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Do you pay give importance to the Lore in GW?


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I don't pay a lot of attention to the lore since it doesn't interest me that much. However, I like to have a basic notion of what has happened to Tyria, but there's so much information that it ends up being confusing. Too many things to remember.

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I am not saying I'm a walking lore-master that knows all the stuff (like Konig for example), but I really like reading about the lore, GW' history, and I really love speculating about the story. It makes me happy when somebody's speculations come true. Also some of mine also became real. :)

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The lore, the world and its races are just great. Love it! The decision to make dragons the primary antagonists in GW2 was a bit lame though. It was much more 'original' in GW1. But nonetheless there is still lots to be told, especially the part of Cantha is something I want to hear after 250 years. I just loved the lore there. Unfortunately, the characters etc and storytelling is sometimes a bit off. There are some shining moments though (Canach for example).

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> The decision to make dragons the primary antagonists in GW2 was a bit lame though. It was much more 'original' in GW1.


I have to agree with you... also it's interesting to point out that at that time 2011-2012 there where a lot of successful games with heavy dragon influences, such as Skyrim, Dragon age 2, Dragon's Dogma, Divinity 2 and so on... It was what most of us enjoyed playing and what we wanted at that time. Knowing this I think I understand this direction.

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I'm not a master when it comes to lore, but man do I love it. I like to try and soak it up as much as I can. I love learning more and more about it, I adore reading the books when I'm not playing the game... you get the idea, I love it.


GW2 is such a huge game even with me driving through stuff for the past couple years I've only scratched the surface.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dont know a lot but am learning.

It would be good if the actual game play did in some way reflect to some extent the lore.

eg All players are basically deemed the good guys and all the non friendly mobs are the bad guys , and the bad guys have no regard for the race of the good guys and vice versa.

It would be interesting if there was some kind of consideration done , eg the seperatists have a real problem with the Charr and a lesser problem with the other races, least of all the humans , so if you are playing a Charr, the separatists would be more likley to attack you , than if you were playing a human.

Same goes for the other races as well.

I dont know how this would affect the game balance though.


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I very love the story and the lore in gw2, they are both stunning, I would not say that developers are lazy but, a ton of things unfinished.... Lore for me is all the various ambient dialog and the map herself, when I found today in sandswept isles a stone gate, with an empty room behind her with another stone gate, the whole non-accessible, it makes me wonder: why? what's the point? For me they missed an opportunity just like all closed gates in Western complex... The achiev Inquest.info don't make us learn nothing interesting, it feel like this project begun and was stopped 1 second later... Examples are everywhere: Wizard Tower in kessex hills, floating castles in mad king dimension, rata sum port authority closed gate and dialog, two unused asuran gates near thaumanova reactor... Whisper order agent telling you something really huge will happen, and nothing after 5 years...

So... what I'm asking is, soloable puzzles/mini-dungeon that make you learn something really interesting and a title all around tyria. I feel like they don't care of their lore which is sad, like, in the domain of Istan, did you spotted that the pirate airship have the aetherblade emblem on it? Does it means they were former aetherblades? Or they just re-use an asset? I hope they aren't used it for fun like asuran ruin walls in the north of sandswept isles (ruined paths) would be cool to have an NPC stating if they are asuran ruins or not.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

>The achiev Inquest.info don't make us learn nothing interesting, it feel like this project begun and was stopped 1 second later...

Well, it explains how the Inquest got their catchphrase of (german):"Unsere Mitarbeiter sind uns wichtig!" But I get what you mean.

There is a lot of interesting stuff, that exists next to the main story, but most of it cannot be continued due to, well, time constraints? Maybe the dropped plot thread doesn't fit the episode they are currently working on, other things happen, plans change and there remains a lonely and seemingly forgotten plot thread.


For instance, we can tell that there must have been a mutual assistance pact in the peace treaty between the Legions of Ash, Blood and Iron and the Kingdom of Kryta, because we see charr soldiers assisting the seraph against Caudecus and his white mantle and bloodstone menagerie. Sadly, we have no info on the treaty itself, how and when it was finalized and the public reaction to the first peace treaty between humans and charr.

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I think this game has some of the best and most rewarding lore of any MMO out there. It is one of the main reasons I keep playing, and I feel a genuine connection to the world because of it.


I definitely feel I have a long way to go before I could ever consider myself an expert on the subject, but I do take the time to idle and listen to conversations, read in-game books and notices, talk to NPCs, etc. Where possible, without spoiling the story, I also make extensive use of the wiki to read up on anything that is hazy.


So, yes, the lore is definitely of major importance to me and it has enriched my experience immeasurably.

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I am one of the veteran players, been here since GW1 and been loving the lore ever since. I just wish they would do much more with it, push abit higher, switch to a higher gear, you know?


So rich with lore yet we know so little, I don't know what the Story writers are doing here really. :tired_face:

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It is fun and no conventional, dragons are not exactly fantasy dragons, we have an undead dragon made of serpents and corpses, a jungle dragon made of..... i mean, a jungle made of a dragon, a crystal dragon wich appears to be made entirelly of rock, a lava dragon which is inmense... also the way they function, balancing the quantities of magic in the world. It really makes me think that if GW 3 cames to be, it will be in a time after the dragons awoke and consumed all the magic, wiping out the races and restarting the cycle of magic again.


Maybe what Scarlet saw was the inevitable conclusion than Tyria will face in a near future.

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I'm always big nerd for lore in every game I play.


Which sometimes leaves to funny situations when some devs of some games does not put enought thought behind the fluff text for their quests and stuff making that particular quest of item/mechanic make no sense from in-world perspective xD

(most notable example of this I recall was in Runes of Magic, when one of forrest areas had "hunters camp" where one of the supposed hunters ask player to bring them meat of boars wandering around because the camp is starving and IT'S DANGEROUS OUTSIDE OF IT!!11oneone ;) )


And in comparision with other games I have played GW and GW2 story is very well thought out and being actually focused on which was always major bonus points for GW for me :)

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