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Please stop with removing GWAMM

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How many times do you need to remove GWAMM from my account. You've done it 3 times now and every time you do it I lose achievement points. I get it, I don't have GWAMM . But your constant reminders and punishments are getting to be too much. I've earned these achievement points honestly and you keep taking them from me. Please stop it. It's annoying and frustrating. I have no idea why this keeps triggering on me as I've never seen the title on my account.

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I agree 100% PLEASE!!! stop doing this it's a PIA!! to fix I went through a lot today just to get it back between redownloading GW1 to changing my password(s) so for pete's sakes stop taking our titles away after we worked so hard to achieve them Thank You God Apsu

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It’s a bug dating back from when they fixed an older bug where people made a new character and were given all HoM titles and AP. (They were also given all the items but no one made it to the HoM in time to claim them before the HoM was closed down)


>[**Anet Dornsinger**](



>Hi there! As I just mentioned in the login issues thread:

>The solution for the HoM will be the same as always: Either simply wait and give it some time, or log into Guild Wars, visit Kimmes the Historian; then log into Guild Wars and and visit his spirit there.

>**Basically what happens: The server that handles account matters (creating accounts, logging in, what's in your guild list...) also handles the communication between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. If that bridge breaks, you lose the HoM connection. And the game notices that loss and reacts with a script from WAY back in the day, when we once did that on purpose to some players who should not have had the HoM rewards and sends you that in-game mail.**

> The solution really is to let the server communicate again, either by waiting, or by nudging the connection, once the main issue is resolved. :3

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tl;dr this is a symptom of a different underlying problem. Once that is addressed, the HoM/GWAMM status resolves itself



To add to what _Just a flesh wound_ quoted, see also:



Short version: GW2 no longer stores details about GW1 progress. It now checks with GW1 to validate your HoM score and GWAMM status. When there's an issue with server:server communication, this temporary removal is one of the most obvious side effects. Other symptoms, which are more annoying to some include:

* Guild issues, including no guild chat, and/or no access to guild bank, and/or no credit for guild missions, etc

* Problems with friends list

* No favorites available for PvP arenas.

* No party chat and/or no squad chat etc (which can happen separately from problems with guild chat).



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> It’s a bug dating back from when they fixed an older bug where people made a new character and were given all HoM titles and AP. (They were also given all the items but no one made it to the HoM in time to claim them before the HoM was closed down)


> >[**Anet Dornsinger**](



> >Hi there! As I just mentioned in the login issues thread:

> >The solution for the HoM will be the same as always: Either simply wait and give it some time, or log into Guild Wars, visit Kimmes the Historian; then log into Guild Wars and and visit his spirit there.

> >**Basically what happens: The server that handles account matters (creating accounts, logging in, what's in your guild list...) also handles the communication between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. If that bridge breaks, you lose the HoM connection. And the game notices that loss and reacts with a script from WAY back in the day, when we once did that on purpose to some players who should not have had the HoM rewards and sends you that in-game mail.**

> > The solution really is to let the server communicate again, either by waiting, or by nudging the connection, once the main issue is resolved. :3


I realize it's a bug. But it needs to stop. The problem is I never had GWAMM. So the game just occasionally comes in and takes away achievement points from me and NEVER GIVES THEM BACK. They are points that I earned. They are not points I received from randomly being given GWAMM. The solution isn't for me go try and fix this on my own. The solution should be for Anet to fix this. and stop randomly doing this to me.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > It’s a bug dating back from when they fixed an older bug where people made a new character and were given all HoM titles and AP. (They were also given all the items but no one made it to the HoM in time to claim them before the HoM was closed down)

> >

> > >[**Anet Dornsinger**](


> >

> > >Hi there! As I just mentioned in the login issues thread:

> > >The solution for the HoM will be the same as always: Either simply wait and give it some time, or log into Guild Wars, visit Kimmes the Historian; then log into Guild Wars and and visit his spirit there.

> > >**Basically what happens: The server that handles account matters (creating accounts, logging in, what's in your guild list...) also handles the communication between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. If that bridge breaks, you lose the HoM connection. And the game notices that loss and reacts with a script from WAY back in the day, when we once did that on purpose to some players who should not have had the HoM rewards and sends you that in-game mail.**

> > > The solution really is to let the server communicate again, either by waiting, or by nudging the connection, once the main issue is resolved. :3


> I realize it's a bug. But it needs to stop. The problem is I never had GWAMM. So the game just occasionally comes in and takes away achievement points from me and NEVER GIVES THEM BACK. They are points that I earned. They are not points I received from randomly being given GWAMM. The solution isn't for me go try and fix this on my own. The solution should be for Anet to fix this. and stop randomly doing this to me.


Have you actually tracked the amount of AP to confirm the number goes down but not back up? I find it *incredibly* unlikely that they wouldn't just continually tally the AP based on your actual achievements.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> I realize it's a bug. But it needs to stop.

How do you propose ANet stop it? Essentially, after spending at least on a year and promoting several changes to the live game to try to address the issue, they are left with two options:

* Allow some people to sometimes get GWaMM **and** HoM rewards. Removing the AP/titles (and wardrobe) takes a huge amount of time (identify the accounts, create a script, validate that the script doesn't do anything else by accident, run the script, deal with the resulting support issues). That is: this change is 'permanent' and must be removed manually each time.

* Allow some people to temporarily lose AP and titles, with the situation fixing itself after a short time.


I hope you can see how "temporary" is better than "permanent."


> The problem is I never had GWAMM. So the game just occasionally comes in and takes away achievement points from me and NEVER GIVES THEM BACK.

It _always_ gives them back. Always.


> They are points that I earned. They are not points I received from randomly being given GWAMM.

No is saying otherwise. Well, okay, the email implies it; it ought to be changed at this point. But the devs have been explicit: you're not losing anything you earned; you just can't see it temporarily.


> The solution isn't for me go try and fix this on my own.

You don't have to. All you can do on your own is speed up the process; the game will resolve it for you.


> The solution should be for Anet to fix this. and stop randomly doing this to me.

It's not random. The awards were earned in GW1, not GW2. In order to validate what you did in GW1, GW2 needs to be able to "talk to" the GW1 servers. Sometimes that doesn't happen, just like sometimes we can't use chat or guild banks (and all of these things have roughly the same root cause: one server isn't talking to another as it should).



I am sympathetic to the frustration ANet is, too. The problem is that the only feasible solutions they have are the current one (which is annoying, briefly, for a fraction of players) and the old one, which didn't work and ultimately could affect everyone.



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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> The check is necessary so people who get banned in GW1 loose their HoM stuff in GW2


As far as I've seen, the check was instituted to prevent people in GW2 who hadn't earned GWaMM or HoM points in GW1 from getting access to the titles/AP in GW2.


Do you have a supporting quote that indicates that it also removes GWaMM/HoM from GW2 accounts linked to a banned GW1 account? I'd like to add it to my documentation on the topic. (non-English is okay, too) Thanks.

(To clarify: it sounds plausible and reasonable; I just never read anything where a dev hinted at this secondary effect.)

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Anet said before GW2 release that people with banned GW1 accounts wont get HoM rewards, I guess this "fix" also includes people who got banned in GW1 after linking their account to GW2.


Oh right, I vaguely remember that. Thanks.

It does sound plausible that this current mechanic will only validate unbanned accounts (which would, in effect, revoke rewards from banned ones). However, since ANet has changed its collective mind about what sorts of punishment they dole out... and since the people who worked on this mechanic weren't part of the team making HoM decisions prior to GW2's launch... I'm going to reserve judgment for now.

Or put another way: you're probably right, but ANet's surprised us before.

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