of the brand debuff.

> https://streamable.com/wlcix


> Second video I turn the UI off and the problem goes away.

> https://streamable.com/sm9z0


> Running a GTX 1070 @ 1440p


Experiencing the same issue, hiding UI makes it disappear and changing the scale of the UI changes the position of the line.

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The northernmost tunnel inside Dissun's Mine that runs to Steelbrachen in the Dredgehaunt Cliffs map has an invisible wall. I took multiple screenshots and then threw them together in one screen. Other characters also run into this 'wall'.

edit: Also, the area is 'underground', so the minimap considers the 'wall' to exist.

edit: The only reliable other route to use to access the place is through the Tribulation jumping puzzle. ):


![](https://i.imgur.com/LiIvpKI.jpg "")

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> @PetStain.8924 said:

> In the new branded area in Domain of Vabbi there is a graphical bug with the purple "fury of the brand" overlay around the screen.


> A solid black line passes through the lower half of the screen when it is active and fades away when it goes away. I've linked videos reproducing it.


> This video I leave the UI on to show the black line coming and going with the fury of the brand debuff.

> https://streamable.com/wlcix


> Second video I turn the UI off and the problem goes away.

> https://streamable.com/sm9z0


> Running a GTX 1070 @ 1440p


Same issue for me. I'm including a screenshot of the issue as well here:


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> @Aexo.6491 said:

> > @PetStain.8924 said:

> > In the new branded area in Domain of Vabbi there is a graphical bug with the purple "fury of the brand" overlay around the screen.

> >

> > A solid black line passes through the lower half of the screen when it is active and fades away when it goes away. I've linked videos reproducing it.

> >

> > This video I leave the UI on to show the black line coming and going with the fury of the brand debuff.

> > https://streamable.com/wlcix

> >

> > Second video I turn the UI off and the problem goes away.

> > https://streamable.com/sm9z0

> >

> > Running a GTX 1070 @ 1440p


> Experiencing the same issue, hiding UI makes it disappear and changing the scale of the UI changes the position of the line.


Check out my post https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/4815/pof-graphical-ui-bug/p1?new=1

Same problem but I figured out what causes it.

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Geometry - Caledon Forest - Exit of Itlaocol minidungeon...

I finished the dungon, door opened and i canyon-jumped through it on my raptor mount ... into hitting an in visible wall all alont the cliffs edge as I tried to return to the open map. Apparently I left the map, as I was able to get on top, run around and dive _under_ the Terrain


(Hmm in the old forum, the map-issues-thread used to have screenshots uploaded - storage issues? - or why is this no longer viable on the new forum?

btw, apart from the website annoyingly re-referring me always to the 'de' sites, wher i always have to manually choose "en", the "Forums" link on the top menu took me to the OLD forums... )

(Edit: typos)

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I am reporting two known bugs. One bug block/obstruct me from completing my objective.


First bug. I have used the in-game /bug report but I do not believe it will be looked at. This is why I am here. I am doing "No Mask Left Behind" and one of the mask has been blocked off by an invisible wall. It is the 21st mask I believe. It is "Southwatch Creep: Look to the east by the top of the Tarir entrance". The newly placed invisible wall had just been put there by mistake I think. I cannot go close enough to pick up the mask.



Second bug. This is the graphical glitch. After the Auric Basin meta event is successful, heading into the first room, right at the door, the door somehow make my character or the door frame invisible and flickering until I walked past it.



Thanks for looking into this. I need to finish my "No Mask Left Behind".

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Dark Library - map does not line up to area.


I haven't been able to find this report anywhere else on the forums. I'm in the Dark Library and the map isn't lining up to anything I'm experiencing. The "helpful" locations the librarian points me to come up as being off map. If I bring up the map, it tries to pull far "south" but runs into the edge of the map art. I don't have my icon anywhere on the map.


None of this is the end of the world, I just end up doing a lot retracing. It's just frustrating.


Screenshots to come when I can get them to upload.

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  • 2 weeks later...

**Moving bodies of water- HoT and PoF areas and reflections**


In HoT and PoF a new form of water is used; rivers. On max shaders these look somewhat fine, but on medium and low the reflections break.

Following screenshots will be using reflection setting set to "All", medium shaders and max post processing.


Verdant Brink

![](https://i.imgur.com/5kkW8cw.jpg "")


Auric Basin

![](https://i.imgur.com/r035Xtw.jpg "")


Lake Doric

![](https://i.imgur.com/rVb8y2N.jpg "")


Desert Highlands

![](https://i.imgur.com/TTQcdeV.jpg "")


As can be seen, instead of reflecting (of which the option in the menus doesnt do anything on these river areas) it shows my character a bit larger and towards to upper right. No matter the angle or distance the proportion seems constant.

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Dark Library - map does not line up to area.


I haven't been able to find this report anywhere else on the forums. I'm in the Dark Library and the map isn't lining up to anything I'm experiencing. The "helpful" locations the librarian points me to come up as being off map. If I bring up the map, it tries to pull far "south" but runs into the edge of the map art. I don't have my icon anywhere on the map.


None of this is the end of the world, I just end up doing a lot retracing. It's just frustrating.

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When completing the Lost Badge achievement in SilverWastes, a rock blocks the third badge making the achievement impossible to complete.


From a dulfy guide: https://imgur.com/a/EObOi

Notice how you can get behind the haystack to the right? This is how it looks now

Exampel one: https://imgur.com/a/dn24Z

Exampel two: https://imgur.com/a/y5k3x


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The Shining Blade sailboat that is usually near Shining Blade Agent Bilman is currently missing. This is the boat that you sail to go from Lion's Arch to Siren's Landing as part of "On Orrian Shores" during "One Path Ends" LS3E6 . It seems to have disseapeared around the Halloween update that changed LA and was no restored when Halloween recorations were removed from LA. Currrently the green star you need to interract with to sail the boat sits on the water. The boat does not appear either in the small cinematic when you use the green star to go to Siren's Landing.

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