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Weapon Q


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I'm rolling a new rifle warrior for fun... I know it's not meta not OP but something I want to play. It's primarily for unranked sPvP and roaming wvw.


I am probably going to go shield because I love how they look and I want to be able to defend/block while I wait for rifle 4 to regen so I can get some distance and shoot again. What main hand weapon would you suggest in addition to the rifle?


I'm open to other ideas about the non-rifle weapon as well. I'm not dead-set on shield but like the idea. Any thoughts>?


Thanks in advance...



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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> I'm rolling a new rifle warrior for fun... I know it's not meta not OP but something I want to play. It's primarily for unranked sPvP and roaming wvw.


> I am probably going to go shield because I love how they look and I want to be able to defend/block while I wait for rifle 4 to regen so I can get some distance and shoot again. What main hand weapon would you suggest in addition to the rifle?


> I'm open to other ideas about the non-rifle weapon as well. I'm not dead-set on shield but like the idea. Any thoughts>?


> Thanks in advance...


> Z


Since you're using the rifle which is a power weapon, use the axe. Both of these weapons are better with power damage and the axe goes really well with the shield. Being able to stun someone then following it up with a hard hitting Eviscerate can be really painful to the enemy.


Sword is alright, but it's mainly used for the mobility and if you're running as hybrid build, where you can deal a descent amount of power damage and using bleed as your secondary source of damage.


Mace is only good if you're running a tanky build. I guess this would be the second best choice after the axe since you want to tank as much damage as possible while waiting for the cooldown on rifle skills to deplete.

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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> It was suggested to go GS instead of ?/board. Is GS that much better than the 1 handers?


GS combines mobility and damage in a single power weapon. Axe has damage but no mobility and the most fun abilities of axe are the off hand ones while sword deals poor damage due to its hybrid nature.


GS Rifle would indeed be the best option just in terms of weapon skills

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gs has the best mobility and also adds almost as much dmg as axe when played correctly, atleast in pvp scenarios, shield is nice to habe but mace and axe with rifle are way too imobile and sword is after recent patch actually quite nice but still cant add the pressure like a gs can

in pvp id say it doesnt rly matter, it would be like an all in build where you either kill ir be killed with axe/mace bur in wvw roaming you rly need the mobility or else you get frustrated everytime someone want to chase you just the slightest bit

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I think I'll go GS/rifle then... I've played a bit with shield/axe and I feel I am way too predictable.


I planned to go berserker as well but am wondering if core or SB is better. Decisions, decisions....


Thanks for the help,



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