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20-1 kills to death ratio all top stats and win by 500-450

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Why do I get put into matches like this? This can't happen if my teammates are all my skill level. Why does this game do such a rotten job of putting you with teammates of exact similar skill level? Sure I have no doubt some of them had mmrs close to me but that just shows you how bad the mmr and matching system is it allows a huge majority of player to stay in like 1300-1600 mmr range and most of them could never carry a match by themselves they just get carried enough by the system to roughly win half there games. So there are players of roughly similar mmr but in actuality are much different in skill level. This sort of thing happens fairly often btw I would say 1 in 10 matches which is ludicrous. The best season for getting teammates your own skill level was when they had the pip system and grouped you with only people within in a tiny mmr range and you fought people near you in pip/division range. That season I won like 80% of my games to start and then I reached a plateau where I was 50/50 most of the time and the games were mostly fun. Of course the worst of the worst players were routinely losing 10-20 games at a time straight so it lasted one season because of the whines.

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The most ridiculous game I had was a game where I had over 50% of team damage as a roaming backnoding condi mirage and we barely squeaked out a win witht he scores being 500-475. Like, I was literally the only one capping and decaping nodes, the only person winning fights and the rest of my team were constantly getting vaporized. I'm not a good enough player to generally suggest I'm carrying a team most of the time, but I hard carried the hell out of that team.


Another ridiculous game was a game where I won a 3v1 while picking up close and the rest of my team lost the midfight 4v2. They were not up against Scourge+Firebrand.


MMR is probably mechanically fine. I've had a few really goofy matches but the bulk of them really aren't like that. Don't think any system is going to be particularly better. The better scenario is get more people into PvP and teach them how to play so that the match maker has more players to pick from across all tiers of play. That's the real fix to the matchmaking the game needs.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> The most ridiculous game I had was a game where I had over 50% of team damage as a roaming backnoding condi mirage and we barely squeaked out a win witht he scores being 500-475. Like, I was literally the only one capping and decaping nodes, the only person winning fights and the rest of my team were constantly getting vaporized. I'm not a good enough player to generally suggest I'm carrying a team most of the time, but I hard carried the hell out of that team.


> Another ridiculous game was a game where I won a 3v1 while picking up close and the rest of my team lost the midfight 4v2. They were not up against Scourge+Firebrand.


> MMR is probably mechanically fine. I've had a few really goofy matches but the bulk of them really aren't like that. Don't think any system is going to be particularly better. The better scenario is get more people into PvP and teach them how to play so that the match maker has more players to pick from across all tiers of play. That's the real fix to the matchmaking the game needs.



Had this happen plenty of times. I hope condi mirage doesn’t get beefed because sometimes it’s the only way to carry a game. If they nerf it they need to fix the matchmaking so I don’t get teamed up with people that insta die or hit like wet noodles and consistently have ten minute fights on points we don’t even have.


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That's just the bad design of matchmaking. You can keep getting upset over it but it's not going to make it any better because ant hasn't figured out a solution to the problem yet.


Explanation as to why matches are like that:

The system is designed to balance out AVERAGE TEAM MMR. With that being the emphasis you can have situations where a plat 3 player could have a few low golds, a silver and a gold 3 maybe while the other team could be all gold 3/plat 1. The average team mmr would be the same but on a player by player basis the second team is stacked to win. Sure the first team has a high level player, but while he's going 1v2 against the plat 1 players, the other 3 plat 1 players have very little trouble beating 4 gold 1 and silver 3 players. What ends up happening is even with the best player in the match fighting outnumbered (and sometimes even winning those fights while holding the cap) the other 4 players in his team are just outmatched by the other team's players. That's why you get such bad players on your team and that's why even when you hard carry (Believe me because this exact situation happened to me) by winning 1v3 on a point you own all game, you can still lose 350-500 or if the other team decides to snowball onto you after they wipe your team it can be even worse.


TLDR: matchmaking is bad, but we can't do anything about it. Don't take the outcome seriously and just focus on how you can be the best player possible.

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After gleaming through some of the posts here on the extremely helpful and well thought out Tips and Tricks posts, Rotation is a key I have found very useful and minimap usage.


The group makeup can easily be seen as a metric of how the team should play. Running into a situation that you know you cannot win is just a l2p issue. you see a 2on2 on the minimap. +1 it and get the point and kills. You see 2 skulls on a point that are your team color, maybe avoid that and go elswhere and make a difference.

To lower que time it is quite apparent different divisions are playing together. Yet, if the fundamentals of the game are unchanging, coupled with the Meta always changing in the right players hands, adaptability to mindset of the meta and then breaking it through gameplay is the smartest move.


Every "competetive" game will have people that have examined the minutia of the game. If you have not and you keep losing it's on you.


At the end of the day, WE play the game with the fundamentals set in place, and WE affect the meta towards each other, through that the game designer can TRY and balance it. When patches happen and updates to the meta it is essentially the game designer saying they screwed up and are attempting to reign it in. Give em time, and have fun and give em the encouragement needed to motivate them in the most positive direction.

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