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[Suggestion] Outfit Head Skin Customization

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Can we please have the ability to use different skins for the Head Armor slot when wearing an outfit? The new underwater ascended skin just came out, but I can't use it wearing an outfit. And I'm not about to turn my outfit on and off every time I jump in and out of the water. (I'm also using the hide head feature so I can see the character I made, but he looks funny sitting underwater with no breathing apparatus and not drowning.)


From A Technical Standpoint:

The head piece has already been separated from all outfits, which is clear from the hide head feature that's available with all outfits. The outfits just need the ability to revert back to the non-outfit head skin that's currently equipped to the character. Another possibility might be to give outfits their own Head Armor wardrobe slot, though that might involve more work. I think the hardest thing here would be making ui changes to allow this functionality.


From A Business Standpoint:

I've seen other forum users post about not buying a specific gemstore item because it's unusable with an outfit, or that an outfit is unusable with another skin that they like. Not having the feature to customize head options on outfits brings multiple gemstore offerings into conflict with each other, limiting sales. This feature would push those users, including myself, who did not buy because of those conflicts, into buying more gemstore skins.


Minimum effort, maximum profit.


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Yea it would be good if the head portion of outfits could be swapped out for skins, perhaps as an extra toggle (show original) in addition to hide headwear. Most headwear skins look bad or mediocre anyway, and that includes outfits.


Underwater headwear should also have a separated toggle (from land-helms) for hiding headwear, btw... I think the only way to hide ur underwater headwear is by wearing an outfit? I have 2 chars that do not wear outfits, and the warrior looks like an idiot when underwater - using some freebie helmet (literally) from the reward box.


(most of my chars wear outfits)

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> Outfit user here. I would welcome such change so i can pop my tophat or bunny ears on an outfit instead of the actual headpiece that comes with it. Looking at you exemplar attire headpiece.


Shades. Many of my characters wear shades, but none of them can do it while wearing an outfit. Bummer. Some of the outfits would look pretty good with shades.

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