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Please Don't Nerf the Chef!


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You mean the chef that asks for ingredients in a short time in order for you to get a PoF mastery point?


Please, DO nerf it. I found it very annoying. And because English is not my native tongue, I tend to need more time reading than he gives me, guaranteeing a fail. I'll see if I can get other mastery points in order to get to the springer mount.

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I'm fond of the new types of masteries (memory puzzle, search-and-find), but the chef needs to be nerfed imo. I understand that a lot of people enjoyed that mini-game, but there are people who physically cannot do it as-is. I have a palsy, for example, and couldn't mouse over the chef fast enough because I shake. Whenever I got an ingredient to him (my highest was 4) I would hope that was the last one. How many times did I try? However many a person can do consecutively in 50 minutes.

If they don't nerf the chef, fine. I won't get that mastery. I'm genuinely not bitter or angry; it's very creative. If they do make it a bit easier, I think that would be kind.

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> @MachineManXX.9746 said:

> > @John.8507 said:

> > Challenge was good, and yes a bit frustrating but can be done so please don't nerf


> I don't have an opinion either way, but if you already completed it, then why do you care if it gets nerfed or not?


I was just thinking this.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> It is frustrating to see how fast people always call for nerfs. If it is not done on first try it better be nerfed lmao


Well, some people have posted reasonable reasons as to why it should be nerfed. One person has physical issues. Another doesn't have English as a first language. Whether those reasons are enough for ANet to nerf, I do not know.


But I think a good compromise would be to allow it to be nerfed for the initial run through to get the Mastery. But make it repeatable like some Hero Challenges are repeatable. And the difficulty at that point is like how it is now. Higher difficulty because the Chef expects you to be better since you've done it once before :P.

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> @Seera.5916 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > It is frustrating to see how fast people always call for nerfs. If it is not done on first try it better be nerfed lmao


> Well, some people have posted reasonable reasons as to why it should be nerfed. One person has physical issues. Another doesn't have English as a first language. Whether those reasons are enough for ANet to nerf, I do not know.


> But I think a good compromise would be to allow it to be nerfed for the initial run through to get the Mastery. But make it repeatable like some Hero Challenges are repeatable. And the difficulty at that point is like how it is now. Higher difficulty because the Chef expects you to be better since you've done it once before :P.


the issues are a problem for the individual to overcome, not for the game to dumb it self down to pander to.

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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> all i see is "i already did it but anyone who can't should suffer", i would love to see it nerfed to the ground.

> extent the timer, allow us to give them so we don't miss all the time, make him stand still longer.


Yeah. Some members of this community follow the "I got mine so nothing else matters" mentality and aren't shy bringing it up.


> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > @Seera.5916 said:

> > > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > > It is frustrating to see how fast people always call for nerfs. If it is not done on first try it better be nerfed lmao

> >

> > Well, some people have posted reasonable reasons as to why it should be nerfed. One person has physical issues. Another doesn't have English as a first language. Whether those reasons are enough for ANet to nerf, I do not know.

> >

> > But I think a good compromise would be to allow it to be nerfed for the initial run through to get the Mastery. But make it repeatable like some Hero Challenges are repeatable. And the difficulty at that point is like how it is now. Higher difficulty because the Chef expects you to be better since you've done it once before :P.


> the issues are a problem for the individual to overcome, not for the game to kitten it self down to pander to.


Hardcore cooking simulation content.

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > @Seera.5916 said:

> > > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > > It is frustrating to see how fast people always call for nerfs. If it is not done on first try it better be nerfed lmao

> >

> > Well, some people have posted reasonable reasons as to why it should be nerfed. One person has physical issues. Another doesn't have English as a first language. Whether those reasons are enough for ANet to nerf, I do not know.

> >

> > But I think a good compromise would be to allow it to be nerfed for the initial run through to get the Mastery. But make it repeatable like some Hero Challenges are repeatable. And the difficulty at that point is like how it is now. Higher difficulty because the Chef expects you to be better since you've done it once before :P.


> the issues are a problem for the individual to overcome, not for the game to kitten it self down to pander to.


Some issues players haven't aren't such that they can be overcome.


And if you read all of what I said, whether those reasons are enough to nerf is unknown.

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