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Staffs (Staves?) in PvE?


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A long long time ago (in a Tyria far far away) I was playing my Mesmer with a staff. I took a long break from the game and came back, having to relearn. Since picking up my character again I've been running with greatsword instead (alongside sword & shield) as a Domination/Duelling/Chronomancer as it seems to be the best damage output. I don't do a lot of raids (in fact, I do a grand total of 0 raids) but I do sometimes get involved in HoT map metas.


My main question is - are there any decent builds for staffs/staves that will be really viable in PvE, considering I'm mainly focussing on damage? It seems to be based around condi damage/crowd control.

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> A long long time ago (in a Tyria far far away) I was playing my Mesmer with a staff. I took a long break from the game and came back, having to relearn. Since picking up my character again I've been running with greatsword instead (alongside sword & shield) as a Domination/Duelling/Chronomancer as it seems to be the best damage output. I don't do a lot of raids (in fact, I do a grand total of 0 raids) but I do sometimes get involved in HoT map metas.


> My main question is - are there any decent builds for staffs/staves that will be really viable in PvE, considering I'm mainly focussing on damage? It seems to be based around condi damage/crowd control.


The mesmers' staff is only good in PvE if you run condition builds. Other than that, use the greatsword with the sword/shield for the power damage or sword/torch for the hybrid/condition damage.

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Run viper Mirage (Duelling/Chaos/Mirage) with IH and staff. That's a good way to get the most out of staff clones and it is also aesthetically satisfying to play. :)

> >


> Pardon my newb question; what's IH?


Sorry, Infinite Horizon - one of the mirage grandmaster major traits. It allows all your clones to perform an ambush attack whenever you get mirage cloak (which is every time you dodge or walk through a mirror. Illusionary ambush does it as standard anyway so no change for that skill). With Deceptive evasion and traited staff it allows you to pop out staff clones very quickly though phase retreat and iwarlock or simply dodging, and every time you dodge they all ambush - which is not only a visually beautiful effect but has good damage output. Just be aware that there is a target cap for the chaos vortex so in larger fights (ie if you're doing dragons stand or something) the pink ball could get absorbed by targets (allies or enemies) on the way to what you're trying to hit. In smaller fights it's no problem.


See AliamRationem's thread (sorry I can't link because typing from a phone - scroll down main page to "Open World Domination") regarding pve open world and further build ideas. Yes there is a lot of axe use but if you like staff a lot you can casually sit back in staff only.

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> A long long time ago (in a Tyria far far away) I was playing my Mesmer with a staff. I took a long break from the game and came back, having to relearn. Since picking up my character again I've been running with greatsword instead (alongside sword & shield) as a Domination/Duelling/Chronomancer as it seems to be the best damage output. I don't do a lot of raids (in fact, I do a grand total of 0 raids) but I do sometimes get involved in HoT map metas.


> My main question is - are there any decent builds for staffs/staves that will be really viable in PvE, considering I'm mainly focussing on damage? It seems to be based around condi damage/crowd control.


Staff is not the best damage weapon for any build that I know of. However, for open world play it's a very strong defensive weapon that also happens to deal surprisingly good damage if you use Infinite Horizon, keep 3 clones out, and spam ambush. However, I think it really shines as a backup weapon. I use it as a compliment to axe. Staff is great for quick escapes, might stacking, and of course whenever it isn't feasible to be at melee range.


Check out this video of axe/torch, staff Mirage. Maybe it will give you some ideas.



I'm not sure how much damage you're looking for. To provide a frame of reference, with this build I can solo all of the HoT HP champions and all but mushroom queen I can beat in well under 2 minutes (she takes more like 2:30 because she has higher health and I deal lower damage due to relying more heavily on staff). I can solo about 75% of the PoF bounty champions, too, as well as some of the legendary bounties. Most of the champions take 4-6 minutes (legendaries have a lot more health), but can take longer depending upon the boss and which unstable magic they draw.


Here's the build if you want to try it out:



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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > A long long time ago (in a Tyria far far away) I was playing my Mesmer with a staff. I took a long break from the game and came back, having to relearn. Since picking up my character again I've been running with greatsword instead (alongside sword & shield) as a Domination/Duelling/Chronomancer as it seems to be the best damage output. I don't do a lot of raids (in fact, I do a grand total of 0 raids) but I do sometimes get involved in HoT map metas.

> >

> > My main question is - are there any decent builds for staffs/staves that will be really viable in PvE, considering I'm mainly focussing on damage? It seems to be based around condi damage/crowd control.


> Staff is not the best damage weapon for any build that I know of. However, for open world play it's a very strong defensive weapon that also happens to deal surprisingly good damage if you use Infinite Horizon, keep 3 clones out, and spam ambush. However, I think it really shines as a backup weapon. I use it as a compliment to axe. Staff is great for quick escapes, might stacking, and of course whenever it isn't feasible to be at melee range.


> Check out this video of axe/torch, staff Mirage. Maybe it will give you some ideas.




> I'm not sure how much damage you're looking for. To provide a frame of reference, with this build I can solo all of the HoT HP champions and all but mushroom queen I can beat in well under 2 minutes (she takes more like 2:30 because she has higher health and I deal lower damage due to relying more heavily on staff). I can solo about 75% of the PoF bounty champions, too, as well as some of the legendary bounties. Most of the champions take 4-6 minutes (legendaries have a lot more health), but can take longer depending upon the boss and which unstable magic they draw.


> Here's the build if you want to try it out:


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAnfWnsnBNohFMDupBMMjlZjqMAutkxv+7//3cEWhPA-jxxHQBA4UAQrnAw8U/JjKB3x+DDU5340HQGgq1A-e


Nice video, good job

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> @"Rebel.6419" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > > A long long time ago (in a Tyria far far away) I was playing my Mesmer with a staff. I took a long break from the game and came back, having to relearn. Since picking up my character again I've been running with greatsword instead (alongside sword & shield) as a Domination/Duelling/Chronomancer as it seems to be the best damage output. I don't do a lot of raids (in fact, I do a grand total of 0 raids) but I do sometimes get involved in HoT map metas.

> > >

> > > My main question is - are there any decent builds for staffs/staves that will be really viable in PvE, considering I'm mainly focussing on damage? It seems to be based around condi damage/crowd control.

> >

> > Staff is not the best damage weapon for any build that I know of. However, for open world play it's a very strong defensive weapon that also happens to deal surprisingly good damage if you use Infinite Horizon, keep 3 clones out, and spam ambush. However, I think it really shines as a backup weapon. I use it as a compliment to axe. Staff is great for quick escapes, might stacking, and of course whenever it isn't feasible to be at melee range.

> >

> > Check out this video of axe/torch, staff Mirage. Maybe it will give you some ideas.

> >

> >

> >

> > I'm not sure how much damage you're looking for. To provide a frame of reference, with this build I can solo all of the HoT HP champions and all but mushroom queen I can beat in well under 2 minutes (she takes more like 2:30 because she has higher health and I deal lower damage due to relying more heavily on staff). I can solo about 75% of the PoF bounty champions, too, as well as some of the legendary bounties. Most of the champions take 4-6 minutes (legendaries have a lot more health), but can take longer depending upon the boss and which unstable magic they draw.

> >

> > Here's the build if you want to try it out:

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAnfWnsnBNohFMDupBMMjlZjqMAutkxv+7//3cEWhPA-jxxHQBA4UAQrnAw8U/JjKB3x+DDU5340HQGgq1A-e


> Nice video, good job


Thanks! And if you're interested, I have tons of videos of boss solos up on my channel.

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