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Suggestion for Epidemic, and Scourge DPS buffs.

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I don't know how often the balance devs visit the forums, but I wanted to at least suggest something they "might" consider.



Currently as it is, Epidemic isn't the problem like people make it out to be. The problem with Epidemic is being able to bounce it. I think it's awesome how Necromancer can do this, but it is simply overpowered. This is just how things are. The skill isn't overpowered itself, it's just the being able to bounce with other Necromancers part. If you don't understand how this works, it starts with one Necromancer using Epidemic, and sending it to all adds in a fight. Then the other Necromancers pick one add besides the boss, then Epidemic off of that add back to the boss and everything again. This is done over and over for insane damage potential. It takes coordination from Necromancers together. It is a really cool strategy, but it's been game breaking, and is holding the Necromancer back from being buffed.



My suggestion for Epidemic would be to keep it the same for single use by a Necromancer and stop the bouncing between enemies. An example would be DPSing the boss, adds spawn, then Necromancers are able to Epidemic off of the boss to the adds, but then it's impossible to Epidemic the Comditions on the adds back onto the boss. Epidemic should be a skill about spreading Conditions for massive cleave and AoE potential. It shouldn't be able to be abused like it can be currently to bounce back and forth. I know this would be hard to implement from a coding and balance perspective, it would be redesigning how enemies are affected by one skill. I know this suggestion is a nerf to Necromancer DPS. That's why I wanted to suggest buffs too.



Currently Scourge single target DPS is quite a bit lower than other Elite Specializations. I think nerfing Epidemic, and buffing Scourge DPS would be the way to do things. I thought of two Trait buffs for Scourge. This suggestion may up DPS by too much though. I'm not an expect on DPS math, but I think making Sadistic Searing give 3 stacks of Burning, and lowering the Demonic Lore internal cooldown from 3 seconds to 1 second would be reasonable buffs. Removing the Demonic Lore internal cooldown could work too, but this is the part that might be too much. Scourge does a lot of Torment, and Demonic Lore not having an internal cooldown could be too big of a buff, but I think these two traits are worth looking at for buffs. There may be better suggestions though from others. It's just that I keep seeing "NERF EPIDEMIC" threads, and wanted to give my input on the situation. It's easy to call for nerfs, and not suggest a buff to make up for the nerf.




Remove Epidemic bouncing, but make Sadistic Searing give 3 stacks of Burning, and lower the internal cooldown of Demonic Lore to 1 second, or remove it.

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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > Nah, they should keep Epi pinging but restrict it to once every 10 seconds per foe.


> What would be the point with that change? Targets could die then, and it would just be a dumb nerf.


To not remove the gameplay aspect of Epi pinging completely.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> Any buff to necromancer that would balance the potential nerf to epidemic should be a buff to _core_ Necromancer, so, that all specs can profit out of it, not only Scourge. Otherwise better leave epi as it is.


Then suggest core buffs.

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> When a mob receives a set of conditions from Epidemic, that mob gains the effect _Anti-virus_ which prevents Epidemic use on themselves for 10 seconds.


> This might work.


> Edit : If this ever gets implemented, Necro would need to be buffed significantly.


Buffed for PVE. Wvw and pvp are already broken cause of scourge

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I'm seeing alot of nerf suggestions with almost no suggestion to buff. How about in place of an epi nerf, necroz get:

Scepter auto 3 now applies 2 bleeds. Master of corruption now adds a flat condi damage boost for a short duration after using a corruption skill instead of adding more condis to the user, trail of anguish now pulses burning more frequently (pve only), awaken the pain no longer reduces the bonus to condition damage that might gives (Seriously, name me 1 other trait works like this) or gives a bonus to power while transfering a portion of the condi damage bonus of might into ferocity. Torch 5 inflicts burning instead of torment, path of corruption now torments boonless foes, dhuumfire icd reduction (pve only).

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What the necro lacks isnt some good condi weapon, neither skills nor traits that will trigger more condis. What all necro builds need are modifires, both power and condis in coretraitlines. Here is the problem which stops reaper and scourge, both actual very good traitline and specs from shining. You have almost none dmg modifier, or modifier which are very niche to be of use. You want some buff suggestion?here are some examples of how you could buff him:

-trait that increases the dmg of x condition by 33%

-trait that increases power dmg for each debuff on enimies by for examble 2%

-trait that gives you higher crit dmg instead of crit chance while in shroud

-trait that increases your condidmg by 150 for ~5sec each time you apply bleeding


Just a few ideas, take one or two of them, put them into coretraitlines that arent conected to surviveability or drop them into the same line as other important wvw and pvp traits so wvw and pvp wont break even more(and maybe tune them down for those gane modes), and hey you have some good traits that can ez be adjusted if the modifier are to strong or weak.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> I'm seeing alot of nerf suggestions with almost no suggestion to buff. How about in place of an epi nerf, necroz get:

> Scepter auto 3 now applies 2 bleeds. Master of corruption now adds a flat condi damage boost for a short duration after using a corruption skill instead of adding more condis to the u, trail of anguish now pulses burning more frequently (pve only), awaken the pain no longer reduces the bonus to condition damage that might gives (Seriously, name me 1 other trait works like this) or gives a bonus to power while transfering a portion of the condi damage bonus of might into ferocity. Torch 5 inflicts burning instead of torment, path of corruption now torments boonless foes, dhuumfire icd reduction (pve only).


We'll i think the master of corruption and awaken the pain would lose to much thematicly with those changes

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If you drastically nerf or remove epi-bouncing, people may as well also take more weavers instead of scourges since weaver-AoEs clear adds faster and people always think that weavers do more damage anyway. What you probably can work on is the number of stacks that get transferred.

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